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Hi there. I just spotted your addition of a link to the acid page (sorry, by the way, for removing your previous edit - I just thought that the person who added the section could have been a bit more specific in what they wanted it to contain). I had a look at the page, and while it looks great, it does seem to have pinched its content from the Wikipedia without acknowledging it. Do you know anything about the site at all? I just thought I'd ask before I drop them an e-mail directly. Plenty of other sites "pinch" from WP, but they usually acknowledge it as their source. Cheers, --Plumbago 09:50, 7 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. I've also just noticed that no-one's formally welcomed you to WP. My apologies. I hope you like what you find, and please contribute wherever you can. If you have any questions or queries about how to do things here (probably not given that you're editing already), please don't hestitate to ask.

Thank you for the welcome. I just signed up and went through the directory of pages that said they needed some editing work. I am doing my PreMed basics in college and figured I would start with some chemistry and biology related topics. Thebioreview is my lab partner's site that he did for a business class... ironically. I will let him know that he needs to make changes to the site. What page can I direct him to that will show him what he needs to do?
Is there a tutorial page for "first day" wiki editors?
Hi again. Thanks for responding so quickly to my note. Sorry I've been a lot slower. Regarding your lab partner's site, I think it should be clear about its sources. I, for one, wouldn't be impressed by a website that ostensibly provided content, when that content was merely lifted from elsewhere. Especially since the website claims copyright over the material on it. I don't think Wikipedia will chase your lab partner down or anything (not least because it doesn't technically have copyright either), but I think it'd be a good idea to identify original and sourced content. Unfortunately, I'm not sufficiently aware of WP's guideline pages to suggest how best to do this. It is, however, something of a no-brainer - just flag up stuff that was sourced elsewhere.
Regarding pages for "first day" editors, the help desk is probably a good place to start. Alternatively, you could do what I did, and just use the WP as an encyclopedia for a while at first until you work out how it all works. It's fairly straightforward, and any edits you make can be reverted easily enough for mistakes not to matter too much.
Cheers, --Plumbago 15:50, 10 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]