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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

note: this is a userpage

Zombie Robby WIki, abbreviated as ZomRobWIki, more commonly known as Zyamzie Robbias in the micronationalism in the MicroWiki community, is a MicroWiki editor and leader of the micronation of the Republic of Rumasaya in the MIcroWiki community. ZomRobWiki contributes in encyclopedian editing and is inspired by MicroWiki and Wikipedia administrators and patrollers.



ZomRobWiki started his first article in MicroWiki named "United Soviet Zyamfranz" after someone named Kyirusia from the MicroWIki commmunty shared his article to ZomRobWiki. He was inspired by this and immediately started making his own article. By 6 August 2022, ZomRobWiki signed up to start editing in MicroWiki. ZomRobWIki has made a lot of edits in MicroWiki, making up approximately 700 edits.

ZomRobWiki thought he had to try Wikipedia, so he signed up to WIkipedia. His first edit was his own user page.



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