Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow
Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow is a renowned Professor of School Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Tübingen, Germany. Gawrilow's research interests include the development of self-regulation and executive functions in children and adolescents, the role of motivation in educational settings, and the application of psychological principles to improve educational outcomes. Together with colleagues at the University of Tübingen, Gawrilow is exploring the nuanced complexities of gender/sex-differences within the realm of neuroscience.
Education and Career
Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow is a renowned Professor of School Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Tübingen, Germany. She has held this position, as well as her contribution to the LEAD Graduate School & Research Network since 2013 and is also an Associated Scientist at the Individual Development and Adaptive Education (IDeA) Center in Frankfurt, Germany. From 2009 to 2013, she served as an Assistant Professor at the IDeA Center, DIPF & Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany. In 2006, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Columbia University’s Center for the Advancement of Children’s Mental Health, USA. Prior to this, she was an Interim Professor of Educational Psychology and Motivation at the University of Hamburg, Germany, from 2005 to 2009. Prof. Gawrilow earned her Doctorate in Psychology in 2005 under the mentorship of Prof. Gollwitzer and Prof. Rockstroh at the University of Konstanz, Germany, and completed her degree program in Psychology at the University of Marburg, Germany, from 1997 to 2002.
Engagement in the Research System
Since 2021, Prof. Gawrilow has been a member and speaker of the DGPs & BDP committee “Mehr Psychologie in die Schule.” [More psychology in School]. She is also a member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Science since 2020 and a member of the Medizinisch-psychologischer Beirat des Zentrums für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung (Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports Baden-Württemberg). She has been a member of the Dissertation and Habilitation Committee of the Faculty of Science since 2016 and served as the Dean of Studies for the MSc School Psychology program from 2013 until 2023. Additionally, she was the Head of the Ethics Committee from 2016 to 2019.
Coordinating Functions in Collaborative Grants and Consortia
Prof. Gawrilow has coordinated several collaborative grants and consortia, including her roles within the IDeA Center and the MSc School Psychology program at the University of Tübingen.
Since 2013, Prof. Gawrilow has been responsible for the MSc program in School Psychology at the University of Tübingen. She has supervised multiple successfully completed PhD theses.
Academic Contributions
Prof. Gawrilow is a prolific academic contributor, having edited the book series "Psychologie im Schulalltag" [Psychology in School Life], and contributed to multiple volumes on health and well-being in teaching, emotional and behavioral disorders, and autism spectrum disorders. Further she is one of the editors of this German Journal (Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) und der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie).
Selected Publications
1. Blume, F., Buhr, L., Kühnhausen, J., Köpke, R., Weber, L. A., Fallgatter, A. J., Ethofer, T., & Gawrilow, C. (2024). Validation of the Self-Report Version of the German Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD Symptoms and Normal Behavior Scale (SWAN-DE-SB). Assessment, 0(0).
2. Krokos, O., Brandhorst, I., Seizer, L., Gawrilow, C., & Löchner, J. (2024). Improving mental health by improving the mental health literacy? Study protocol for a randomised controlled evaluation of an e-mental health application as a preventive intervention for adolescents and young adults. Internet Interventions 36, (2024),100733.
3. Di Maio, S.*, Villinger, K.*, Knoll, N., Scholz, U., Stadler, G., Gawrilow, C., & Berli, C. (2024). Compendium of dyadic intervention techniques (DITs) to change health behaviors: a systematic review. Health Psychology Review.
*Authors share first authorship.
4. Moschko T, Stadler G, Gawrilow C (2022) Fluctuations in children’s self-regulation and parent-child interaction in everyday life: An ambulatory assessment study. J Soc Pers Relation 40(1):254-76. doi: 10.1177/02654075221116788
Recognition and Awards
Prof. Gawrilow has received several academic distinctions, including offers of Full Professorships at Leuphana University Lüneburg and Philipps-University Marburg, which she turned down. She has been a member of AcademiaNet (Robert Bosch Foundation) since 2012 and has been awarded the DAAD Fellowship for her research stay at Columbia University in 2006 and the Manfred Ulmer Fellowship from the University of Konstanz in 2004.
**External Links:**
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