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Alrighty, I'm lazy, and randomly made a random wiki profile, and since it seems to apply, here it is:

What I like


Alright, I have too many fandoms to list/find the Wikis for them all, so I'll just start looking for Wiki's about my fandom, and you'll be able to see for yourself... I probably wont edit/contribute much (except to try and get my fandoms higher rated than some of the crappier ones out there...)

Oh, also, I read waaay too much Piers Anthony when I was young (and the HHTTG prob didn't help either), and now I really like puns ; )

What I hate

  • Colbert (his fault the new space thingy wasn't named Serenity.... HE MUST DIE BECAUSE OF THIS!!!! *cough* sorry.... )
  • Continuous Extreme Stupidity (had to work it out so I'd only be slightly hypocritical)
  • Intolerant people (yes, we must kill the intolerant)
  • Extremely Optimistic/Idealistic people (though this may just be a branch of the continuous extreme stupidity)
  • Broccoli
  • Colbert
  • The new Disney Channel
  • CN Real (Don't they see this is the how the Disney channel started on it's way to suckiness?)
  • Microsoft (yup, I'm an Apple person... although, I think microsoft people hate Microsoft)
  • M. Night Shyamalan (you can only watch his movies once, they've been getting progressivly worse... And he's the one they pick to do avatar WTF?)
  • Robert Jordan (He flippin died before writing his last book... many GAHs ensued)
  • Words that begin with the letter C (not really, I just can't shift+C, I have to hit the caps button, and this can really get annoying; especially when writing a paper about Cinderelle)

There are many more things, but I'm getting tired of listing things I hate

My favorite pages
