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Look, J. Weissmuller was born in Medja Serbia. The link to the NY Times article that corroborates that is http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/17/world/europe/17briefs-tarzanmonument.html?ex=1172725200&en=a945f654fa0398cc&ei=5070 .

For your convenience, I will copy the article below. PLEASE, refrain from further revisions that impair its factual accuracy.

THE ARTICLE (from no less reliable source than NY Times):

Serbia: Monument to Tarzan

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By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Published: February 17, 2007 The village of Medja, on the border with Romania, plans to build a monument to Johnny Weissmuller, the best-known film Tarzan. Mr. Weissmuller, who won five Olympic gold medals in swimming, was born in Medja in 1904. He died in 1984. Residents said they were inspired by a decision this week by another Serbian village, Zitiste, to erect a statue of Sylvester Stallone’s film boxer Rocky Balboa to rid itself of bad luck.

Hi. Please express an opinion on the recent issue there. Dahn 15:50, 18 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Can you please provide your opinion about this? I agreed with Greier on a certain issue, now Greier is banned and some users are claiming that is against Wikipedia policy to keep my opinion.--MariusM 01:35, 19 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I took a look at mo.wiki and don't understand what happened there. Is this a bug, or all articles have finally been deleted? In case it's a transient bug: when you search for "Recent changes" there are none. In addition, no main page, nothing. Dpotop 19:50, 19 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The articles still exist: http://mo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Исламизм Probably the recent changes cache was deleted. bogdan 19:53, 19 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No. The entire thing has been closed. It's readonly. I got a message on my talk page. Cool! Dpotop 20:25, 19 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Indeed: "Database locked". bogdan 20:33, 19 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Don't know which Licences to use


Sorry about the uploads, but I'm not sure which licences to use and I know that using the Free Documentation Licenses are discureged, but I am allowed to use them. What would you suggest then? --NewYork1956 23:48, 20 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Don't upload images you find on other websites: they are likely copyrighted. You can however upload your own pictures, which you can license under GFDL. BTW, it's Fair use that is discouraged. bogdan 11:01, 22 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]


I know you're busy, but if you get a chance to help us clear up some disputes/cite some sources re the Gabriel Resources Roşia Montană project, that'd be great. I've tried to source some of the claims which you made, but am finding it difficult...

Thanks Jackk 04:27, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Merry Christmas

Darwinek wishes you a Merry Christmas!

Hi Bogdan! I just want to say Merry Christmas to you! Have a nice holiday time. If you don't observe this event then I hope you don't mind this greeting. :) - Darwinek 19:25, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you! A wonderful Christmas to you and your family! :-) bogdan 19:42, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Format problem on Vladimir Tismăneanu


Hi. I seem to have met a weird format problem while referencing the article, and I don't know what I should change in the format to make notes show up right. Can you please help? Dahn 19:33, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I figured it eventually. Never mind. Dahn 19:42, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Too late, I already fixed it. :-) bogdan 19:43, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I was doing the exact same thing... at the same time... and I thought my version was the saved one... but then I checked the edit history. :) That certainly is weird... Thanks. Dahn 20:00, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Btw, have you seen the ROmanian version of this article? Its weasel wordism, fallacies, and ignoratio elenchi-style arguments are scandalous. Dahn 20:36, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, and that's not the only article like that: see ro:Republica Socialistă Sovietică Evreiască: "un proiect parţial nerealizat". :-) bogdan 20:48, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
There are even worse ones out there. Tell me, was anybody ever permabanned there? Dahn 20:51, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
By looking at the blocking log I can say that the only parmabanned users are for "vandalism". An interesting entry in this log was this:
3 septembrie 2006 07:05 Rebel (Discuţie | contribuţii) a blocat (contribuţii); termen: 1 lună. (În Ungaria se predă probabil altă istorie. Obşinuieşte-te cu gândul că noi am fost aici înaintea voastră.)
:-) bogdan 21:03, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Jesus! Knowledge of this mayhem may cause sysops to block the Romanian wikipedia together with the Moldovan one... At the risk of repeating myself: I'm staying as far away from that hellhole as I possibly can. If you still contribute there, I have to say I admire your patience. Dahn 21:14, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Actually, I just make a few minor changes once in a while. bogdan 21:23, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Argh, help, he's at it again! (If it's really him) --Illythr 18:04, 23 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. I have to say that he's amusing. In a what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you kind of way. --Illythr 18:26, 23 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas Bogdan. I no longer really edit Wikipedia, but I often check on your contributions, along with Dbachmann's (that's about it). I spend most of my internet time in myspace these days, my favorite account of mine probably being [http://www.myspace.com/winona_gone_shopping . Winona is fun. Cute chick. Don't know why Johnny Depp broke up with her. See you in the Wiki. 14:38, 24 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

A Merry Christmas to you, too, Winona. ;-) bogdan 14:55, 24 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Thank You. And I (Winona, I'm really her people, read my page) had nothing to do with this bizarre vandalism ;) Pure coincidence. I show up, and a little later that thing appears on the Main Page :) Don't blame it on Winona, I'm just a shoplifter. 15:51, 24 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Thanks for pitching in with me on my comments about the Virgin Unite logo on the Main page. I am relatively new, so don't know if the comments had/will have any effect. Hope to collaborate with you in future. :) --Vikas Kumar Ojha Talk to me! 01:39, 28 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Weird problem


Hi, B. Do you happen to know why some pictures will only appear as links on pages (see History of the Jews in Romania, where the map I drew is now a mere link, and the picture on Vladimir Tismăneanu). Do I need to change my settings or something? Dahn 13:23, 28 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Strange -- as I can see those pictures! bogdan 13:27, 28 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, ok. I'll see about my settings, then (at least I know it is not everybody's problem). Dahn 13:29, 28 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Memset_Ltd on deletion review


An editor has asked for a deletion review of Memset_Ltd. Since you closed the deletion discussion for (or speedy-deleted) this article, you might want to participate in the deletion review. Khcw77 00:39, 29 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Now I understand Johnny Depp


Believe it or not, I've been in contact for the past three days with the real Winona Ryder. And I fully understand Johnny Depp now. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm trying to bone Winona, I would not be speaking to her, put it that way. I'm not joking. 13:20, 29 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

So, you've been in contact with her. Hm... Did she got a restraining order against you, so far? :-) bogdan 13:28, 29 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Not yet, but I'm seriously in contact with her. For better or worse. 13:31, 29 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Cool. Maybe you can take a pic of her for her article: Winona Ryder. BTW, Be careful with her, she appears to be a bit... er... unstable. :-) bogdan 13:50, 29 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You still think I'm joking? There are at least three people who know I'm not joking: me, her, and a hispanic friend of hers. The Great Mystery. Yes, I am quite aware of her personality traits and her Zodiac sign, and I actually was aware of that before I encountered her, but the encounter left no doubt. This was a major reason why I used her for my new Wikipedia persona, which was also dark, scorpio-ish, and seemingly unstable. Happy New Year, I forgot to say that last time :) 2007 is here. 13:02, 3 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Happy New Year to you, too. Yeah, this year is your year. Good luck with Winona! ;-) bogdan 13:18, 3 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I also got into a bad scene with her (because of her friend), and I am no longer impersonating her in MySpace, although she didn't mind, it was my decision. The account still exists but I converted it: [http://www.myspace.com/winona_gone_shopping . 13:09, 3 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Heh. :-) bogdan 13:18, 3 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Lista localităţilor din Republica Moldova


Bună, am observat că ai creat articolul cu lista localităţilor din Republica Moldova pe wikipedia engleză. Pe wikipedia română vrem să creăm articole pentru fiecare localitate din Republica Moldova şi avem nevoie de o bază de date/listă cât mai completă. În principiu cât mai multe informaţii. Lista de la List of localities in Moldova este a tuturor localităţilor sau doar oraşele şi comunele? Ştii cumva unde pot fi găsite alte informaţii pe această temă (eventual populaţia localităţilor şi orice alte informaţii)? Am încercat pe internet, dar fără succes. În cazul în care ai vreme şi mă poţi ajuta, pls...--Roamataa 15:10, 29 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lista care e acolo am găsit-o pe un site fără prea multe detalii despre localităţi, aşa că nu pot să-ţi spun cum dacă sunt doar oraşe şi comune sau şi sate. Altă sursă mai detaliată nu am găsit. bogdan 15:14, 29 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Am făcut rost de lista completă (aproximativ). Sunt în jur de 1.600 de localităţi. --Roamataa 20:14, 29 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Salut. As fi interesat sa ajut la proiectul localitatilor si unitatilor teritoriale ale Moldovei/Basarabiei. Iata lista localitatilor din Moldova cand au fost introduse judetele, in 1998: [1]. Atunci au fost create 12 unitati teritoriale:
  • Judetul Edinet
  • Judetul Soroca
  • Judetul Balti
  • Judetul Ungheni
  • Judetul Orhei
  • Judetul Chisinau
  • Judetul Lapusna
  • Judetul Tighina
  • Judetul Cahul
  • Unitatea Teritoriala Autonoma Gagauza
  • Municipiul Chisunau
  • localitatile din Stanga Nistrului care pot primi statut special (adica fara cele 9 sate care au intrat in Judetul Chisinau)

Dupa aproximativ 3 ani, din cateva localitati din Judetul Cahul s-a creat Judetul Taraclia (care coincide cu actualul raion Taraclia). In 2003 s-au introdus din nou raioane. Acum exista 37 de unitati teritoriale:

  • cele 32 de raioane
  • cele 3 municipalitati: Chisinau, Balti si Tighina
  • UTA Gagauza (care contine mun Comrat)
  • Transnistria (care contine mun Tiraspol)

Inainte de 1998 erau:

  • 40 de raioane (configuratia un pic diferita de cea actuala)
  • 4 orase de subordonare republicana: Chisinau, Tiraspol, Balti si Tighina

Nu e chiar corect de spus 1940-1998, deoarece:

  • configuratia raioanelor s-a schimbat de-a lungul timpului, dar a fost stabila dupa sfarsitul anilor 60
  • raioanele nu au fost introduse deodata in 1940, ci in continuare existau judete. In 1941 s-a inceput trecerea la raioane, dar nu stiu pe cat de mult s-a incheiat. In 1944-45 in principiu nu exista mare administratie decat cea militara in trecere. Dupa 1945 s-a inceput organizarea propriu-zisa in raioane.

Lista judetelor din Basarabia intre 1918-1940 exista deja pe wikipedia. Pe internet exista si liste (probabil chiar complete) ale localitatilor fiecarui judet. In 1812-1825 au existat 12 judete (reforma facuta de Banulescu-Bodoni):

  • Hotin
  • Soroca
  • Iasi
  • Orhei
  • Lapusna
  • Tighina
  • Codru
  • Greceni
  • Hotarniceni
  • Cetatea Alba
  • Chilia
  • Ismail

iar in 1825-1918 au existat 8 judete (o noua reforma facuta de general-guvernatotul rus; numele oficial era general-guvernator, nu guvernator general):

  • Hotin
  • Iasi (in 1887 s-a schimbat denumirea in Balti)
  • Orhei
  • Lapusna
  • Tighina (Bender)
  • Cetatea Alba (Akkerman)
  • Ismail
  • Cahul

Pentru 1400-1812 se poate da link la tinuturile Principatului Moldova. Harta de aici (citata in Wikipedia) este aproape corecta, in sensul ca in 1501 Bugeacul si Smilul inca faceau parte din prinicpat. In 1532 sau 1533 a fost pierduta Pocutia, adica tinutul Cernauti s-a redus in jumatate. In 1538-41 a fost pierdut Bugeacul si Smilul. Intre timp pe alocuri s-au mai schimbat frontierele intre tinuturi. A disparut tinutul Cotnari si a aparut tinutul Carligatura: Iasi si Cotnari sunt separate mai mult sau mai putin pe axa nord-sud, in timp ce Iasi si Carligatura sunt pe axa vest-est (Carligatura era unul din cele mai mici tinuturi ca suprafata, dar totusi avea localitati pe ambele maluri ale Prutului). Harta de la sf sec 17 exista in Descrierea Moldovei de Cantemir, unde exista foarte multe detalii despre fiecare tinut. Cu exceptia Cotnari/Carligatura, toate denumirile tinuturilor s-au pastrat, eventual fara "u", dar unele mici alteratii ale frontierelor lor au avut loc. In epoca fanariota, la un moment dat Imperiul Otoman a facut raia la Hotin, separandu-l de principat, apoi l-a intors inapoi. Apoi in 1775 Bucovina a fost cedata Austriei. Pana la introducerea tinuturilor de catre Alexandru cel Bun, nu au existat unitati teritoriale is sens adevarat, desi au exsitat unele designatii de nume regionale.

Daca pot ajuta cu ceva la proiectul localitatilor din Moldova (si al diviziunilor teritoriale) in engleza sau romana, lasati-mi mesaje pe pagina mea User talk:Dc76. As prefera sa pot ajuta cu chestii mici care pot fi facute in 30 de minute - 1 ora. In felul acesta as putea ajuta mai mult si mai des. Imi este mai greu sa-mi asum sarcini de organizare, deaorece nu am foarte mult timp pentru wikipedia. Dar daca cineva dintre voi se ocupa de organizare/gandire generala/structura si are nevoie de sfaturi/ajutoare in editare/cautari informatii/traduceri - as putea fi de folos.:Dc76 21:39, 17 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Proiectul localităţilor din Republica Moldova este doar pe wikipedia română. Nu ştiu să existe ceva similar pe wiki-en. În principiu s-au creat paginile şi acum se lucrează la corecţii, ş.a. Personal nu mai am foarte multe tangenţe cu proiectul, am ajutat în faza iniţială, dar acum nu mă mai pot ocupa. Eventual vezi ro:Wikipedia:Proiectul localităţile din Republica Moldova. Pricipalul utilizator care ştiu că se ocupă pe wiki-ro este Afil. Discută cu el şi vezi cu ce poţi ajuta.--Roamataa 07:00, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
O rugăminte aş avea - ştii cumva pe unde aş putea găsi o listă cu localităţile regiunii Cernăuţi din Ucraina? Una cât mai completă. M-ar interesa iniţierea de pagini şi pt. acestea. --Roamataa 07:00, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Untagged image


An image you uploaded, Image:Chisinau Coat-of-Arms.png, was tagged with the {{coatofarms}} copyright tag. This tag was deleted because it does not actually specify the copyright status of the image. The image may need a more accurate copyright tag, or it may need to be deleted. If the image portrays a seal or emblem, it should be tagged as {{seal}}. If you have any questions, ask them at Wikipedia:Media copyright questions. -- 14:17, 30 December 2006 (UTC)


Thanks for uploading Image:Nyagan.gif. The image has been identified as not specifying the copyright status of the image, which is required by Wikipedia's policy on images. If you don't indicate the copyright status of the image on the image's description page, using an appropriate copyright tag, it may be deleted some time in the next seven days. If you have uploaded other images, please verify that you have provided copyright information for them as well.

For more information on using images, see the following pages:

This is an automated notice by OrphanBot. For assistance on the image use policy, see Wikipedia:Media copyright questions. 11:42, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Bogdan, please join talk about the issues in Transnistria article.--MariusM 12:11, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Vote-shopping, are we? - Mauco 14:06, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Vote-shopping is what you did here, with somebody which is not usually involved in Transnistria-related articles. Bogdan is an old contributor at Transnistria and I saw he made recent changes without disscussions in talk page.--MariusM 14:50, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
He did, she did... You're not making friends around here. - Mauco 15:50, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Happy new year, too


Thanks! To you, too!! Happy 2007. - Mauco 19:45, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

First, Happy New Year!
I've noticed your interest in Transnistria, and maybe you would like to vote in the survey on the inclusion in Tiraspol article of the images with the Soviet tank monument in Tiraspol and Transnistrian Government building in Tiraspol with statue of Lenin in front. The survey is here. Thank you, Dl.goe



The correct name of the album is CHOBA B CCCP and it uses latin all right. Please unsalt the earth and move the article to the correct title

Also, it is a good idea to propose moves first before doing them unilaterally. --Irpen 05:11, 3 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Brain slipping?


Hi, Bogdangiusca. I don't understand how, at 22:18 UTC[2] you could edit Silvia Adriana Ţicău with the edit summary 'sort-key fix", doing a good job and getting that one right, and then a mere 15 minutes later turn around and add this to a different article: [[Category:Hungarian-Romanians|Szabó, Károly Ferenc]]. It just doesn't make sense. Gene Nygaard 08:09, 3 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Tismaneanu page


Bogdan, you reverted my changes to the two Tismaneanu pages. Did you read the discussion? Could you state your reasons? Thanks (Icar 13:45, 4 January 2007 (UTC))[reply]

Image:Mustelus hacat 2003.jpg listed for deletion


An image or media file that you uploaded or altered, Image:Mustelus hacat 2003.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Images and media for deletion. Please look there to see why this is (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry), if you are interested in it not being deleted. Thank you. — BigDT 03:47, 5 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Zoia Ceauşescu


uncommonly clean indeed. ha ha. The article was clearly NPOV but not being a Romanian myself I didn't dare alter it too much so I merely tagged it as NPOV and took the worst hagiography out of it. -- fdewaele, 5 January 2007, 14:15.

Dahn for admin?


These days I was wondering why Dahn is not yet an admin. He should assume more responsibilities in the community, to match his unbelievable contributions. Unfortunately, I don't see myself as a reputable user, so that proposing him myself might not give weight to the proposal. What do you think? Dpotop 19:47, 5 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I'd nominate him, but he does not want to be an admin: User_talk:Dahn#Christian_Rakovsky. bogdan 20:03, 5 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, I would like to know why you changed Chisinau to be written as Chiṣinau. I don't really have anything against that, but in English Ṣ doesn't exist, and this is an English language wikipedia. I'm new to the site, and maybe there was a discussion of this somewhere, if so please send me the link. If not, then i'd like to hear your reasoning. Nothing personal, I just want to know. Thank you, Comradevik 20:05, 5 January 2007 (UTC) P.S. Thanks for correcting some of the mistakes in the article Chisinau Botanical Garden.[reply]

Deleted image - steps.png



You deleted the . In the future, please notify the uploader of images you delete. Fresheneesz 21:10, 7 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


The Romanian Barnstar of National Merit 
If there's anyone to deserve this, it's you. Dahn 23:05, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you! bogdan 12:08, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Could You rewrite a little Anti-Romanian_discrimination#Yugoslavia_and_modern_Serbia? Seems the section needs it from an expert.

Happy holidays!--PaxEquilibrium 01:50, 10 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Eh, I tried to avoid editing that article, but I'll give a try. :-) bogdan 12:20, 10 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

By the way...


Happy entrance into the European Union!!! All the best to you, Balkan neighbors (and happy new year)!!! --PaxEquilibrium 22:17, 13 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

War of Transnistria


An edit war is likely to start on War of Transnistria. An user is deleting a relevant paragraph claiming that it need repairs, without proposing repairs. I think will be good if you block the page until disputed problems are solved. Thanks.--MariusM 12:29, 11 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Aw, that was not nice, Marius. :( "My opponent(s) is removing a large section that I have inserted because I believe that it's relevant. He/they claim that etc..." would be a much more honest statement. Still, Bogdan, I would value your opinion on that issue. --Illythr 20:28, 11 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

"Personalities from Iasi"


Hi. Kindly tell User:Cristi.falcas why creating a list under the "Personalities from Iasi" as a duplicate of List of people from Iaşi is hogwash. He has initially attempted deleting from the List because he some of those people "had no contributions to Iaşi or Romania". When I told him that the criterion is merely "natives important enough to have an article on them", and not those of them whom Cristi.falcas would like to have on his t-shirt, he began pushing that abhorrent "extra" link in the Iaşi article (fortunately, it is still red). See my and his talk page for details. Dahn 18:52, 13 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

He made it blue, and I redirected it. Bound to be more problematic than that, so please do intervene. Dahn 18:56, 13 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I think your statment is somehow retarded. There is a reson why people like Maiorescu didn't glorify all the pitty poets in his time and selected a only few. The same reason applies in any field. There is a huge number of people who do something irrelevant that are not to be rememebered.
I understood what Dhan wanted from that list and this is why I created a new one. In this list is not my POV, but the people who are acknowledged by the majority of scholars in Romania. I think people like Palade are internationaly recognized so no POV can be raised and in the same time they don't deserve to be put with small people that had no real impact in Iasi or Romania. If someone thinks an entry is not relevant enough, we could discuss it, not just delete all the list.
By your on words, maybe I don't consider that Scarlat Callimachi is important enough to have an entry in wikipedia. If you say something else, it may be your POV, so you should be wrong. Or I can create a page with my f...king life and add me to the list of people from Iasi. Hey, I consider my self to be "really" important for Iasi, so I deserve it.
And to delete a list just because you think it's not what you want is absurd, considering what wikipedia is.
I would add the list again, so please give me an intelligent reason why it should go.
One last thing. The list is not a duplicate. In this list I only want to put people with major contributions. If someone thinks that there are omissions or some don't deserve to be in it, we can talk. Don't use wikipedia like your playground. Write a book if you don't want nobody contributing. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Cristi.falcas (talkcontribs) 19:37, 13 January 2007 (UTC).[reply]
All those "reasons" are non-sequiturs. Your list is abhorrent. Dahn 02:09, 14 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hey what's up.. I just noticed that you created a new Kurdish Turkish people cat. The idea is fine, but I think the syntax looks realy awkward. It looks too much like those X-American things. Don't you think another name would be better? Like "Kurdish Turks" or "Turks of Kurdish origin" or even "Kurdish-Turkish"? I don't have a clear idea either, and it looks like it could be a hard to find a suitable non-awkward name in any case. The same is true for cat Greek-Turkish people - that is also a bit awkward. So what do you think? Cheers! Baristarim 15:41, 17 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

In fact, come to think of it I don't know if there could be any other way. However, if you have any further thoughts I would like to hear them, but if not, don't worry. Maybe I will raise this issue in WPTR talk page, but it is nothing big so it is not that important. Cheers! Baristarim 15:49, 17 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hey Bogdan, there's a statement with a {{fact}} tag at Wallachia#Name. If the statement is true, would you be able to add a source to it? Thanks, Khoikhoi 08:47, 18 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Also, B, do you happen to have sources for checking and (perhaps) expanding the early part of the history section? I don't have much around, and, given that Greier was involved in writing it, I think it should be verified. Cheers. Dahn 09:02, 18 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I have Gheorghe I. Brătianu's Tradiţia istorică despre întemeierea statelor româneşti, which has some pertinent information on its founding and early history. bogdan 10:51, 19 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Great! Thanks. Dahn 10:53, 19 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Sfatul Tarii


Am observat articolul inceput de tine (lucru foarte diligent). Ar trebui editat (clean-up + adaugitri si linkuri) si articolul Moldavian Democrati Republic. Dar tu citezi o singura bibliografie. Stii de sursa aceasta? Daca vrei, putem sa ne impartim capitolele din cartea din link-ul de mai sus si sa facem cate un rezumat de 1-2 alineate la fiecare, pe care sa-l punem in aceste doua articole, sau unde o mai fi cazul. Daca gasesti surse in rusa (putin probabil, tema fiind tabu inainte de 1988), pot sa le traduc.:Dc76 03:51, 19 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Mulţumesc că mi-ai amintit de sursa aceasta. Voi completa articolul şi cu ce scrie acolo.
Am căutat în baza de date a Bibliotecii Centrale Universitare din Bucureşti şi am găsit nişte cărţi care se referă exact la acest subiect. O să încerc să trec pe acolo când o să am mai mult timp.
  • Onisifor Ghibu, Cum s'a facut Unirea Basarabiei, Editura "Asociaţiunii", Sibiu, 1925
  • Alexandru Bobeica, Sfatul Ţării: stindard al renaşterii naţionale, Universitas, Chişinău, 1993, ISBN 5-362-01039-5
  • Ion Calafeteanu şi Viorica-Pompilia Moisuc, Unirea Basarabiei şi a Bucovinei cu România 1917-1918: documente, Editura Hyperion, Chişinău, 1995
  • Ştefan Ciobanu, Unirea Basarabiei : studiu şi documente cu privire la mişarea naţională din Basarabia în anii 1917-1918, Universitas, Chişinău, 1993 ISBN 5-362-01025-5 // Alfa, Iaşi, 2001
  • Gheorghe E. Cojocaru, Sfatul ţării: itinerar, Civitas, Chişinău, 1998 , ISBN 9975-936-20-2
  • Ion Turcanu, Unirea Basarabiei cu România : 1918 : preludii, premise, realizari, Tipografia Centrală, Chişinău, 1998, ISBN 9975-923-71-2
  • Marin C. Stănescu, Armata româna si unirea Basarabiei şi Bucovinei cu România : 1917-1919, Ex Ponto, Constanţa, 1999, ISBN 973-9385-75-3
  • Alexandru V. Boldur, Istoria Basarabiei, Editura Victor Frunză, Bucureşti, 1992
  • Dinu Postarencu, O Istorie a Basarabiei în date si documente (1812-1940), Editura Cartier, Chişinău, 1998

bogdan 10:51, 19 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Lista de carti este impresionanta. Tu ai timp sa te duci la biblioteca sa cauti 10 carti doar pentru un articol in wikipedia? :-) Ai o dedicatie extraordinara! Cu parere de rau, eu nu ma aflu acum fizic in Romania sau Moldova, si nu prea cred ca bibliotecile de aici sa aiba ceva pe acest subiect. Daca vrei, hai sa facem asa:
  • cand gasesti vreo sursa interesanta pe internet, unde trebuie citite vreo 10 pagini pentru a face un rezumat de 3-4 aliniate, as putea sa fac eu acest lucru. Pentru mine ar fi o lectura de relaxare
  • daca ai nevoie de treduceri din rusa
  • lucruri similare, care pot fi finalizate in 1-2 ore
Lasa-mi doar un mesaj pe talk-page-ul meu. Nu ma refer doar la Sfatul Tarii, ci si la alte articole. Las la latitudinea ta. Pentru mine wikipedia e o relaxare, nu ma ajuta profesional cu nimic, cu exceptia imbunatatirii culturii generale.
Acum nu am chiar destul timp pentru aşa ceva, dar poate că peste vreo lună-două, da. Dacă găsesc ceva interesant pe internet, îţi spun. bogdan 14:55, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
List of localities in Moldova este incompleta. Ai uitat:

I noticed your (rather old) comment noting that the page is incorrect when it says the word is derived from the Latin "strix." I've seen in several other wiki pages and elsewhere that Latin strix actually means owl, while Greek strix has more of the vampire connotation that the page is going for. Do you have any extra insight on that or on whether it would be better to change the line to say the word is descended from Latin striga, or change Latin to Greek and leave strix? Or maybe say both to cover all bases? -Bbik 18:23, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The Latin word strix/striga is indeed borrowed from Greek, but the vampire myth was popularized by the Romans (see Latin strix/striga) and spread by them: stregheria (Italy), strigă, strigoi (Romania), shtriga (Albania). AFAIK, Romanians and Albanians couldn't have borrowed the words from ancient Greek because they had no linguistic contacts with the Greeks before the Middle Ages, so they got them via Latin. bogdan 18:44, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, Bogdan. This edit by User:Daizus breaks wikipedia guidelines on original research, and I think an administrator should point that out to him as well (I have, but he answers besides the point). I have even given him a suggestion as to what he should be using for sources if he wants to add several perspectives on the matter, but he dismisses them repeatedly. Please se my comments on Talk:Getae#Merge with the Dacians. Dahn 16:13, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Could you also please see the recent squabble at Flag and coat of arms of Moldavia (note: it also appears that a large part of the newly--added photos are copyvios). Dahn 16:46, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Suggested deletions


Greetings. May I suggest you look into deleting the following articles: Outsourcing romania, which looks like poor advertising, Florin de la Tirgu Jiu, who has no Google hits, and possibly Selecţia Naţională Eurovision 2007, which appears to be a duplicate of Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 (maybe a redirect for the last one)? Biruitorul 22:31, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I see you just beat me with Florin. Biruitorul 22:31, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Done. bogdan 22:33, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you. While we're at it, what's the rule for localities - do you put the county or not? Or does it depend on whether there are more places with a single name? Among our newer articles, we have Păsăreni, but also Roznov, Neamţ and Scărlăteşti, Brăila. Biruitorul 22:36, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, it depends on whether there are more places with the same name. bogdan 22:42, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Advertising for what?,and were was te advertising on it?Afekete 08:28, 23 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Query about deletion of Freefall (webcomic)


Hello, I wonder why Freefall (webcomic) was deleted. As I cannot find the VFD page, I assume it was a speedy deletion. This is a little surprising since a little reseach on Wikipedia itself reveals that it meets the requirements for notability, being a Web Cartoonist's Choice Awards winner in the Outstanding Science Fiction Comic category in 2001, and nominee in that category in 2002, 2005 and 2006. It is also probably notable due to its longetivity, having started on 3/30/1998. Also, on Google it is the first result in a search for 'freefall'. Was there a VFD that I missed? Thank you. Aclapton 20:50, 24 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I restored it. bogdan 20:55, 24 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much, that was good of you. Aclapton 21:10, 24 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Wally and Osborne a.k.a. On the Rocks - in fact it meets WP:WEB


Last warning


got any proof anything is vandalism? shouldnt you be on Wiki Romania or is there not one? Zserango 22:44, 27 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, I noticed you blocked Zserango indefinitely, but put on his talk page that he has been temporarily blocked. From reading his edits, I get the idea that he does mean to improve Wikipedia (and fails to do so by choosing the wrong words, lacking sources and perhaps being a bit opinionated and rude). Since this was only the third day he was active (with that account (don't know if there are others)), perhaps a shorter period than indefinite is in order. V 00:42, 28 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Most of his contributions were trolling and I think his intention was not to improve Wikipedia:
  • Some of his contributions were "opinioned and rude", like you say: saying that the EU is communist, that Charles Kennedy is an alcoholic, naming Milosevic murdurous (sic!) etc.
  • But in other contributions of his, he clearly added wrong information: saying that Reykjavik is the third largest city in Europe and adding false information to Labour Party, moving: 22:32, 27 January 2007 (hist) (diff) m Roxy Music (moved Roxy Music to Poxy Music: because theyir music is shite), etc.
  • He also had some nonsensical additions and removals: he removed the Greek name of Thessaloniki and added the Hungarian name to Basque County.

bogdan 09:39, 28 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

An editor has nominated the article List of historical confusions for deletion, under the Articles for deletion process. We appreciate your contributions, but the nominator doesn't believe it satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and has explained why in the nomination (also see What Wikipedia is not and Deletion policy). Your opinions on why the topic of the article meets inclusion criteria and what should be done with the article are welcome: participate in the discussion by editing Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/List of historical confusions. Add four tildes like this ~~~~ to sign your comments. You can also edit the article List of historical confusions during the discussion, but do not remove the "Articles for Deletion" template (the box at the top of the article), this will not end the deletion debate. Joe 04:00, 28 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

EU vote


Hi Bogdangiusca, I noticed your EU contributions. Currently we have a vote for keeping many relevant images in the sections. Would be great to see you voting and commentating there. This is the version to be discussed [4]]. all the best Lear 21 04:46, 28 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Web Cartoonist's Choice Awards


Hi, I was watching the AfD for WCCA. Do you think that the results of the awards ceremonies should be removed (as WP:N and WP:V)? -- Ben (talk) 23:21, 29 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I really don't understand how an AfD discussion where the majority of votes are for keeping the article results in deletion. What policy justifies this? TMLutas 01:04, 8 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I don't have any barnstars available, but you just reverted vandalism on a few things on my watchlist and I thought a thanks was in order. --SB_Johnny|talk|books 23:55, 30 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Image:Propaganda poster Ceausescu.jpg deleted at Commons


Even though you deleted Image:Propaganda poster Ceausescu.jpg on 13 October 2006 when moved to Commons with the same name, I, an admin here and at Commons, just found that the same thing was deleted from Commons on 24 January 2007 per commons:Commons:Deletion_requests/Image:Propaganda_poster_Ceausescu.jpg. Therefore, if we cannot be sure that it qualifies for PD-USGov, we can only claim fair use here, not at Commons.--Jusjih 13:56, 1 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I suggest this article can be deleted on sight. :) Dpotop 14:22, 2 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

In His Likeness


Hi there, I was just told that I had been given a wiki and I was elated, and then found a few days later it had been deleted. It seems the person who created it didn't know any of my accolades. In His Likeness has had longevity as noted from an above deletion starting in 2003. It has been featured in the documentary '24 Hours Later' (http://www.24hourslater.com). It has been reviewed by the Comic Geek Speak podcast (episode 168, 233) as well as 'Digital Strips' in their first episode (www.digitalstrips.com/2006/09/webcomic-geek-speak-or-crossover.html) It has been syndicated on WYLFWT.COM, an entertainment & blog based site as well as MOODSPINS.COM. It is the fifth associated link for the word 'LIKENESS'. Finally, and most importantly, I was reviewed by the highly acclaimed and well circulated Knights Of The Dinner Table by Tony DiGerolamo (Issue #104) as can be easily seen at Tony's personal site: (http://www.thefixsite.com/sjrp/lookin.html). Do me a favor and email me if this isn't enough, as I know I'm currently being put into nomination for an Eagle award, but I'm not sure if I will be an official nom yet. Etc. Anyway my email is revvoice@gmail.com - thanks.

Some dubious articles


Sorry to write to you here...


but you seem to be most active here, so you're most likely to see my message here. I've just notice you are an admin on Romanian wikibooks (http://ro.wikibooks.org/wiki/Special:Listusers/Sysop) Would you mind keeping an eye on it, as D.evil hasn't been active for almost 2 years now, Gangleri hasn't been active for more than a half a year and I intend to resign. It's really a low traffic wiki so it shouldn't be too time consuming! Thanks! --Vlad|-> 10:28, 14 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

OK, I'll look over it. I added the RSS feed to my browser. bogdan 10:33, 14 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, I've seen that; I can now proceed with my resignation. --Vlad|-> 12:00, 14 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

An editor has nominated IKEA in popular culture, an article on which you have worked or that you created, for deletion. We appreciate your contributions, but the nominator doesn't believe that the article satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion and has explained why in his/her nomination (see also "What Wikipedia is not"). Your opinions on whether the article meets inclusion criteria and what should be done with the article are welcome; please participate in the discussion by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/IKEA in popular culture and please be sure to sign your comments with four tildes (~~~~). You may also edit the article during the discussion to improve it but should not remove the articles for deletion template from the top of the article; such removal will not end the deletion debate. Thank you. Please note: This is an automatic notification by a bot. I have nothing to do with this article or the deletion nomination, and can't do anything about it. Jayden54Bot 13:44, 14 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Thank you for uploading Image:Antonescu and hitler.jpg. However, it currently is missing information on its copyright status. Wikipedia takes copyright very seriously. It may be deleted soon, unless we can determine the license and the source of the image. If you know this information, then you can add a copyright tag to the image description page.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thanks again for your cooperation. Jkelly 02:11, 15 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

What the hell is wrong with you?


How about improving Wikipedia, instead of deleting useful content? Did you read my rant btw? Maybe it'll change your opinion. I just don't want to write it all over again on the new AfD.  Grue  17:33, 19 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia:Wikipedia is not for things made up in school one day should sum it up. As a usenet user myself, I know that most usenet fenomena are known just within a small community and have no reliable sources outside the usenet world or blogosphere and they're with nothing more notable than those things invented in school. It's the wikipedia policy to require reliable published sources. If you disagree with it, try to change it, but I guess that's pretty futile. bogdan 17:47, 19 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Funny how you can label an entire art movement "thing invented in school one day". I suggest you to read up on the history of ASCII art, or something...  Grue  18:09, 19 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

It's back. Biruitorul 21:40, 20 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]



If you are an admin, have a look on the article. Serious vandalism is visible, so it should be protected from editing. However, please consider adding a label about controversy. It is a rather world-wide view, that Martenitzas are Bulgarian, not Romanian (I am a Pole and have never heard of the Romanian origin of the custom before, while indeed I heard about the Bulgarian one). If anyone claims otherwise, they should document it (citations of some scientific publications etc.). Astat bg 20:37, 22 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, I am asking people who have contributed or are interested in Northern Maramureş to talk about the recent change of the article name and some stuff (mainly spelling) inside. You can find some opinions here and here. Please, leave you comments Talk:Northern Marmaroshchyna. We might need the assistance of an admin to redo certain things (changing the name back, for ex.). Of course, let's first see that everyone agrees on a good name. Thank you.:Dc76 21:10, 23 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Klan members categories


Hi. I've updated the nomination and struck out your comment temporarily. Please see if you still agree with my update nomination: Wikipedia:Categories_for_discussion/Log/2007_February_25#Ku_Klux_Klan_members_categories

Leaota Mountains


Hi. Could you please look at the page on Leaota Mountains and see what (if anything) should be done? The page was created by User:Sorente under the name of Leaota, but I knew it was referred to in several other places as Leaotă Mountains, so I moved it there, and did some wikifying. (This is the first time I attempted to move a page, so I was, and still am nervous about the procedure). At any rate, I then noted that on ro.wiki the page is named Leaota, which on second thought also corresponds to my memory of the name. So, after after some more checks on the www, I decided it's better to go back to Leaota. Which I hope is OK, except now I see that all the history of the page is gone (ouch, I didn't think of that!), and so I feel quite bad about it, especially since the person who started the page evidently went through a lot of effort to put those very nice pictures there (which by the may may need to be shrunk at some point). So sorry to bug you with this (ahh, those diacritics!!), but is there any good way out of this jam? Thanks. Turgidson 01:01, 28 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

While at it, I think Broscauti gotta be redirected to Broscăuţi, Botoşani. I took the info from the former and moved it to the latter (with some partial wikification and slight expansion), but after my experience with the Leaota Mountains (I'm still not sure what the status is there), I'm leery to make any sudden moves when it comes to diacritics-studded pages. Any words of wisdom on how to proceed? Thanks. Turgidson 03:28, 4 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Well, I see Anittas is back, and has begun his activity with a content fork: please see my comments on the talk page there (I notice someone else has called for a merger, and he simply deleted the tag). This is really tiresome. Dahn 18:09, 3 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Possibly unfree Image:Castelul_Peles_2_autumn.jpg

An image that you uploaded from stock.xchng or altered, Image:Castelul_Peles_2_autumn.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Possibly unfree images#SXC_images because its copyright status is disputed. If the image's copyright status cannot be verified, it may be deleted. Please go to its page for more information if you are interested in it not being deleted. Thank you. OrphanBot 03:08, 9 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

03:08, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

Salut, Bogdan. This article is currently a battlefield between a pro-Bivolaru editor (User:Corect) and an anti-Bivolaru editor (User:Grapeheart). Would you please revert to the last NPOV version and protect the article? Regards, Mentatus 13:14, 9 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Ceauşescu propaganda poster


Bogdan, now that Image:Propaganda poster Ceausescu.jpg has been restored to the Commons, I wanted to let you know that I added some material to the image's description and talk page, documenting the photographer's disclaimer of copyright. I also put a link to this image back in the page on the PCR. Richwales 04:25, 11 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Cyrillic transliteration script for Moldovan/Romanian


Do you still have it online? Can you post its address on wikipedia-l, or give it to me so that I post it? GerardM seems to question its existence. Dpotop 20:33, 12 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Constantin Brâncuşi


Is back at Constantin Brancusi, though you moved it to the former location a month ago. Biruitorul 06:44, 17 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hello, and sorry for the trouble. I left you a message at commons. Could you please chek it out. Thank you very much and sorry again.



Hi, could you please take a look at the discussion in Talk:Soviet occupation of Romania? I've been trying to find out why the tags were put in the article, and started editing the article to make it better, but I'm having trouble with the editor who put those tags in, and got abusive. This is the first time I experience such agressive discourse on wikipedia, and I'm not sure how to proceed. Any words of wisdom? Thanks. Turgidson 01:59, 26 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Move request


It looks like a consensus exists to move Fântâna Albă incident to Fântâna Albă massacre (see talk), but we need an admin to do it. Would you please consider doing this? Thank you. Biruitorul 16:04, 31 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The consensus was breached. Anonimu 19:14, 31 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

M-renewal (talk · contribs) one sock minus ;-) --Hair pilot 15:31, 1 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hello! I thought you may be interested in joining WikiProject Kurdistan. We work on creating, expanding and making general changes to Kurdistan related articles. If you would be interested in joining feel free to visit the Project Page!. Thank You.

--Bohater 11:39, 5 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

RFC against Desiphral


I have opened a Request for Comment on Desiphral for his actions on this and other pages related to the Romani language and Roma people. The page can be found at Wikipedia:Requests_for_comment/Desiphral. If you have any comments or opinions on the RfC, please feel free to make them known there. --Miskwito 22:38, 7 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Thanks for the picture! I love it. Biruitorul 06:17, 9 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Ţi-am scris un e-mail la o adresa pe care am primit-o de la kaiser. Dacă l-ai primit, răspunde-mi.--MariusM 20:57, 9 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

On the pre-1916 usage of the term "Greater Romania"


Hi, B. I am currently working on expanding Take Ionescu, and have bumped into a piece of information which may clarify a long-debated, if not that problematic, issue. I remember that, a long time ago, me, you, and Dpotop were discussing whether the term "Greater Romania" was used as in an irredentist sense. Though I must stress again that it was obviously used as such, going by its strict definition, I have a definite proof that the term was used in reference to territorial expansion before the union happened.

Well, we all know that Romania entered the war with a will to annex territories, and there was no shame in using the term "annexation" (see for example here). But, if the question was "were these policies ever defined as fulfilling a Greater Romania?", the answer is to be found, for one, in Constantin Xeni's "Portrete politice din anii interbelici", in Magazin Istoric, April 1975, p.56, rendering Ionescu's statement in August 1914. Xeni indicates that Ionescu was making predictions about the newly-started war, and made it clear that Ionescu elaborated on these issues in his articles for La Roumanie. And I quote (sorry for not using diacritics):

"Si, dragul meu, vom vedea cu ochii Romania Mare. Vom trece prin zile negre, caci nu stiu daca suntem pregatiti, dar vom lua Transilvania."

As a side note, while it emerges that irredentists did use the term before 1916, they could only have had Transylvania, Bukovina and the Banat on their minds when doing so. What do you think? Dahn 22:07, 9 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Interesting. Indeed, it's clear it was in irredentist use.
In an unrelated older usage, but which I just discovered, it seems that "România Mică" was sometimes used to refer to Oltenia and "România Mare" to the rest of Wallachia:
Cităm, ca exemplu, frumoasa poezie din România-mică, Oltule, Olteţule [5]
Acum era aproape de România Mică. [...] Valoroşii Buzeşti, nobili cavaleri ai patriei şi ai libertăţii, preotul Farcaş, general al românilor, bătrânul Manta, banul Craiovei ... [6]
El a legat, pentru prima oară, România Mare cu cea Mică, prin frumosul şi lungul pod de piatră pe râul Olt şi Beica, în dreptul oraşului Slatina. [7]
bogdan 22:22, 9 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Are we talking about the historical definition of Wallachia and Greater Wallachia, referring to what is now Oltenia, respectively Wallachia? Such historical terms were also used for Moldavia, which at times was called Wallachia Minor. None of this has to do with the term of which Greater Romania was intended for. I, personally, believe that the modern name for Greater Romania was used for irredentist reasons -- and for the record, I don't believe this was a wrong thing to do. --Thus Spake Anittas 22:34, 9 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Trying not to speak in Bogdan's name, I have to point out that: a) the issue of "Little Romania" was brought up here coincidentally, and there was no point made about it being in reference to what we generally use "Greater Romania" for; b) the issue of "Greater Romania" had nothing to with wrong or right (at least, not for me and Bogdan), but with a claim made by a certain user that the term was only used after 1918/22. I for one couldn't care less if someone considers the issue of irredentism to be "negative" or "positive", I just care that it was out there when it was out there (and, additionally, that it is out there when it is out there). Dahn 22:41, 9 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Hm. I was not aware of that. This deserves more looking into in the future, because it goes hand in hand with the usage of "Romania" for "Wallachia" - I do not know if there were investigations done about this particular issue, but I have seen it in use here and there. Dahn 22:29, 9 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Very interesting data. Dahn, you could have posted it on my page, too, because this is *the* argument that finally makes me accept your position on Greater Romania.

As concerns the use of annexation. It is clear that Romania wanted to annex Transylvania. However, I believe we can use the word union, given that representative assemblies independent from the Romanian government chose to unite. The problem of the legitimity of the 1923 constitution (and the ensuing constitutional order) is an internal Romanian problem. Dpotop 16:51, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Well, the matter is more nuanced than this. For starters, my point about annexation was in reference to its use in 1914, as wishful thinking on the part of Romanian irredentists (I use the term "irredentist" in the most neutral of its senses, the one it actually had during that time). On this level, if would be entirely absurd to refer to, for example, troops crossing the Carpathians before the 1916 debacle as aiming to "unite" Transylvania with Romania. However, I never implied that the term "annexation" is warranted for 1918 and after.
Concerning the usage of the term "to unite" for 1918-1922, I tend to agree. Let me however point out that it is not the only one to be used, especially concerning narratives of events in their succession. It is perfectly okay to refer to the Directory Council as aiming and managing, from their end, to "unite" the region with Romania; it is perfectly okay to describe the overall results as "union". It is not, however, a big sin to talk of "incorporation", "military presence", "Romanian [1919] offensive", "unrecognized union" etc, when the context is detailed - considering that, aside from what the Council did or didn't do, the Allies were rather hostile to Romania and the Romanian government insisted on projecting the image of extending its administration to the region (instead of accepting ad hoc local rule). The union was a process, not an event, and culminated in an international recognition that came about because: a) the Romanians imposed a treaty on Hungary; b) the Allies made a deal with Romania; c) the international situation changed drastically over a couple of years; d) centralist Bucharest dissolved the Transylvanian assembly, much to the latter's chagrin (and topped the process with a crowning, considered illegitimate by former members of the Council). In respect to Bessarabia, things are even murkier: France ratified its incorporation into Romania only in 1926 (I think), and Italy never did recognize it (I also remember something about Japan doing the same, but I'm not sure). In short, Romanians tend to say "it was the result of local demand", but that, though not entirely untrue, is rather inaccurate. So yes, let's use the term, but let's not get high on its apparent meaning. Dahn 19:15, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Traian Băsescu impeachment


Hi Bogdan. I hope you can help me. I have nominated the impeachment of Romanian president Traian Băsescu to be featured on Template:In the news on the Main page. But I don't know the technicalities of the impeachment, and which articles are related to the crisis. Could you review the nomination at Wikipedia:In the news section on the Main Page/Candidates#April 19, and comment to correct any errors I've made? Cows fly kites (Aecis) Rule/Contributions 13:19, 19 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I noticed this article that you started some time ago. Are we sure that's the correct name, and not Angelescu (as on ro.wiki)? I have a reference in the article on Alexandru Ghika which says that A. Ghika married Elisabeta Angelescu, daughter of "Dr. C. Angelescu, Ministre". I assume that's the same as the one-time PM of Romania, but I'm not 100% sure, especially because of the slight discrepancy in spelling (the rest seems to match). Would you have more info on this? Thanks. Turgidson 20:55, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Minor point: if you decide to change the name to "Angelescu", please don't forget to change it in the template as well (because otherwise the link in the template will not be in bold type inside the article). Thanks (and, in case this comment is superfluous, I apologize). Dahn 20:58, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

B, could I please ask for your input on Anittas' persistent redirecting of Moldavian to Moldavia instead of Moldovan? Dahn 21:02, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Bee, could you please ask this person to learn to discuss things before starting a revert war? This is what civilized people usually do. Just as Wallachian redirects to Wallachia, so should Moldavian redirect to Moldavia. A Moldavian should either be referred to as the Moldavians who inhabited the old Principality or the Moldavians of Romania. In the English language, the name Moldavia and Moldavians are reserved for the old principality (and not Moldova) and its people. It would be ridiculous to think that one can seperate the name of Moldavia and Moldova, but not the names of Moldavian and Moldovan. --Thus Spake Anittas 21:08, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Clutter, Anittas. Clutter. Dahn 21:11, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not sure what you mean by that, but are we settled or are you going to ask Khoikhoi to intervene? --Thus Spake Anittas 21:15, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Anittas, there are plenty of sources which use "Moldavian" instead of "Moldovan"... 154 books mentioning "Moldavian language". bogdan 21:19, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
What is your point? There are plenty of sources which use "Moldavia" instead of "Moldova." Should we then redirect Moldavia to Moldova? A Moldavian must cover the whole aspect, not just the political unity of Moldova. I am a Moldavian, but I have nothing to do with Moldova. The Moldavians of the old principality and the Moldavians of Romania must not be attached to the recent state of Moldova. Get it? --Thus Spake Anittas 21:23, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
In what does a disambiguation page clarifying terms in use and the relations between them relate to such spurious reasoning? Does your diatribe in any way prevent a certain term from having several meanings, Anittas? Dahn 21:30, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Because that disambiguation page is not neutral. A Moldavian can, as we have seen here, also refer to a Moldovan; but a Moldovan can rarely refer to a Moldavian of the old principality or a Moldavian from Romania. Therefore, it would be a great error to redirect the name Moldavian to a page with the name that only represents the people of Republic of Moldova. Also, the explanations given on that page are very vague, but even if they were more complete, the name of the page refers to the Moldovans of Republic of Moldova. --Thus Spake Anittas 21:44, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Anittas, the purpose of disambiguation is to clarify the terms in use and their multiple meaning. Rant all you want, but the terms will not have less meanings because you want to. Dahn 22:04, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Perhaps we should have such a page for the name Wallachian. I mean, a Wallachian could also be a Roma, could it not? According to this page, it could. --Thus Spake Anittas 22:14, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, perhaps we should indeed have such a page, although I think we can have a common disambig for it and some stuff currently in Vlachs. Dahn 22:24, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Go ahead and create it. As for the Moldavian issue, since a Moldovan can also be a Moldavian, the disambiguation should rather be at the Moldavian page, than at the Moldovan page. If we care about neutrality, that is; because, we I have to point out again, a Moldavian of the old principality cannot be placed on the Moldovan page, as it would be anachronistic. A Moldavian is also an ethnicity, but a Moldovan can also be a nationality/citizenship. --Thus Spake Anittas 22:28, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Anittas, spare me the fantasies. Dahn 22:47, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I'm not going to ask Bonaparte for your email, but why the heck don't you have your email activated? Another superior attitude from another Bucharestnean. Do you think you're so sought for that you can't be bothered to receive emails? Numai vedete in lumea asta... --Thus Spake Anittas 23:43, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Parca i-ai fi promis lui Jmabel ca ai sa-l intalnesti in Bucuresti, ultima oara cand el a fost acolo. Te-ai tinut de cuvant sau ai facuto pe a bucuresteanul? Te faci ca nu ma auzi, adica? Te crezi mai destept? Mai nas-inalt ce esti; am spuso o data si o sa mai tot spun: muntenii, oltenii si banatenii sunt cei mai criminali oameni din Romania, daca nu din lume. Uitete la luceafarul ala care se crede tare si mare pentru ca a invatat doua chestii in strainatate. Crede ca are obiectivitate mai mare decat restul din noi. Un lucru sa va fie clar: puteti sa va plimbati prin toate universitatile din lumea asta; puteti sa aveti cele mai frumoase femei; si cei mai destepti copiii; si puteti sa va socializati cu cei mai mari cocosi din lume, dar pana la urma, tot a natie de ciubotari ramaneti. Mai tin minte cand vineau bucurestenii in orasul nostru, de batea biserica din clopote ca sa anunte sosirea lor. Si ce faceau? Vineau cu niste copii care erau mandri ca nu au mai vazut carabusi in viata lor si ca le erau frica de vaca; iar parintii mai trageau cate o fraza pe franceza si tot spunea, "dar la Bucuresti nu este asta." "Pai da mai vaca proasta, poate pentru ca esti la Dorohoi si nu la Bucuresti!" ma gandeam eu in sinea mea. Eu totusi nu inteleg de unde ati primit atata fudulie. Cat de mult putem da vina pe fanarioti? De ce va credeti voi asa de speciali? Hai, ca sunteti voi exotici, dar daca vreau sa ma uit la papagali, ma duc la Zoo. Iar Luceafarul ala adica face fratie cu altii ca tine de ii zice, "hey man"--"yeah, man" etc. Vai, vai de curul vostru ca ati stricat imaginea Romaniei peste tot unde va-ti dus: in Spania, Italia, Franta, etc. Iar adica voi care va spuneti ca sunteti intelectuali; voi spuneti ca sunteti altfel, dar in ce fel sunteti diferiti? Hai ca te las de data asta. Sanatate si voie buna! :) --Thus Spake Anittas 18:38, 22 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Anittas, am I to understand you want to go on vacation again? Dahn 19:11, 22 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Pai depinde: daca te apuci sa trimiti emailuri si sa bati din toba, iar ma pensioneaza astia. M-am gandit ca asta poate sa ramana intre noi, aici. :) --Thus Spake Anittas 19:18, 22 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Lasa. Sa te judece colegii mei, academicienii :). Dahn 19:21, 22 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. A user has moved Constantin Cantacuzino (aviator) to Constantin Cantacuzino, claiming that only one is notable enough to have an article. Of course, we have all heard of this guy, so could you please undo the redirect (and perhaps write a stub on the man, so that we do not complicate the matter further)? Dahn 11:41, 26 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The user Juro, who you previously blocked indefinitely, but who was unblocked recently is engaging in repetitively disruptive behavior. Please consult his contribution log for edit warring, refusal to discuss changes, "ownership of articles," removal of legitimate warnings on his user talk page, adding the warnings he removes to the user talk pages of the editors who placed them there, uncivil communication with fellow editors, three revert violations, and etc. FEastman 01:03, 29 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Copied from my talkpage Betacommand (talkcontribsBot) 01:14, 29 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, B. I just noticed you had created an article on -eşti, which I believe was a good idea. When I was editing Take Ionescu a while back, I noted that he was born with the last name of "Ioan", which was actually his patronymic, and which he had changed into "Ionescu" and used as a family name. As Romanian speakers, even though that period of transition from patronymic/nickname to family name is rather obscure, we can see how and why that came to be. However, explaining why that was to a person from another culture may be tedious, and could perhaps have an article of its own. To me, you are the resident expert in these matters, and you seem to have most access to this type of information. Therefore, do you think we should have an "-escu" article as well? And, in case you think we should, do you believe it should also detail the matter of patronymics and nicknames? Thanks. Dahn 20:19, 2 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Could I interject something? There's a series of articles, eg Polish name. Would a "Romanian name" article be feasible? Biruitorul 20:38, 2 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, that would work too. (Though I can already picture users who would just throw anything in there.) Dahn 20:44, 2 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
True, but lately our problem with Romanians here has been (you excepted, not me) users not throwing in enough [work/content into articles], rather than throwing in too much. Biruitorul 20:47, 2 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I wouldn't call it "work" when somebody does what they did on the [superfluous and unmanagable] List of Romanians and on the [superfluous and unmanagable] List of socialists from Eastern Europe. There is a demon just tempting wikipedians to throw in everything they can think of into what has the potential of looking like a list. I'm not saying we should not have it, I'm saying we should "police" it: IMO, the best way for that is not to stubify, but to add a lot of content in one go and leave little room for whims. Dahn 21:09, 2 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I totally agree. Biruitorul 21:19, 2 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, I noticed that you made some substantial edits at Illyrian language back in 2005, so I'm guessing that you probably know something about the topic. Since last week, a neutral and unbiased colleague of ours has been pushing his POV on the article, and maybe you could take a look at the discussion. This user is not really a serious discussion partner (basically anyone who doesn't agree with him is either a Serbian or a Greek troll) so some help would be useful if you are not too busy. --Chlämens 00:28, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Ghetto article


Kolozsvár Ghetto article: according to WP:NCGN, it should be use the official English name. And this is Cluj-Napoca. Can you please explain me why you changed the name back? --Roamataa 00:29, 11 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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You may be interested in this


Hi. Please check these out: a one, and a two. Dahn 06:27, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Hi, if you are or will be on WP these days, may I ask you to please watch Traian Băsescu, given that it is tagged a current event. I and Dl.goe have copyedited recently some sections of the article, then an old acquentence has rv it. If you feel like copy editting it, please be my guest. I will not mind if someone edits, even massively, incl what you might guess i would disagree, as long as it is honest copyedit, not blant rv without even reading. If you have time and interest...:Dc76 16:16, 19 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Disagree or not??


Regarding Talk:Vlachs#Disambiguation?: did you disagree or agree? Then please clarify! (Vlach=Romania is not my main area of interest, I'll simply comply and leave troubles as they are!) Said: Rursus 15:21, 21 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



This is getting out of hand, Bogdan. Check out Icar's edit history: he is following me around, reverting to inane versions which hide facts as stated by sources, willingly disregarding wikipedia guidelines, and accusing me of all sorts of things. I could have lived with the fact that he and Bonaparte, with assistance from Dpotop and AdrainTM, cooked me up a groundless RfC, but this is getting out of hand. He is being really disruptive, and I have seen you noticing this over what he did to Gheorghe Pintilie and others. He does the same to articles such as Vasile Luca, Alexandru Nicolschi, and Valter Roman, where he has contributed nothing. Despite frequent warnings for stalking, his edit history is still a treasure of disruptions on pages I have created, accompanied by libel that I am a "Trotzkist" (sic), "propganda-motivated", that I am into "whitewashing", etc - and all sorts of conjectures about my motivations. The whitewashing part is really interesting: I am "hiding" the ethnic origin of those people (in fact, I mentioned it in its proper place in the text), which means that... I am trying to make them look better as Romanians (because, in this circular argument, Romanian is necessarily "better"... just so you know where this sort of thing comes from). Really, how should I deal with this? Dahn 17:59, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Kudos. Dahn 19:07, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Imi cer anticipat iertare daca parere mea nu te intereseaza.

Am vazut ultimile tale/Dumneavoastra editari la Romanians.

De fapt am revertuit editarile lui Icar.. :-) bogdan 21:48, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Inteleg ca tu vrei sa spui agnostic, nu atheist. Ateistul este anti-religios, in timp ce agnosticul este cel care nu crede ca exista deitate, dar tolereaza bine mersi pe cine crede. M-as mira sa aud ca tu faci parte din primul grup. In mod normal agnosticii pur si simplu nu inregistreaza nici o religie la recensamant. Daca tu ai declarat la ultimul recensamant "ortodox", apoi pana in 2012 asa vei fi numarat. Dar oricum, considera cum vrei, mie mi-e tot una.

Ateismul nu presupune a fi impotriva religiei, ci doar a nu crede intr-o zeitate. Agnosticismul spune ca nu se poate sti adevarul daca exista sau nu vreo zeitate.
Eu apartin primului grup si desi cred ca in general religia nu mai are un rol pozitiv in zilele noastre, sustin libertatea credintelor si nu am probleme tolerandu-i pe cei care cred. bogdan 21:48, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Privind frecventarea lacaselor de cult, eu cred ca mai bine ar fi sa enumeri intai toate religiile, si apoi in alt aliniat sa pui frecventa. Fenomenul este universal. De ex in Anglia sunt mai multi musulmani care se duc vineri la moscheie decat anglicani sau catolici la biserica (duminica). In felul cum ai scris tu/Dumneavoastra, se poate intelege ca fenomenul este disproportionat la romani fata de alte natii, ceea ce nu e cazul.

Este disproportionat fata de alte natiuni faptul ca sunt multi care nu merg niciodata la biserica, dar se declara "crestini ortodocsi". Compara 0.1% fara religie in Romania cu 59% fara religie in Cehia. bogdan 21:48, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Inteleg ce vrei sa spui si cred ca ai dreptate: multi romani spun branza si se gandesc la smantana. Dar Cehia este un caz special, cel putin asa mi-au spus toti cehii cu care am vorbit vreodata despre religie. La ei n-a prins protestantismul german fiindca era german, dar catolicismul a fost presat si de protestantii germani si pentru ca Austria catolica tot era germana. Ei au o mica comunitate care inca urmeaza pasii lui Ian Hus! Dar a fost persecutata absolut de toti: protestanti germani, austrieci, comunisti. Situatie nefericita. Slovacia, insa a avut parte de o alta soarta: a ramas inca foarte catolica. acum, slovaci am intalnit mai putini, dar adevarul e ca erau catolici, chiar se duceau la biserica :Dc76 22:53, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

"A few ethnic Romanians may have converted to Islam and assimilated as Turks." Vezi, daca ai numara cati romani s-au asimilat in Ucraina inca de prin evul mediu, prin URSS, in Austro-Ungaria, eu cred ca o sa gasesti mai multi acolo. Mai potrivit ar fi sa scrii aici ca multi armeni, greci, bulgari, sarbi, etc au migrat de-a lungul secolelor in Romania. In orice caz, nu mi se pare normal sa evidentiezi contactul cu Turcia si nici sa nu pomenesti de celelalte (n-am absolut nimic cu turcii).

"A small percentage of Romanians are Protestant (2.8%)" spune direct "2.8% are protestant" E clar de la sine ca e putin, IMHO.

Apropo, nu 200,000, ci 400,000 de evrei romani au supravietuit razboiul, la care se adauga cei 150,000 de evrei basarabeni care s-au intors in Moldova (sovietica) dupa razboi dupa ce figisera in 1941 in asia mijlocie (diferenta de pana la 250,000 sunt din cei care-au murit in Transnistria).

Ideea pe care ti-o propun: nu te confrunta direct cu Icar, ci incearca sa editezi calitativ mai superior. Incearca sa-l depasesti intelectual, nu prin forta. Prin forta risti ca cineva sa creada ca esti de nivelul "removed POV" vs "removed highly controversial POV". Imi cer anticipat iertare daca parere mea nu te intereseaza. :Dc76 21:04, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

OK, multumesc pentru sfat. :-) bogdan 21:48, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Luka Lazslo


"Vasile Luca" was already in 1940 a member of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainean SSR. In 1944 he was a member of the URSS Supreme Soviet. So he did NOT become famous in Romania. Otherwise I agree that he was not ethnically Romanian. Stressing "Romanian" in the lead is just propaganda from the 1950's.

As for WP style concerning the lead, it explicitly mentions that normally citizenship should be displayed, not ethnicity. Here we clearly have an abnormal case. In fact it is not at all clear that Laszlo had romanian citizenship at any time; on the contrary, his being born in Austria-Hungary and his serving on the URSS SS is well documented. Please do not follow in the footsteps of a Trozkyst agitator in these cases (which include high-rank NKVD officers Valter Roman, Gheorghe Pintilie and Alexandru Nicolschi to name just a few...) Icar 08:01, 31 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Salut! Am observat ca aţi fost activ(ă) la articole despre Moldova (indiferent de ce mal al Prutului este vorba), sau despre regiunea Cernăuţi, sau despre Bugeac, sau despre Transnistria istorică. Dacă nu sunteţi indiferent şi vă interesează să contribuiţi la articole despre sau cu relevanţă pentru Republica Moldova, vă rog adăugaţi-vă numele la Noticeboard of the wikipedians from or interested in Moldova. Am vrea:

  • să facem o inventariere a articolelor legate de Moldova, în special
    • să le punem în categoriile corecte
    • să identificăm sute de articole WP existente cu relevanţă despre Moldova şi la cele care nu au, să le adăugăm [[Category:Moldova]].
  • în paralel am vrea să facem acelaşi lucru cu cele legate de regiunea Cernăuţi, Bugeac şi Transnistria
  • să menţinem portalul Portal:Moldova, în special
    • să identificăm câteva articole bune, care ar putea deveni "featured"
    • să completăm "Did you know" la cel puţin 200 de intrări
    • să adăugăm Wikinews despre Moldova
  • orice altceva ce vă interesează şi are legatură cu Moldova

Daca puteti contribui in medie o data pe saptamana cu o editare despre Moldova, ar fi excelent! Vă mulţumesc frumos si sper sa raspundeti. :Dc76 20:06, 31 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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It seems you too have been included on the gift list this year. Dahn 09:09, 1 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The stalker keeps stalking. Never mind. Please do not take my edit a a personal attack, as my stalker would like you to. I hope you will agree that your own experience is subjective and undocumented, and moreover it may well be singular as far as WP is concerned. You cannot conclude from your personal experience that "many" nominally orthodox Romanians do not attend church or even declare themselves atheists (this is actually a contradiction: why did they declare themselves orthodox in the census in the first place? this applies to you too, btw.).
Another thing, Bogdan. MoS:BIO it states clearly that

For people who are best known by a pseudonym, the birth name should usually appear first in the article, followed closely by the pseudonym. Follow this practice even if the article itself is titled with the pseudonym:

   * Louis Bert Lindley, Jr. (June 29, 1929 – December 8, 1983), better known by the stage name Slim Pickens…
I allowed myself the freedom of changing the lead paragraph of a few articles according to this recommended style, I hope that you will agree with my changes. Icar 09:59, 1 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Icar, it's a different thing here, because the stage name is just a pseudonym, not a legal name, unlike for example, Leonte Tismăneanu. When the name changes, it's common to use the legal name used later in life. For example, Ada Lovelace:
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada Byron
bogdan 07:34, 2 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Bogndan, for married women it makes sense that the marriage name be used (most of the time). But for Leonte Tismăneanu things are different. For one thing, did he ever legally change his name? If he did (which is undocumented so far) he may be the exeception anyway among communists with activity in Romania. You will agree I hope that Eugen Rozvan was never legally called like this, it was just one of the pseudonyms of the Hungarian communist activist Jenő Rozvány. It takes a sick mind to call this guy "a Hungarian-born Romanian communist activist". He had nothing to do with Romania! About half of the "Romanian communists" are in this situation. Icar 13:53, 4 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Belated thanks


Belated thanks for the Provisional Gvt pictures, Bogdan. I had noticed you were adding them before, and meant to ask you for the Heliade one - but I did not know if you had the entire image (yes, it looks clearly better), and I did not want to make it seem like a task. Dahn 11:59, 11 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Glad to do it. :-) bogdan 21:49, 11 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Use of feminine adjectives (dreaptă / stângă) for political orientations


I seem to recall reading once that the reason political movements are classified in Romanian using feminine adjectives ("dreaptă" or "stângă") is because these are shortened forms of "mâna dreaptă" or "mâna stângă". Is this correct, as far as you know? And if it is, would you by any chance know where I could find a reference for this (in either English or Romanian) that I could cite in a Wikipedia article? Richwales 21:30, 11 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

In Romanian, left side = "partea stângă" and when you say "to the left", you say "la stânga", and from there, the expression "de stânga" (of the left), meaning "left-wing". http://dexonline.ro/search.php?cuv=stang bogdan 21:49, 11 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I have an IPA request, but I don't know if you are available at the moment: can you please add IPA to Heliade Rădulescu's name, and perhaps to the new articles on clucer and postelnic? It came up in the FAC discussion. Thanks. Dahn 11:14, 12 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you! Dahn 15:41, 12 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Nicoleta Daniela Sofronie


Hi! A long time ago you have moved Nicoleta Daniela Sofronie to Nicoleta Daniela Şofronie. May I ask you if this move is right? Because when I try to find the version with Ş google only reports two sides. And Romanian sides, which reports the correct spelling of Cătălina Ponor and/or Monica Roşu also writes her name with S. Thank you for your help! :) Doma-w 16:22, 14 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Eugenio Coşeriu


I've put a {{notable}} tag onto Eugenio Coşeriu because there is nothing in the article at the moment that asserts notability. I though I'd let you know seeing as you are the most recent substantial contributor to it. Cheers Kevin 00:21, 19 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image (Image:Mainpage opera6 winXP.png)


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Query about deleted Website stub


Hello Bogdangiusca. I just noticed that the stub for Science Chat Forum was recently removed, and I found the below message in the deletion log. I'm at loss as to why it might have been deleted, as I am aware of numerous similar stubs that have been on wikipedia for years. Would you kindly advise on the matter, or if I'm in error, tell me where or how? Thanks in advance.

Deletion log: 22:40, 14 June 2007 Bogdangiusca (Talk | contribs) deleted "Science Chat Forum" (CSD A7; content was: 'Science Chat Forum (sciencechatforum.com, SCF) is an online community that brings together scientists from all fields of science and, amongst ot...') BioWizard 02:29, 22 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

See Wikipedia:Notability (web). bogdan 19:06, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Hi - could you please take a look at that page, and give your opinion? There's a bunch of single-purpose accounts there (which may well be the same user), engaging in a sequence of reverts (I count 4 just today, on a couple of those accounts). I tried to reason best I could, Dahn also weighed in -- to no avail. Thanks. Turgidson 17:39, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I semi-protected it. Now new users can't edit it. bogdan 19:06, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Am observat ca Daniel Brandt te-a inclus in lista lui de Hivemind. LOL! --Thus Spake Anittas 21:01, 2 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted image


Hello Bogdan,

Some time ago you deleted the image of an Orthodox monk from en.wiki, because it was replicated on commons. The log is here. Now, the image was deleted on commons based on some "unknown source" argument I was not aware of. Is there a way of undeleting the image on en.wiki? It's certainly fair use, and both me and Biruitorul think it's useful to have it (take a look at my talk page).

Thanks in advance. Dpotop 18:57, 4 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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re: deletion of VeggieBoards


While the article in question was barely more than a stub, doesn't VB's status as the largest message board qualify as notability?

I agree. Bogdangiusca, you referred to CSD A7 ( Criteria for speedy deletion Articles 7), but I don't think this is applicable because the deleted article did in fact assert the importance / significance of its subject. ("... the largest and most active Internet forum for vegetarians and vegans.") Also, there are numerous articles on less notable web sites on Wikipedia. While I understand that Wikipedia is not a web directory and that web sites and Internet forums are not generally noteworthy, I do think being the largest and most active within a certain category can make a website noteworthy after all. I hope therefore that you will consider undeleting this article. TheLastNinja 13:57, 15 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hi. Do you have a source for the information that Traian Băsescu's father originated from Băseşti? Thanks. — AdiJapan  17:44, 12 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Category:Romanian speaking countries and territories


I saw you deleted the category "Romanian speaking countries and territories" based on an old discussion (October 2006) about the deletion of the category "Romanian speaking countries". I consider this as a mistake, this is a different template, you should start an new discussion about it if you want to delete it. For Transnistria article it was a unanimous agreement of the regular editors to include it in both "Romanian speaking countries and territories" and in "Russian speaking countries and territories", with your deletion the agreement fall. Why such attempt to start again edit-wars related to Transnistria subject? Please reconsider your action and, if you want to propose deletion for this template I suggest you also propose deletion for the template "Russian speaking countries and territories".--MariusM 22:46, 21 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Unspecified source for Image:Borland_logo.png


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Hi. Can you please protect Ion Antonescu? It is subject to a revisionist attack. Dahn 16:12, 22 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you. And, of course, thanks for Category:People from Dâmboviţa County. Dahn 16:50, 22 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

It is still going on: some user, who probably evaded 3RR through the IP, pushes the same version (and does a similar thing to Bombing of Bucharest in World War II). He has been present for a while, pushing all sort of edits of this nature, so the pageprotect does not apply to him. I also wonder if he is not actually one of our old friends. Dahn 18:01, 22 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Inappropriate vandalism warning

 Hi Bogdan, can you please assist me in the debate with Dahn ? 

I do not think that the protection of Ion Antonescu is appropriate in this case.

First, I would like to tell you, I do not have too much time and experience in working with wikipedia, because unlike some others, i work for living (so I am not experienced in talk or debating an article on wiki), but I do not agree when another user is taking advantage of his experinece in Wiki (and asking administrators for favors) editing and eventually protect an article with no fair or well founded reason. So, with all the respect, what Dahn did is not accurate.

The removed sentence or words (in the both articles he mentioned Ion Antonescu and Bombing of Bucharest in World War II as mentioned) were only points of view (example of a POV: "This is not evidence that he recanted his anti-Semitism, but only that he began to realise that the war is lost and that he needed to find means to reconcile with the Allies" - this sentence is not describing a historical fact, it is just a POV and if it is not so, he will have to demonstrate it). As long as he will not bring a proof about these statements I will ask the supervisors for asisstance in removing protection and modifying the article. If somebody just puts a "label" it is vandalism, one administrator can't just jump and do what someone requested without asking the other party. I do not comment all the words in Dahn request, because otherwise it is a lot to commment.(especially about the sentence "revisionist attack").I just want that historical truth to be objective and free from partisan points of view.(Dincolo de asta sunt roman si nu am contul asta creat de ieri, to translate: besides all these things I am romanian, and my account was not created yesterday). So I do not understand what he means with "old friends".

As far as I know the rules mention that adding sentences which constitutes a Point Of View (as it was in the above mentioned articles and you added those sentences) especially for historical sensitive articles is against the foundation of Wikipedia.

Thank you a lot in advance,

Ionpalmasu 23:53, 22 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. I want to apologize and ask a favor. The apology is due because I merged this article with History of Catholicism in Romania, because the latter was impossible to place in context if we were to avoid repeating the same content (I also found it easier to cite sources - the other one only mentioned them at the bottom). As we stand, we have an article covering the history of Roman Catholicism from before the Romanian archbishopric was created to present-day, sending readers to article on Greek-Catholics for the other main church (while the summary details what is common to both). That said, and taking in view that the "Roman Catholicism in..." is the norm (it is so in the template at the bottom), could I please ask you to perform the admin magic and move the article to Roman Catholicism in Romania? I would appreciate any comments and suggestions. Thank you. Dahn 16:08, 26 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]





I noticed you are one of the important editors of the article about Dobruja. I have discussed with the Bulgarian user TodorBozhinov (another important editor of the article, now on holiday) and we are thinking of making the respective article a Good Article. Do you have any suggestion? Do you think I should put it through Wikipedia peer review first? (Excuse me for being impolite, but couldn't you archive a part of your discussion page? It's very long.)Baltaci 21:00, 29 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Genetic insights into the background of the Kurds


A {{prod}} template has been added to the article Genetic insights into the background of the Kurds, suggesting that it be deleted according to the proposed deletion process. All contributions are appreciated, but this article may not satisfy Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and the deletion notice explains why (see also "What Wikipedia is not" and Wikipedia's deletion policy). You may contest the proposed deletion by removing the {{dated prod}} notice, but please explain why you disagree with the proposed deletion in your edit summary or on its talk page. Also, please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Even though removing the deletion notice will prevent deletion through the proposed deletion process, the article may still be deleted if it matches any of the speedy deletion criteria or it can be sent to Articles for Deletion, where it may be deleted if consensus to delete is reached. If you endorse deletion of the article, and you are the only person who has made substantial edits to the page, please tag it with {{db-author}}. -- Cat chi? 08:08, 31 July 2007 (UTC)

Re: "Absurd category"


Sorry, but you've completely misconstrued my edit summary. The category itself isn't absurd -- the point is that the particular individual simply doesn't meet the criteria for the category. You were rather hasty and presumptuous. It would have been more sensible -- not to mention considerate -- if you had first inquired what my rationale was, before rushing to revert my edit. (The note immediately before yours on my talk page is a perfect example of an editor who did precisely that -- and my reply took resolved his concerns.) Cgingold 12:53, 1 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Of course they're atheists -- that's the easy part. The problem is that these individuals were dictators, which puts them in an entirely different realm from politicians. You may perhaps have a different perspective on this in Romania than we have in the U.S., but it strikes me as pretty absurd to consider a dictator as a variety of politician, when by definition, dictators -- in contrast to politicians -- are unconcerned about the views of the polis. Cgingold 13:26, 1 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
That's a pretty broad definition of the term. If you look at the parent Category:Politicians, you can see that it was obviously created with Western/democratic politicians in mind, with no forethought given to the possibility that people who clearly fall outside the scope of that conception of politics would be added to the category and lumped together with ordinary politicians. These individuals really need their own category. Cgingold 14:02, 1 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
PS - I need to leave now, so we'll have to continue this discussion later. Do you have a suggestion for alternative categorization (i.e. a subcategory) for these people? (for example, "atheist dictators", or something along those lines) Cgingold 14:14, 1 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Hello, I've added a comment on my talk page. I've also invited the author of the definition for Category:Atheist politicians to give his input to the discussion. Cgingold 22:27, 1 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Stockholm syndrome in popular culture, an article you created, has been nominated for deletion. We appreciate your contributions. However, an editor does not feel that Stockholm syndrome in popular culture satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion and has explained why in the nomination space (see also "What Wikipedia is not" and the Wikipedia deletion policy). Your opinions on the matter are welcome; please participate in the discussion by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Stockholm syndrome in popular culture and please be sure to sign your comments with four tildes (~~~~). You are free to edit the content of Stockholm syndrome in popular culture during the discussion but should not remove the articles for deletion template from the top of the article; such removal will not end the deletion discussion. Thank you. Eyrian 20:39, 1 August 2007 (UTC)


The Working Man's Barnstar
For almost single-handedly filling the subcategories in Category:People by county in Romania, in a long series of small edits. Where do you get the patience? Dahn 14:10, 3 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you. Well, I guess I just did something for which I didn't need much attention, while I was trying to gather my thoughts, thinking about something (or someone, to be precise). :-( bogdan 17:10, 3 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]