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User talk:CW3

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Here's my talk page, fun. I might expand on it later.

Concerning Zoids articles


I've noticed that you've had a bit of a play around with the Zoids article in the past. While I regret the continual removal of the MMM address from the main article by a IP-only person i'm trying to contact, would you be interested in expanding upon the various (but few) Zoids articles we have?

I'd like to see this section of Wikipedia expanded, but don't have the knowledge to do so, and would appreciate any help I could get. Please consider, and reply here or on my own talk page. Saberwyn 05:35, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks heaps. Concerning photos, as long as you upload them, state in the description that it is a TOMY or Hasbro model and that the picture was taken by you, it should be fine. Have a wander through Category:Zoids to start with, in the next week or two I'm going to draft up a list of additional articles I think we need. Saberwyn 02:59, 19 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

That's cool. I'm going to be flat out myself until Xmas starting tomorrow. When you feel like starting, there's a brief list over at User:Saberwyn/Zoids to-do. Add to that list whtever you feel like, but I think we need to get some of the major 'characters' out of the way before we start diversifying.
As for what I own in the way of kits, I've got a Shield Liger, 2 Blade Ligers (1 red, 1 blue with boosters), a Liger Zero and 2 CAS, a Zero X, two Command Wolves (AC and Irvine), a Shadow Fox, a Barigator and a Saberlion. If I play my cards right, I'll get a Gairyuki Shin, another Command Wolf and a Molga Cannonry for Xmas. Saberwyn 06:25, 21 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I figured the best starting points would be the 'hero' and 'villain' zoids. We already had articles on the various Ligers, so we need to start on the Saurers/Fury. I tried to assemble Berserk Fury, but that needs a little more work. Once we lay down the major character-Zoids, we can expand onto the others, but we need to get the main ones down first.

I've got a digital camera, and I'll take pics when I get the chance to. As for drafting up help, get them to have a look at the articles that already exist. I've got a bit of a layout template saved somewhere, ask and I'll direct you guys to it. Saberwyn 22:34, 21 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Zoids Photos


Hey again. I've taken pics of the following Zoids, and have uploaded them onto my PC:

  • Command Wolf Irvine
  • Command Wolf AC
  • Command Wolf AC and Irvine
  • Command Wolf AC without CP-04
  • Blue Blade Liger
  • Blue Blade Liger with CP-12 (2 pics)
  • Bear Fighter
  • Liger Zero (no armour)
  • Liger Zero
  • Liger Zero Imperial
  • Liger Zero Panzer
  • Liger Zero Jager (2 pics)
  • Liger Zero X (on Imperial)

Is there somewhere I can upload these so that you and others at MMM can view them and add their own, or would it be a better idea for me to try and join the site? Saberwyn 01:34, 28 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

They aren't the best, but they're at this Photobucket album for easy viewing. If you or anyone else wants to place their pics here so they're all in the one place for comparison, let me know and I'll pass on the password for the account. Saberwyn 08:23, 28 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Zoids Wikiproject


I appreciate your efforts to contribute to the Zoids information base on Wikipedia, and am sorry that the rempant vandalism by unregistered users has forced you to sign up when you didn't want to.

I'd like to bring to your attention the efforts to make my little User:Saberwyn/Zoids expansion project a full-fledged Wikiproject. If you're interested in helping to organise the effort to expand the Zoids category of information, please drop by the List of proposed projects, and leave your signature under the Wikiproject:Zoids proposal.

Thanks in advance - Saberwyn