User talk:Codf1977/BISETest
Use of British Isles
[edit]It has been suggested that the use of the phrase British Isles in this article should be deleted. The use of this term in this article is being discussed at WT:BISE#Archives. If you would like to contribute to the debate please do so. |
category:xBritish Isles Discussion
Use of British Isles
[edit]It has been suggested that the the phrase British Isles should be included in this article. The use of this term in this article is being discussed at WT:BISE#Archives. If you would like to contribute to the debate please do so. |
category:xBritish Isles Discussion
It has been suggested that the use of the phrase British Isles on the article England should be deleted. The use of this term in that article is being discussed at WT:BISE#Archives. If you would like to contribute to the debate please do so. |
It has been suggested that the the phrase British Isles should be included on the article England. The use of this term in that article is being discussed at WT:BISE#Archives. If you would like to contribute to the debate please do so. |
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