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Lederer, Laura J. "Sold for Sex: The Link between Street Gangs and Trafficking

    in Persons." The Protection Project Journal of Human Rights and Civil 
    Society, Apr. 2011. Google Scholar. Accessed 21 Apr. 2017. 

In order for the gang to recruit women to traffic they must gain the girl attention and trust. They call this the "Romeo Method." Once they find a girl, they start to manipulate her without her even knowing. A member will take her to a fancy restaurant, flounder her with expensive/lavish gifts, and take her to parties where they are provided with endless supplies of drugs and alcohol.

Another form of manipulation that the members use in order to gain the girls heart is pinpointing their insecurities and then using those insecurities to their advantage.

Once the gain members have control of the girls it is very hard for them to get out. The members use drugs and force to keep them from rebelling. The girls don't leave because they fear that they will be killed before they even have the chance. Girls that have used drugs in order to numb themselves to escape this life, depend on the members for their supply so they stay as well.

National Gang Report 2015 In order to increase profits and avoid law enforcement gangs will team up with other gangs in the area and work together. By doing this they are able to trade girls and traffic them to new "clients" or "johns". By giving them a new sexual partner they're able to sell them for more. Also, when the gangs trade girls this makes it harder on law enforcement to keep track of girls, preventing them to make a positive identification.

In many cases the gang will give the workers a rate that they must come home with at the end of the night. The gang will then take all the money and leave them with nothing. If they don't make the right amount the members of the gang will often punish them by beating or raping them. They do this to remind the girls they're their property and they control their future outcomes. 

http://www.nsvrc.org/news/news-field/15778 Many gangs chose sex trafficking as their main source go income because they're less likely to get caught as well they can make a bigger profit off it. But the first step is to find girls or boys to traffic. “Skip Parties” kind more information about that

https://humantraffickinghotline.org/resources/gang-involved-sex-trafficking What is a gang? A group of three or more people who take part in criminal activity In order to show their loyalty, they will brand themselves with tattoos, wear specific color or types of clothing and often will have sign or symbols to represent their gang.

The gang will find girls who are emotionally unstable and manipulate them into thinking being part of the gang is the best thing. They will scope out girls to traffic at malls, skip parties, online/social media, and runaways from the neighborhood.

Many of the girls they look for have been previously abused, have self-esteem issues, drug addicts, or due to lack of support are looking for a home or family to surround themselves with.