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Hi all, I am a oversea Chinese currently living in New Zealand, my name zixingche is Chinese pinyin for bicycle.

My native language is Teochew, I can also speak Mandarin and Cantonese at near native level.

I am not a native English speaker, so please excuse me if my English is poor.

I am a Ruby on Rails programmer, I am fluent in Ruby and C#. My favorite OS is Mac OS X, I am also very familiar with FreeBSD and Debian. I also use Windows XP, but only for testing web applications in IE 6 7 8.

My mobile phone is an unlocked iPhone, running 1.1.1, I have many computers, my main machine is a Powerbook G4 12', I have two servers, one is a HP DL360 G5 and the other one is an IBM X306.

File:Li hongzhi curing people.jpg
Li Hongzhi, Falun Gong's founder, "curing" people with some hand gestures on a meeting in China in 1992, using his "magic power"

I hate Falun Gong


I would like to quote a paragraph from the Falun Gong Talk Page, the following paragraph is written by

Didn't you know that Falun Gong advocators empolys two completely different propagandizing strategies? They knew lots of Chinese people are illiterate/ignorant, and the desperation when facing crises(cancer, for instance), so they advertised the Gong like it's the Cure and Solution of Everything(while in fact it's 42). But they also knew that on the other side of the planet, there are lots of so-called humanitarians, so they act like innocent humble people and keep those ridiculous stories to the Chinese world. As a diehard Atheist, I don't really care if these Wheelers will die in vain should they refuse proper treatments. But it's disturbing or at least annoying to see these liars are getting so much attention and sympathy. And these Wheelers annoyed me at the Chinese New Year Parade, they brought political bullsh**t to a festival of joy. Even Scientology is better than this, at least it's funny to read the Xenu story. With people this stupid, I guess humanity was doomed from the beginning.

Yes, Falun Gong is an evil cult. Falun Gong claims it can cure any disease, including cancer and AIDS. And most Falun Gong practitioners refuse any medical treatment when they get sick. This is why Falun Gong got banned in China.

Falun Gong claims there are many practitioners tortured to death by the China government, well this is totally a lie. Some practitioners will even show you "evidences", but these "evidences" are all faked by Falun Gong. It is quite simple to understand: all these so call "evidences" are published on minghui.org, epochtime.com or clearwisdom.net, and guess who is behind these website? Yes, of course, Falun Gong itself.