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User talk:Gandalf122/sandbox

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Major Points: A standard of a "perfect article" involves branching out by containing wikilinks so I would suggest linking relevant topics/articles within the article to help readers better understand the background information behind the subject of the article. Another standard involves including informative and relevant images so I think adding pictures would make the article more interesting. There are currently two sources, but I would have loved to see more variety as a majority of the citations are attributed to one source. While the overall article is well written, there are some instances where the writing isn't precise and explicit such as "[t]he withdrawal reflex is a reflex that protects an organism from dangerous stimuli" -- what dangerous stimuli exactly? Despite my lack of knowledge on the subject, I believe that the information expressed in the article is understandable for the most part. The author should make it known that Substance P would be abbreviated to SP to avoid confusion.
Minor Points: The use of headings and subheadings is good, but only the first word of each heading should be capitalized. Consider changing "[t]here is growing evidence..." to "Growing evidence exists suggesting that auto-immune T-cells are involved in neurogenesis" to eliminate use of "there is" phrases. I didn't notice many spelling errors other than the author spelling hippocampal wrong as well as vomiting wrong at the end of the edited article. Hillaryjd (talk) 19:42, 25 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Peer Review #2


Major Points: Have you thought about making the introduction to the article more readable? Changing the sentence structure as well as avoiding the use of complex (to readers not in your field) terms specific to your field in the introduction would help. Have you acknowledged and explored all aspects of the subject (the neuroimmune system)? I can’t say I’m an expert on this particular topic so I don’t have any specific suggestions for aspects you may have missed, but you should go back and make sure you included them all. If not, then you just have more information to include to make the article even better! I still would’ve liked a better variety of sources, but I know you said it was hard to find information on your topic.

Minor Points: As the term “noxious stimuli” is a plural term, the line including "...noxious stimuli activates nociceptors" should read as "...noxious stimuli activate nociceptors..." There's a wikilink to ATP, but the full name of adenosine triphosphate is missing before the abbreviation. There is a misspelling of neurotransmitters in the last paragraph of the Cellular physiology section. I'm only pointing this out because I feel obligated to do so because of my oxford comma sticker on my laptop, but you could use a comma for the sentence that reads, "these chemicals act by increasing redness, the swelling of damaged tissues and the attachment..." There are a few other missing commas in the article so you might want to go back and read over your sentences to see which don’t read across well without the necessary commas. Also, I'm not sure why neuroimmune is hyphenated twice while all the other times it is not.Hillaryjd (talk) 14:38, 3 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Context Memo 1: This article was my second choice for project 3. I had originally intended to contribute to a Wiki article on the long term effects of cannabis use (the main subject of my literature review), however, the talk page of that article was filled with some pretty opinionated editors. I decided to pick a more mellow article to edit for my first time. The interactions between the nervous system and the immune system have been brought up before in previous courses and my current seminar class, so I figured this would be a good option as it is relevant to my field and interesting. Wikipedia should accept my additions to their article because the specifics about the withdrawal reflex and reflexes to pathogens are useful contributions that highlight an orchestration of the nervous and immune systems. The information I have added about cytokine and interleukin binding interactions is also an essential feature of neuroimmune responses. All of my sources come from either literature reviews or textbooks and I maintained a NPOV so I believe my additions should be accepted.Gandalf122 (talk) 03:54, 8 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Context Memo 2: This article was more brief before I edited it. I expanded the cellular physiology section which was tagged as incomplete by Wiki, and added useful information on inflammation, necrosis, and the effects of intruding bacteria and pathogens on neuroimmune physiology. I also decided to add a new heading for neuroimmune responses and explored several different aspects of neuroimmune processes. I further examined the role of microglia and astroglia and their roles in chemokine mediated communication between the nervous and immune system as well as their roles in synaptic pruning. Glial cells were mentioned before I edited the article, however the article did not go into much detail and they are of the most prominent players in the system. I also included several reflexes of the neuroimmune system. This subheading branches out to three further subheadings including the withdrawal reflex, the reflex to pathogens and toxins, and the reflex to parasites. Each of these sections accounts for neuroimmune responses to their respective stimuli that were not mentioned in the article before. Finally I added a section on positive feedback loops as neuroimmune responses to irritants such as allergens can cause further coughing and allergic responses as a result of hypersensitization of neurons and restructure of their networks. Finally I added MS, asthma, and chronic cough to the clinical significance subheading as these conditions are all implicated with neuroimmune processes but were not mentioned previously. Wikipedia should accept my edits because they are all netural in their point of view and from reputable literature reviews and textbooks. I look forward to the comments of other editors on the article. Gandalf122

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroimmune_system — Preceding unsigned comment added by Gandalf122 (talkcontribs) 01:21, 11 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]