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Painbearer's place


Hello, Joe. I hope you don't mind calling you "Joe". After 3 years, I think that we established some friendly collaborative relationship so that we can use our own names. I think sometimes ago I asked you about studying in UK. As you might remember and as I have stated on my user page, I intend to start a second bachelor's degree in cultural anthropology or anthropology somewhere in UK. What I need is some help which are the best places to study in UK? I only don't wanna live and study in a big city like London or Manchester. I am really fed up with city life. Really, really fucking fed up. I would mostly like some quiet provincial ~20,000-50,000 town where to study. So, do you have any suggestions what are the best social sciences institutions and faculties, excluding those in big cities, where I can enroll? I noticed that you study in Nottingham Trent University and want to ask you is this good school. You live in UK and you can most probably provide some sort of feedback. If you can't recommend anything for my subject, I hope that you can at least point some kind of message board or community where I can ask some questions. Thank you very much, dear friend.

With all respect: Chavdar Likov / Painbearer

Sometimes... I don't know mate. Sometimes, I feel that I need some kind of... recognition for my work and dedication, perhaps. I don't know. There hasn't been a genuine "thank you". I have been working here for... well, you know. We have started around the same time back in 2004. All that lack of authorship... lack of distinctiveness gives me sometimes little tickles. I really love and appreciate my work here. I don't know how much I will be able to work here. As long as possible I suppose. I don't know. What I really want and would love to is to see that my work is being recognized. No, I am not talking about these barnstars and medals. Just... probably, a mention is enough. I guess so... I would really like to be referred as a dedicated and significant contributor.

Best regards: Chavdar Likov / Painbearer

That's great to hear it really. It is great to hear a praise from a great colleague and great friend like you, really. I appreciate it. I want to be acknowledged and this isn't small distintion to hear it. Thank you very much mate.

Regards: Chavdar / Painbearer

P.S. By the way, your new picture is great. The old one was as drunken as mine ;).



Aright Our Joe? I don't think he's quit, I seem to remember him saying something about taking the kids he teaches on a trip, or something like that anyway.

I agree totally with your comment about The Beatles being their NAME and as you know, it is also a trade name, but this was just met with "then it would always have to be written in block capitals"! Why? the trade name isn't written in block capitals! I made the point that it should be treated just the same as Coca Cola, and that was also met with the same reply - how? Coca Cola isn't written in block Caps! Now they're even dropping "The" to lower case in album info boxes: eg The Beatles how does that work?

Anyway, I hope you're well we've been very busy, this is the first time I've been o line for almost a week! Cheers Joe, all the best, Vera, Chuck & Dave 15:16, 29 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Oh Shit! Just seen his page doesn't look to good. Vera, Chuck & Dave 15:23, 29 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I know what you mean, I can be very emotional, (for someone who is highly disciplined at work) it's all the mad Irish blood coursing through me Scouse veins! Yeah, I've seen Let It Be, it gives a real insight into the breakup, the way George is dissmised by Paul & John is quite painful to watch. Cheers La, Vera, Chuck & Dave 16:00, 29 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Fair points on both counts Joe. Vera, Chuck & Dave 16:10, 29 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Fuck these Yanks Joe, I said if they take Andrea, they take me with him. Look after yourself Pal, don't give up the guitar, and be good to yourself! Cheers La, Tony

Nobody forced Andrea to leave, just like nobody forced me to leave. --Lukobe 05:11, 30 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Oh m goodness, they're dropping like flies! I feel I should pay some tribute to you all, it'll be lonely without you two, but I won't. Never mind.--Crestville 08:24, 30 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

(undent) I'm still around, doing a little on Beatles articles as and when, and editing other stuff and bugging a whole different bunch of editors elsewhere. I'm not coming back to the Project just yet, since I am pretty much part of the problem there and I would look like a right cunt if I came merrily waltzing back now that some major contributors - a couple of whom I disagreed with in the amending and application of policy - have also left. Since you, Joe, seem to be the only one now left I think I will make my final statement on this whole sorry mess here; Andreasedge, and V,C & D, John Cardinal and Lukobe were/are excellent editors who contributed great stuff to The Beatles Project. Andrew in particular really sorted out some articles. I enjoyed interacting with them in the most part, and think their loss is a loss to Wikipedia. I'm sorry things couldn't be sorted out. Mark 12:23, 30 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, I'm always partial to some silliness... I've had to live with myself for most of my life! LessHeard vanU 20:08, 30 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Can someone fill me in, or at least give me what we used to call the Reader's Digest Condensed version? Tell me this is not all about a T. Email off-system is fine, if you prefer. Not All Yanks 04:03, 31 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I did, kind of - emailed him. No response, so I hope he got it. I hope it blows over. Or else I;ll have to go kill some children (which si what80 % of them are). Tvoz |talk 03:35, 3 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

"By any other other name"


My Collette just showed me what you'd put on the page, and I just want to say thank you Joe - that was a very kind thing to do. BTW She, an me Baby Girls think you are very handsome! I hope that cheers you up, cos they look like film stars, (although I say so meself) but they do! Take Good Care, Charles Hawtrey and The Deaf Aids

You're right!


But I think I'll give The Beatles a rest for a while, I'll stick me oar inta summat else for a while! Cheers La, Vera, Chuck & Dave 19:29, 2 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, you handsome devil


Studying Law are we? I did some of that - it's a tough slog. --kingboyk 22:49, 2 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Photo looks pensive


Uhh, you young Oasis fan you, I actually worked in the next studio (Virgin "Townhouse studio") to Mr. Collins in the 80s, and played his drums when he was taking a long lunch break. I also liked early Genesis, Yes, and lots of other now-hated bands when I was a young spraffer, BTW. I will never apologise for that, because young people do that sort of thing.

I am thinking of working on Eric Sykes (because he was a genius) and Muhammad Ali (because he was also a genius with his gloves as well as his mind). I bought both books when I was in London with an Austrian steelworkers English class, so I have the page number CITATIONS. Will that do, you loveable young rogue, you? (P.S. Me Austrian bird knows exactly who Crestville and Vera Chuck and Dave are. She's probably bored to death by me talking about you both, but she's a good egg, as Vera says... :) P.S. She even knows who Kingboyk is... andreasegde 23:20, 2 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Actually - you Oasis sprog - Marion (me bird) loves listening about my trials and tribulations and my funny stories about you lot. She respects people that I respect, because she's interested in this weird thing called English humour (she laughs a lot, but she's not sure why - even though her Uncle was in the S.S., but she doesn't like talking about that... :)) Anyway, after all this complimentary talk about how good-looking you are, I will ask her what she thinks. She might say that you look like a potato with ears, or a pineapple with hair (like I look) but I will send you her comments (in German, with English sub-titles). andreasegde 23:56, 2 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
You seem to forget sir, that the swine you are refering to (in concection with the "top hole" exspression good egg) never said that, it was I good sir, an officer and a gentleman, not some scouse yob! I remain your faithful servant, Lt. Gonville Bromhead VC
Ey ey ey, don't slag off scoucers! Scalleeeeeez! Scally scally, pride of out ally! calm down calm down where's me giro can't buy me love echo and the bunnymen ferry over da merzeee etc. etc. --Jimmy Tarbuck or one of the McGann brothers - probably Joe - or some other vaguly racist stereotype (Surprise surprise!) 00:21, 3 April 2007 (UTC)
I totally agree with my esteemed colleague's remarks (Lt. Gonville Bromhead VC) as he is a well-respected member of The Insanely-Brave Collective of Firemen who have been knocked unconscious by a steel beam whilst on duty. You young spraffers don't know what a hard day's night is, by gad.... Sir Sean de Garde 00:14, 3 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Couldn't agree more - long may it last. BTW, its lovely to have you both back but are we all fucking insomniacs now?? ...bloody student twat

Speech captions


As Crestville has been so wildly foolish as to post a picture of his mush on his page, he must be subjected to speech and thought captions. What was Crestville thinking when he had the photo taken, one asks oneself?... (If you open Explorer twice you can flick back and forth between the captions and the photo - which is funnier...)

Bologna sauce as a contraceptive


Joe, you've been here longer than me, Andrew or Tony. You know Wikipedia doesn't require accuracy, but verifiability. If it has been published somewhere it can be quoted, and if it hasn't then it can't. Same with the 't/T'; what is true does not matter, only what can be proven (that is a point of Law you might be familiar with - yes, I do read your and Kingboyk's pages). If Andrew wishes to believe he is the wronged party then that is his perogative, but if he wants to get on with his wikilife then he ought to drop the matter and find something else to direct his energies at. LessHeard vanU 16:15, 4 April 2007 (UTC) Yeah, try putting this header on your userpage![reply]

I think talking about other editors on other pages is a silly thing to do, as I look at this page a lot, but, if the editor knows that, it's just a way of having a sly dig. andreasegde 13:40, 7 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

WikiProject Alternative music and sources


As part of the Alternative music WikiProject, we're gathering a list of sources on this page. Could you take a look and perhaps add any written references you have access to? Thanks! CloudNine 09:56, 8 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Kingboyk asked me to look at Mimi Smith's page, because he wants to put her up for FA. I agreed to go through it (being the glutton for punishment that I am, and because Mimi is me Mum) but it needs a photo of her. Can I beg you to try and find one and upload it? If you do I will buy you an evening of drinks of your choice the next time I am up north. I must also add that Mimi getting an FA would be the last chance she has of getting one over on B-class John. I can almost hear her cackling in her grave. andreasegde 19:25, 9 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hey, this is really good stuff - look at Brian's page, because it's the Battle of the Year, and more intellectually stimulating than the The. I think I have found a twat/sockpuppet who is a gobshite, and a Trojan Horse. Uhh.. I'm starting to enjoy it. Can I quote your post that said, "Take that rod out yer arse"? :)) andreasegde 00:11, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I thought that you'd like to know that two articles that you created, Joey's apartment and Monica's apartment, are listed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion. See Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Joey's apartment and Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Monica's apartment. WODUP 00:22, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Have posted my 2 cents, and not because we're engaged.* I actually mean what I wrote there.

(* oops, I forgot that some people have no sense of humor.)Tvoz |talk 03:12, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Please do not attack the subject of an article as you just did re Mark Langford. Such edits will not be tolerated and this one has, of course, been removed. Insulting the recently dead is unacceptable, SqueakBox 19:19, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Well even if he was that's not for us to say, and especially not here, SqueakBox 19:53, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
But I can write what I want here, right? Mark Langford - the smug charlatan who set up The Accident Group, one of those awful ambulance-chasing firms which prey on the stupid and the greedy, and then fired all his staff by text message after running the company into the ground - has died in a car accident. Sweet irony, wash over me. I should also point out that he ran over and killed a pensioner in 2000, yet furthering my belief in kharma --The Crestville who couldn't feel sympathy for a cunt 19:51, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Karma it may well be and certainly intriguing though if karma really worked how did someone like Joseph Stalin get to die an old man in his bed? I've driven through Marbella, definitely one of the craziest places for driving I have ever known (full of rich fast mercs etc), SqueakBox 20:01, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Well as he is dead I wont remove it from here, ie see WP:BLP, SqueakBox 19:53, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hey, Joe! Where you gonna go...?


Jeez, Joe, and I was going to suggest you hang around Andrea's to make sure he doesn't do himself a disservice... What is this? Getting blocked is the new cool? LessHeard vanU 20:57, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Andrew/Andrea has been blocked for 24 hours, see talk:Brian Epstein. I know me and Andrew are not mates now, but I don't want him to go bad and lose it. When he is on song and happy he is a great editor. LessHeard vanU 21:08, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I have no idea what was said, but maybe it went just a bit further than what he said a couple of comments above. I've also commented on Vera's page but, since him and Andrew are good mates and I may not be his fav WikiPeep either, perhaps you could drop a line too?
As for you, you are in the dangerous position of becoming respectable!! LessHeard vanU 21:22, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks Joe, I saw it yesterday morning and told Steve , but he said he couldn't do anything about it. I just seen his page an he seems in good spirits thanks mainly to you - good man! Vera, Chuck & Dave 02:45, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Steve=Kingbonk. Cheers, Vera, Chuck & Dave 13:40, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

good with the ladies


You are right, Darcy, we girls really like the lovin'. Can't get too much. Thanks for letting me know about that one! Tvoz |talk 01:32, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Kingboyk has put her up for an FA gang-bang. Itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny photo? Try and get one of her in her knickers, or something seductive at least... andreasegde 19:00, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Image:Reevesmortimer_1.jpg listed for deletion


An image or media file that you uploaded or altered, File:Reevesmortimer 1.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Images and media for deletion. Please look there to see why this is (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry), if you are interested in it not being deleted. Thank you. Abu badali (talk) 21:20, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Unspecified source for File:Derek & Clive.jpg


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You have uploaded File:Crestville Sir.jpg, which I doubt that you took yourself. If your hands were not on the actual camera button at the time, they must have been somewhere else. Please state: Who took the photograph, where it was taken and at what time, what state of alcoholic dementia you were in, and your reasons for having requested it to be taken. Also state, however, where your hands really were at the time. Thanks. Mr Foto (not from Japan) 17:31, 13 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



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Who has been eating my porridge/uploading photos? (Goldilocks and The Three bears) I only came to ask you what you you thought of The Libertines, but I guess you'll be snowed under answering all of that lot above... Uhh-err, missus.. (Don't be talking about rods and nether regions now, me young lad...) andreasegde 19:06, 13 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



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Wikiproject Monty Python


hey there, I've noticed you're a Python fan and have been working on some Python-related material here on Wiki. I thought I'd let you know that I have proposed a Wikiproject dedicated to Monty Python and would like you to show your interest. You can do that by adding your name under the interested user page on the proposal page. Fell free to leave comments there as well. I look forward to starting this project as soon as some interest shows itself. Ganfon 02:36, 15 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The the


I have just realised that there is an excellent way of solving the "The" problem, and it's very easy. Put the name of the band at the start of a sentence, and it is totally correct. I will give you an example:

There you go - job done, and nobody can complain :)) andreasegde 20:18, 18 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Aha! The demon drink! Do you want me to revert it? Cheers la, Vera, Chuck & Dave 13:02, 20 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Nice one our Joe! Vera, Chuck & Dave 13:05, 20 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
It was a fair reversion. Wikipedia talk pages aren't meant to be for social chat, and an editor was blocked recently over an episode a bit like this (one talk page invited insults, another editor duly obliged, somebody else told him off, he then abused that person and got blocked). Just a word of warning to the wise. --kingboyk 13:18, 20 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
In my measly and sly way, is it allowed to insult one's own good self? I could have mountains of fun with that one, believe me. :)) Nah, it probably wouldn't be allowed, especially by that stupid, northern, arrogant dickhead with a fixation on big tits (sorry big Ts) called andreasegde, and who has a bleedin' birds name an' all. I wish he'd sod off back to sausage chomping land... andreasegde 15:31, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Ditto--Crestville 10:09, 24 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Uhh-err missus.... andreasegde 17:44, 26 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

A statement


As I am not a member of The Beatles project, I see no reason to abide by its policy rules, as it does not represent Wikipedia as a whole, but insists on enforcing its own self-determined policy on contributors. I truly believe that this is dictatorial, and does not have anything to do with the true purpose of Wikipedia. The Beatles' project is a break-away group, and should be reminded of what Wikipedia really is. andreasegde 18:03, 22 April 2007 (UTC

This is like waiting for a bus


Where's your Germanic friend with the girl's name? You know, the one who used to be in U2! I need his help with the Mimi Smith article :) --kingboyk 23:12, 23 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I am here, and I will... (Uhh, stop it - you know how much I like a good FA...) andreasegde 01:56, 24 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

WikiProject The Beatles Newsletter
Issue 012 – April 2007

Beatles News
  • On Friday 30th March, a deranged fan was held after attempting to force his way into Paul McCartney's mansion. See here for more details.
  • Apple Corps continues to make news, after the recent settlement with Apple Computer over the use of the Apple trademark. On April 10th, the company announced that long-time chief executive Neil Aspinall had stepped down and had been replaced by American Jeff Jones. It was also announced that another long term dispute, this time with EMI over royalties, had been amicably settled prior to Aspinall's departure.[1][2]
Project News
  • The article "Jeff Jones (music industry executive)" suddenly becomes of top importance in the Apple sphere of Beatledom. User:Kingboyk has created a stub on the man, but the article needs urgent beefing up (including basic biographical data such as date and place of birth) and, if possible, a photograph of the new Apple chief executive.
  • With the debate over "the Beatles" vs "The Beatles" continuing to cause ill feeling and a number of resignations from the project from advocates on both sides, Kingboyk attempted to diffuse the situation by blanking the Project Policy page and tagging it as {{historical}}. Although this unilateral action hasn't been reverted as of the time of writing, the reaction was mixed, with two members rejoining the project and others stating their disagreement. With the issue still not resolved, the page was sent to Miscellany for Deletion, for the wider community (and WikiProject The Beatles members) to consider the issue.
Member News
  • The membership list has been trimmed, with inactive members listed seperately to help gauge the status of the project. If you've been incorrectly listed as inactive, please don't be offended - just move yourself back to the main list.
The Rutles: The legendary group who inspired lesser imitators like "The Beatles". WikiWorld, March 2007
From the Editors

This has been a tumultuous month for the project yet again.

We need your input on how the project should work and what it's role should be. And we need to start getting Featured Articles, folks! :)

Next issue

This is your newsletter and you can be involved in the creation of the next issue (Issue 013 – May 2007). Any and all contributions are welcome. Simply let yourself be known to any of the undersigned, or just start editing!

Contributors to this Issue

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BetacommandBot 23:40, 26 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Ah - Ha!


Have a look at andrea's post at the bottom of my page - so that's why you've got all that dosh is it? Cheers Pal, Amir Editor

The Alternative music WikiProject Newsletter
Issue 1 - April 2007
"There are shitloads of meaning in the songs. I don't know what they mean, but there's still meaning there." - Liam Gallagher
Project news
New members

Swidden, CattleGirl, UncleMontezuma, Dark Devil, RedHotRageSlave, Kudasai, Sjones23, Triviumchick1990 and Mr Richardson joined the alternative music ranks during April.



To stop receiving this newsletter, or to receive it in a different format, please list yourself in the appropriate section here.

Delivered by CloudNine 14:12, 29 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

For no reason at all


For absolutely no reason at all...Dancing peanut butter jellybean-thingy. The sneaky BASTARD... 19:03, 28 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I apologise for constantly putting silly messages on people's pages, but I can't help it. My only explanation is that one has to be silly to balance out the boring, hard-working bits in ones's life. If one has a 'beef' with someone, then one should talk about it. What exactly is your rump/'beef'? andreasegde 16:19, 29 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Gizza gram you Scalleeeeeeeeeeeeee! Amir Editor

Joe I've just souced a quote in this article, and seen an allegedly sourced quote that the Traffic Warden's name was "Meta Davis". Is this a wind up do think? A book is quoted, but there is no ISBN what do you think? Cheers Pal, Vera, Chuck & Dave 18:27, 29 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Barry Miles' book (Many Years From Now) - page 320. Macca said he wrote it in the Wirral, but a traffic warden called Meta Davies said she gave him a ticket outside his house in London, and after she wrote her full name on the ticket, Macca said that it would make a good title for a song, as traffic wardens in America are called Meter Maids. Mr. Bookworm 11:03, 30 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
This is true. As I recall Macca changed the name to Rita since he thought people wouldn't believe that Meta was a real name. She died in the early 1990's. LessHeard vanU 12:49, 30 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
"Meta" is a "pet name" for Margaret in Scotland. The issuing officer would not have used her pet name on the ticket, it would have rendered the ticket invalid - he's just a fibber! Vera, Chuck & Dave 13:45, 30 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
People have been registered in the pet or diminutive version of names for much of the 20th Century. If you know a Barry, or Gar(r)y, it is very unlikely that that their proper name is Bartholamew, Barre(s)ford or Barrington, or Garfield or Gareth. Women have been christened Mandy rather than Amanda. It is possible that Meta was her proper name. LessHeard vanU 20:36, 30 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Ok. I'll have those, but not Meta, no way! He's just a fibber! Vera, Chuck & Dave 20:59, 30 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
BTW, I'm too young to have been issued with a ticket in the 60s, but the issuing officer uses a number, and the time of issue, not a name. Vera, Chuck & Dave 21:54, 30 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
She (a female women of the gentler sex) was issuing a ticket to Paul McCartney (eligible batchelor and member of tHe Ruttles). Perhaps the thought crossed her mind, "I'll simply put in the number and time like I'm supposed to, and perhaps my display of nonchalance will intrigue him enough to turn over Jane Asher and seek me out... right, that's M, E, T, A, and a little loveheart!" LessHeard vanU 21:25, 1 May 2007 (UTC) BTW Liverpool have just gone through. Beat Untied for me, please.[reply]
Yeah go on then Mark, you can have that! Macca probley did, an got more than a loveheart! Beat the Mancs for yer? It'll be a pleasure ole chap! Cheers la, Bill Shankly's Red Shirt
You'll have to make do with Milan now - will that do? Vera, Chuck & Dave 18:24, 3 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
'Spose so. We will have to turn over the Untied at the noo Wembley to end our season on a high. LessHeard vanU 09:17, 12 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I know a kid called Sharlotte. Fucking idiots.--Crestville 11:52, 1 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah I belive yer. Know any fucking Meta's?--Vera, Chuck & Dave 12:04, 1 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Greta's worth a fiver deffo! Giss yer address an it'll be in the post! Did she really die or are you windin me up? Vera, Chuck & Dave 15:36, 1 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
LOL! That's dead funny, but by the same token (no I'm not takin the piss) very touching. I love rhubard - me Wife makes it inta pies, but first she cooks it very slowly in lemonade - dead gear with cream, real boss! Cheers la, Vera, Chuck & Dave 18:24, 3 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Pop music of the 20th century


By very boring men in tweed jackets smoking pipes.--Crestville 16:53, 3 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Ahh... but they get the last word. Let's hope they're not around in 100 years when they write up the history of "Pop music in the 20th century". Can you imagine it?
  • "Barry Manilow was a well-respected and much-loved performer, who, along with lesser-known acts like Sir Paul McCartney, wrote some splendid songs in the form of ballads." Arrgghhh.... andreasegde 17:01, 3 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
This could be a whole article in Wha!-Pedia in 100 years. "Oasis were derivatively named (see oasis) and occupied a minor slot in the latter half of the 20th century with songs distinctly similar to American groups like The Monkees and British artists like The Sex Pistols". The nightmare would be unbearable.... andreasegde 17:10, 3 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Jarvis, Noel and, errr... Michael


Gallagher is also quoted as saying of Jackson's behaviour "For Michael Jackson to come over to this country after what's all gone on - and I think we all know what I'm talking about here - to dress in a white robe, right, thinking he's the Messiah - I mean who does he think he is? Me?"

That is worthy of John Lemon and the Beekles... :)) andreasegde 00:44, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Some problems with your edits


I have a number of issues that I want to clear up, outside of the restricted arena of the edit summary. I am also concerned that you seem to think that I must 'answer to you', which is not the case as there is no such thing as ownership on wikipedia. Anyway, I have several material issues with your edits:

  • 1. You removed the bit about Jackson stretching his arms out in imitation of a move he did in the video. I'm guessing you are removing this because it doesn't fit with your opinion that Michael thinks he's Christ, that it's a logical explanation and that cocker was WRONG. I'm putting this back in because I don't want this paragraph to be pumped to the max with anti-Jackson sentiment. There are two explanations: either (if you believe tabloids) he's got a Christ-complex, OR he was simply imitating a dance move from the video. It's just so plain obvious.
  • 2. You accused me about removing the thing about the press having "mixed reactions". I did NO SUCH THING. I removed the quote from Melody Maker, as if you want "mixed reactions" you have to have two differing sides. Now you've just added back Melody Maker, whilst falsely accusing me of removing the thing about mixed reactions, and have also put in the article from The Sun which is also pumped to the max with anti-Jackson sentiment. NO. I will not accept this, because this does not display any such thing as "mixed reactions". Find two DIFFERING POV articles if you want to put them in. Don't pump this article full of anti-Jackson slander.
  • 3. You have put the media's response slap bang in the middle of the paragraph, after your little display about how cocker's statement "flows naturally on" from the beginning. It is ridiculous that you have tried putting Michael's comments down the very bottom. This is obviously an attempt to make his comments less important. They will be going right after cocker's, and the media stuff can FOLLOW. this is not a forum for anti-Jackson sentiment.
  • 4. You have tried as hard as you can to reduce any speculation about 'injured children'. That's why you put a quote from some random witness there. Well guess what should be there? to use YOUR terminology, the statement from the British Phonographic Industry "naturally flows on" after the statement about the injured children. I am not going to allow you to put some random witness in there to further ridicule and belittle Michael, and make every single little bit of that paragraph into an anti-Jackson rant. The comments about the injured children from the British Phonographic Industry is going in, as THEY RAN THE ACTUAL EVENT AND THEY ARE THE BEST EQUIPPED TO KNOW WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. NOT SOME RANDOM WITNESS WHO MAY HAVE BEEN SITTING FAR BACK.
  • 5. This fifth point really shocked, appalled and surprised me. You came onto my talk page and said, quote:

"Which part of this statemens, which you removed, suggest reactions were one-sided: Cocker received mixed support and ciritsism from the British press. I cannot believe you removed this claimeing it did not suggest reaction were mixed! That's all it says! Think on in future."

Firstly, you accuse me of removing parts of the statement that suggested reactions from the press were one-sided. Then you said yourself that the statement "did not suggest reaction were mixed," completely contradicting yourself. Simply, you say that I have been removing parts from that statement which say that the press was one-sided, then you said that the statement was already inherantly one-sided. I don't know what you're trying to get at in this confusing rant.

Still on the fifth point, what shocked me was how you lied. I did NOTHING to the statement Cocker received mixed support and criticism from the British press. I did not TOUCH THAT SECTION. I removed the Melody Maker reference, due to nonexistant sources, and also because if you say that Michael received support and criticism, then you should have an example of both. As I have said above, you simply added another anti-Jackson newspaper article. I will not stand for it, and as said above I'm removing both of the newspaper bits until you add two different articles with differentiating POVs.

I took a lot of effort to explain to you every change and rebuttal I have against your edits. I was in no way obliged to do this, despite you telling me in some way or other to 'answer to you', in the hopes of avoiding an edit war. I am not servitudal to you, and am not going to answer to you in the future unless you damn well do the same thing to me. I hope I make myself clear, and I hope that you have read this through thoroughly, instead of skipping down to the end. --Paaerduag 08:37, 10 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Got to love the blind faith of a superfan.--Crestville 16:19, 10 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



As Paaerduag has "This user will always believe in Michael Jackson" on his own page (at the very top) I wonder if he truly knows what neutral is. If one always believes in Jacko, does that not smack of being one-sided? What if Mr. Jackson said next week that he had walked on the moon? Would one believe his statement/in him?

What does believing "in" Jacko really mean? It elevates his status to something god-like. One can believe in God, but that does not say that you believe God (because he never answers the telephone). I suggest that Paaerduag take a deep breath, and think about whether Jacko has become a "Pop-God" for him, and has replaced traditional religion for Paaerduag. When will the first "The King of Pop" church be opened? Sorry, that should have been "The God of Pop" church (contributions in the form of hard cash are always happily accepted). andreasegde 22:12, 10 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

For your Information


Ok, Crestville and associated clan of "I wanna bag Paaerduag-ers". I do not see Michael as a God. I am his fan. It's amazing the blind faith haters have to the media, assuming everything Michael does is wrong. And it's incredible how fans are turned upon simply because they have different opinions. Borders on discrimination for me. Anyway, I'm assuming the whole clan of you, who all hate me, are listening. So this is where I'm gonna put in what I'm changing with the Brit Awards sections.

1. I am using the British Phonographic Industry quote as a source for the 'three children' thing, which means I am not going to shove it down the bottom to remove its relevance, but am rather putting it up top. I know you hate the fact that your idol Cocker most likely injured three children, and will do your best to hide this, but I'm putting it up there, not for a personal vendetta (before you accuse me of that) but rather because it is a referenced source, more reliable than that random witness in my opinion. But if you must the witness can stay. However, the Phonographic Industry quote is going first because it 'logically flows' on. You also, in your version, said that 'sony contends the number is three', when infact the British Phonographic Industry said three as well. What you've just done is a lie.

2. You say that sony and the phonographic industry quotes balance out the "mixed reactions of the press" with the sun and melody maker. May I enlighten you to the fact that Sony and the British Phonographic Industry ARE NOT RELATED TO THE PRESS IN ANY WAY. You've added quotes from Cocker, which balances the Michael/Sony quote, and the witness quote, which balances the Phonographic Industry quote. the sun and melody maker are pure anti-Jackson. I'm removing sun and melody maker.

3. I am putting back the thing about him spreading his arms between the trees; I think you are lying when you say you watched the video, that or you were sleeping, because he spreads his arms between two trees as wind blows back his hair, much like in the performance. This needs no reference, in my opinion. It is just plain obvious. Watch the video before you blast me about how hypocritical I am.

These are the problems I have and I'm gonna make my changes based upon these fundamental issues I have with your 'version'. Oh by the way, does the whole gang have to insult me over my user page? I do have a brain you know. I'm not a blind sheep. I actually read into the trial (for your information I only began to like Michael after the trial) and after weighing up what I thought was relevant, I came to the conclusion that he was innocent. That's my opinion. Don't you insult me because of my views, because I don't believe they overtly make me dump rubbish into the article, unlike many people who hate Michael, who simply dump as many anti-Jackson 'things' into the article. --Paaerduag 11:07, 11 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I am sorry that you think we hate you, because we don't at all. An editor that can reply in such detail is to be respected. We all have to watch each other, so we don't get too wrapped-up in an article (I got a Barnstar for being too serious, BTW.) Sometimes it's good to take a step back and look at things in a different light. Have fun, Paaerduag, and I wish you well. andreasegde 16:23, 11 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

jarvis cocker et al.


Firstly, I said the trial thing because you said on your talk page something like "amazing the blind faith of superfans", which I am not. I actually weighed up whether I thought he was innocent or not, and i'm telling you this because you called me a superfan. your reversion is plain edit-warring anyway. also, reactions were mixed. I'm putting the source in to prove that reactions were mixed. I'm not going to let your reversion stand. and please don't bring in an administrator you're best friends with. I actually think it's unfair YOU choose the administrator solely. you obviously can't find a diplomatic solution, and instead accuse me of blind faith (read your own talk page if you forgot that comment you made). --Paaerduag 02:32, 12 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, Crestville. An automated process has found and removed an image or media file tagged as nonfree media, and thus is being used under fair use that was in your userspace. The image (Image:Beatleslogo.png) was found at the following location: User:Crestville. This image or media was attempted to be removed per criterion number 9 of our non-free content policy. The image or media was replaced with Image:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg , so your formatting of your userpage should be fine. Please find a free image or media to replace it with, and or remove the image from your userspace. User:Gnome (Bot)-talk 01:25, 14 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

jarvis etc.


I made a few minor changes to your edit: I put the phonographic industry quote after the thing about the 3 children getting injured, to qualify that particular statement. I left that other witnesses' statement afterwards. I just thought that considering they ran the awards they'd know, and that it naturally flows to have the 'official' stance followed by any other witnessess. I also changed 'appeared' to 'alleged' because clearly not everyone thought he was making Christ-like poses. many saw him as simply being a medicant. I don't think that I'm the only one being 'unreasonable', just so you know, you say I had the 'blind faith of a fan' remember? anyway, I hope that this is one step closer to a resolution. --Paaerduag 12:45, 14 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, Crestville. An automated process has found and removed an image or media file tagged as nonfree media, and thus is being used under fair use that was in your userspace. The image (Image:Baldrick series 3.jpg) was found at the following location: User:Crestville. This image or media was attempted to be removed per criterion number 9 of our non-free content policy. The image or media was replaced with Image:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg , so your formatting of your userpage should be fine. Please find a free image or media to replace it with, and or remove the image from your userspace. User:Gnome (Bot)-talk 05:24, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

jarvis etc.


yes, I'm happy with everything. I'll try see if there are some anti-cocker news stories to balance out your ones from Melody Maker and the Sun, but in terms of everything already there I'm fine with it. I do believe that we can divert our attention to other areas of wikipedia now. --Paaerduag 07:23, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Fair use


Dear Crestville, please put a Fair Use summary on your up-loaded photos, or they won't be accepted. It's totally frigging' easy, you dollop of lard. Just copy one from Sutcliffe (not Peter) Freddie or any of the others when you upload the photo. I learned how to do it (in the school of hard knocks, the University of life, as well as the kindergarten of having the shit kicked out of you. :)) egde 19:02, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Look, you dipstick :)) -

Fair use rationale


The image is a screenshot of Stuart Sutcliffe and Astrid Kirchherr from The Beatles - Ain't She Sweet, which is to be used in the articles Astrid Kirchherr and Stuart Sutcliffe. The screenshot is of lower resolution than the original photo (copies made from it will be of inferior quality). No free or public domain images have been located for this photo. The screenshot does not limit the copyright owners' rights to distribute the photo in any way. The screenshot is being used for informational purposes only, and its use is not believed to detract from the original photograph in any way.

(It used to flummox me, until I realised that it was a piece o' piss... :)egde 19:04, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

D'You Know What I Mean? (airplanes)


Heh. Thanks. I really geeked out there. Oftentimes it makes me sound like a real know-it-all twat, but I just can't help myself. Airplane sounds do strange things to me and the RR/Packard Merlin is very distinctive. Good thing there wasn't enough room to opine about the possible aircraft types (Mustangs or Spits or Hurris or a Lanc or...) Rekiwi 23:39, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I have no idea what you are referring to, but the piston engine for a proper hairyplane is the Bristol Centuraus (or whatever) propelling a Hawker Sea Fury to close to 500mph. That was the beastie.
Mind you, I have often wondered why North American never tried bolting a RR Griffon into a P51 airframe (or why any Reno Racer hasn't tried the combination). That might have been slightly quick! LessHeard vanU 21:24, 16 May 2007 (UTC) (don't ask me, I have no idea where these questions come from...)[reply]
Lost me!--Crestville 16:27, 17 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, Crestville. We should find a more more appropriate forum. In the meantime: No way I can argue there, Less. The Centaurus is the king of the radial beasts. Griffon/P-51? Good question. Why not? The P-51 was a British-spec airframe. Parts have always been scarce though. The answer might be aesthetics: you'd probably have to rape the clean lines of the P-51 with those tumor-like bumps to clear the Griffon's valve train, as with the Griffon-pulled Spitfires. But aesthetics could hardly count to a people who inflicted the Fairey Gannet on the world. The monstrous beauty of the sleeve-valved Centaurus can only partially make up for that flying abortion. Rekiwi 03:21, 6 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Huh? Coming from (presumably) a member of the nation that once inflicted a medium bomber upon aviation (a Martin design of the 30's as I recall) so hideous it can only be assumed that the major defensive system was to repel attacking fighters (or pursuit planes in the parlance of the time) by its sheer ugliness, that is a bit of a cheek...
There should be enough spares for Griffons, though. The RAF were using them to push Shackletons only as far back as the 1980's. I have to say that the Griffon powered Spits were an almost different character from the Mk.I's, V's and IX's that went before, nearly everything had to be uprated to handle the power (including the wonderful six blade contra rotating props) so perhaps the P51 frame was maxed out (seeing as it was designed around the Allinson(?) in the first place) and couldn't be upgraded. Mind you, they never placed Griffons on a Mosquito either for presumably the same reason!
Okay, Joe, you can have your page back now... ;~)



Arrrhlright? You bin puttin hevy manners pon dem dam yankee batty boys isit! 50 Pence

What is "Lesbian ham"? egde 21:00, 17 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Lifetime achievment


I would just like to thank my agent, the dancing girls, the bears an speshley you Joe, without whom, it would not have been possible! Vera, Chuck & Dave 16:49, 18 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Revise your finals now!! This is your surrogate Mother speaking! Collette XX
My Wife iterfearin as per - hence the wanted poster!! Cheers Joe, Vera, Chuck & Dave 16:55, 19 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Vera, Chuck & Dave 17:07, 18 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Careless talk


Yeah, she told him where the condoms were - which was careless talk! (In the cupboard behind the aspirins and the tampax). (BTW, I love you for your comments on Mimi's talk page.) egde 18:34, 18 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

No, I meant that your comments were truly appreciated, and had nothing to do with murderers. (I was a bit pissed when I wrote it.) egde 17:09, 19 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Change your photo - you look like a trick-cyclist and it's like you are looking into my underpants. "I'm sorry that I shagged me bird when she was half-asleep", kind of stuff... :)) Example: "So... andreasegde... how long have you had the feeling that you contribute in any way at all?" What does Vera look like, BTW? Tall, muscular and blond, or what? ;)) egde 20:28, 20 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Eric Idle


"Sorry, I must have deleted that bit by mistake. I was trying to revert a mean sprited and potentially slanderous peice in the opening paragraph. My bad."

No problem... good catch on the Private Eye text. My apologies for not leaving a note for you regarding the change - I was in a bit of a rush. Cheers. --Ckatzchatspy 16:47, 23 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Hmmm... I'd thought I just restored the Shrek text, but apparently I accidentally restored the "Private Eye" text as well. Sorry about that - it has since been removed by another editor. Cheers. --Ckatzchatspy 22:17, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

My picture was deleted :(


No more Michael and the kids. Le sigh. How are you, fluffy boy?--Manboobies 16:19, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I'm fantastic. Somewhat under stress from exams. I really should revise but something is stopping me. Fear? --Manboobies 23:42, 27 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
No, I don't like Beer. Probably Tequilla.--Manboobies 18:45, 1 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image (Image:Oasis early.jpg)


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The weird one


Shurrup Cresty, you're making me laugh :)) (yer gonna get archived yer are... :)) I just wanted to wander about a bit without having lots of discussions/complaints on my page. Anyway, I think it's about time to have a break from being a complete twat with my nose in a book that is balanced on my lap. (I need a back doctor that specialises in spines, because the spines of my books keep falling apart.) After recently getting Astrid Kirchherr a GA I think that I deserve a rest (never mind Macca, Mimi, Julia, Freddie, Neil, Mal, Stuart, Cynthia and Brian, for which I didn't get one single, sodding, effin' LEGAL Barnstar... NO, don't send me one of your bogus ones - the attic is full... :) I will archive this conversation so as not to encourage others. I like having a nice, clean page, and I have to admit my fear of "You have new messages" which I always think are tidings of woe. It's a breath of fresh air to have none... Yours, the friend that you have never met: egde 16:32, 30 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The Alternative music WikiProject Newsletter
Issue 2 - May 2007
"I will most certainly not be wearing black and lipstick in 2011. That’s a guarantee." - Robert Smith
Project news
New members

Burnedthru, TommyStardust, Grovermj, KamrynMatika, Merzbow and Cbing01 all joined the alternative music fold during May.



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Delivered by CloudNine 11:19, 1 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Go on - have a larf


Look at this and tell me I have no sense of humour... Linz egde 16:42, 2 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I'm just starting this: The Fifth Beatle egde 17:55, 3 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Image:Oasis_original_line-up.jpg listed for deletion


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At least "the inquisition-like drive to annoy wikipedia's contributors" bothered to notify you before deleting your images. I noticed one of mine be deleted with zero notice whatsoever today. Would you like to know how to fix it? I can give you a generic thingy majig to shove in there which will make the deletion thing go away. And hopefully the inquisition, too.--Manboobies 00:13, 10 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I've taken to ignoring those warnings. Like white-noise.--Crestville 11:21, 10 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I made a google map for us all Google map and your garden hut domicile was easy to spot. "Crestville Terrace" ring any bells? :)) andreasegde 22:46, 20 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image (Image:Slade-The-Very-Best-Of-338523.jpg)


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Wikimedia Board Election


I have copied this from the shy Kingboyk's page. andreasegde 19:00, 21 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

"I'm planning to run in the Wikimedia Board Election. If you have any issues which you feel the Foundation need to address, or if you would be willing to endorse my candidature, please email me". --kingboyk 15:03, 18 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

To endorse me. I need 15, only have 2 so far, so u have a chance to be #3 :) : http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections/2007/Endorsements/Submission#Kingboyk

Vote for The Fifth Beatle


The_Fifth_Beatle You have to start an account though... andreasegde 19:35, 21 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image (Image:Oasis don't look back in anger cd sleeve.jpg)


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Reverted Changes to Mimi Smith


Hi there,

You have just reverted my changes to Mimi Smith on the grounds that John Lennon should be referred to as Lennon rather than John. However, Mimi, George, Julia, Yoko, Cynthia, Julian, etc. are all referred to by their first names. Why should John be different? The Stickler 17:41, 28 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

It shouldn't and they should be changed too.--Crestville 18:58, 28 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Hold on young stallions! Mimi should be called Mimi because nobody knows her as Smith (and there is a conflict with her husband.) Etc, etc, etc... --andreasegde 17:26, 29 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, that's the one exeption.--Crestville 17:38, 29 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
But Julia can't be called "Stanley" either, because she would become a working-man's knife with a lot of sisters, Freddie can't be called Lennon, and Cynthia/Julian can't be called Lennon (but she could be called Powell and he could be called Son of Mr. God...) Difficult, non? --andreasegde 18:05, 29 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Non, non et al. They should always be referred to by their last name - as I THINK wikipolicy states (I may well be wrong and feel free to correct me) - unless that would prove confusing - for example talking about John and Fred Lennon or Noel and Liam Gallager. We're not on first name tewrms with these people Drew! I like wine, but my head hurts.--Crestville 02:01, 30 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

OK. I want to make a few points here.

  • I looked at the changes and they involved quite a bit more than changing Lennon to John. There were several improvements to the grammar, many improvements to the punctuation (which, to be honest, is a bit bizarre at the moment) and a fix for a reference which seemed to have got messed up somehow. All of these changes have been thrown away - which is a pity as the article really doesn't read very well.
  • The section of WP:MOSBIO entitled "Subsequent uses of names" states that:
"After the initial mention of any name, the person may be referred to by surname only." This suggests that John should be referred to as Lennon.
"To disambiguate between siblings or other well-known relatives with the same surname, use the surname of the article header to indicate that person, and use first names or complete names to indicate siblings or others." This might allow us to refer to Lennon as John.
However, I feel that the overriding principle here is really contained in WP:IAR. And besides, almost all books, articles, documentaries, etc. refer to the Beatles as John, Paul, George and Ringo rather than Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr (except when discussing the Lennon/McCartney songwriting team).
  • His changes were reverted within four minutes of his making them! And with a very abrupt summary: "This is formal, last name only". Without being downright rude, could you have been more discouraging? He hadn't been around for too long when this happened, so perhaps WP:BITE should have been applied. 15:44, 8 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Goodness me, ask ANYONE else. You're wrong, live with it.--Crestville 23:16, 8 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Now you are being downright rude. Why am I wrong? Your argument seems to amount to little more than "because I say so". Yes, you made some vague reference to Wikipedia policy, but I directly quoted the relevent parts of the policy and its support for your position is somewhat ambiguous - especially when interpreted in the light of WP:IAR. Now you want me to ask ANYONE else. Well, the only people who have expressed an opinion here are The Stickler, andreasegde, you and me. So, should I ask andreasegde? He clearly expressed doubts above (which you of course dismissed) and, as the article is almost entirely his work, perhaps his common sense opinion should carry more weight than yours (Yes, yes, I know. You created the article. So what? You don't own it any more than I do.) 15:31, 11 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Wouldn't claim to own the article - in fact, I forgot I created it - but I will say opinion, as you will learn, has NO place here. Rudness and stubborness - to an extent - do. Ask an admin.--Crestville 21:37, 11 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hello again,

I'm a little dismayed to see where this has led. My changes just aren't worth this sort of carry on. While the article undoubtedly does need quite a bit of reworking, all I did was take a rather small and rather lazy first step. Even if that step had been accepted, the hard work would still have remained.

Thank you for your concern, but I wasn't discouraged by having my changes reverted; although I think it might be best if I steer clear of Beatle related articles from now on. There are many other areas where I can probably be more useful anyway.

Let's leave it here. Be nice to each other. The Stickler 17:02, 13 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]



This is weird. The guy I have been calling "Kingboyk" for the last year in my English class (because I couldn't remember his name and it seemed to fit) looks exactly like the real one! The real Kingboyk - the photo of his Austrian double-ganger will appear soon... --andreasegde 17:22, 29 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

SOOOO not how I pictured him! Where did you get that pic? Cos I didn't realise googleearth was that accurate!--Crestville 02:13, 30 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
It was on his Meta-Wiki page, because Kingboyk "wants to be elected" (isn't that an Alice Cooper song?). --andreasegde 16:47, 13 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

WikiProject Alternative music June 2007 Newsletter

The Alternative music WikiProject Newsletter
Issue 3 - June 2007
"I had a pair of cotton black pants, and I wore them every day for months. And Bill hung them outside the van 'cos they smelled so bad. And they flapped off on the highway. They were the only ones I had." - Michael Stipe
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WikiProject Alternative music July 2007 Newsletter

The Alternative music WikiProject Newsletter
Issue 4 - July 2007
"Thurston Moore? Is that your real name? I mean, give me a break. You made that up. That's a good one. Did you have a mom and shit like that?" - Gibby Haynes
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Killereditors, Xihix, M2Ys4U and Lostvalley joined the alternative music fold during July.


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Huskisson monument


Terribly sorry to be answering a question you asked on 27 July 2006 only now. Blame my total loss of interest in Wikipedia. It just occurs to me that you might have had a similar loss of interest, but I since I have started answering your question I shall finish rather than check the dates on your edits :) The Huskisson monument is at the place where Huskisson was killed. I am not sure that there was ever a real station there (I did quite a lot of edits at the time on the subject of the Liverpool-Manchester railway and its stations; my reference material mentioend that there was a station at Parkside but I am not sure why there should have been - there was (and is) no great reason to have one there. But at a later date another railway (Golborne I think) joined the Liverpool-Manchester line in the Parkside area. Maybe the station was built because of the junction? Don't know, but if it was, it was a good time after the Huskisson bump. Also, there is no evidence of a station ever having been there. But then, it would have been a long time ago and there WAS (apparently) a station at Barton Moss but there is no obvious evidence that that ever existed either) but trains stopped there to have a water change (if I recall correctly). The photo shows the monument from the nearest accessible location (the bridge taking the A573 across the railway line). When I was young the monument was totally accessible but was vandalised. It has been rennovated but is now within the fencing erected to stop children getting on the train tracks and so to take a better photo I would have had to trespass. Trespassing isn't so bad, but trains are properly hard. lmno 03:06, 26 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Eh? Wha'? Er...?


What happened, Joe? Did you find your computer under a pile of discarded pizza boxes, or have you found a paying job that lets you log on to the internet? See ya around? LessHeard vanU 14:54, 31 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

WikiProject Alternative music August 2007 Newsletter

The Alternative music WikiProject Newsletter
Issue 5 - August 2007
"The amount of time it took to get Morrissey onstage was getting longer and longer. There was this great game he'd play of wanting to be asked 15 times if it had been 14 the night before. Johnny was like, 'Let's rock!' and Mozzer would be 'Well, somebody's gotta ask me another seven times.'" - Andy Rourke
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Look who's here!


Hey Joe - haven't seen your name on my watchlist in a while! Good pickup on MJ. (He's not commonly known as that in the US either, just sometimes.) Tvoz |talk 18:45, 6 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah, it's too quiet around here without Vera and the lunatic. I've been busy with politics lately - presidential candidates mostly - but then I got caught up in some Lennon-May Pang crossfire and Cat Stevens/Yusuf hysteria. Same old same old. Good to see ya! Tvoz |talk 05:19, 7 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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