The Kitten Award! Hello, ZfJames/template/givekitten! I am proud to present you with the un-official, well-beloved kitten award for excellence! Thank you for your efforts to make Wikipedia a better place!
1 is replaced with the name of the user; replaces PAGENAME variable (so not really optional)
2 can be replaced with a reason for award starting with "for"; replaces "for excellence"
3 can be replaced with optional thank-you closer; replaces "efforts to make Wikipedia a better place"
4 is a highly optional parameter for a different ending face; replaces "{{subst:Oldsmiley|8}}" which displays as
To use all parameters, copy the complete template and replace each of the appropriate number with your text. If you do not want to use all of the parameters, delete the number of the field you will not use and the | before it and enter the other parameter values with the parameter number followed by an equals sign and then the value you wish to include (example: 2=for your support and service). Using the sample template configuration {{subst:User:ZfJames/template/givekitten|1=Merry User|2=for going round|4={{subst:kitty}}}} would produce the following:
| image =
| style = CSS values
| textstyle = font-size:120%;
| plainlinks = yes
| text = The Kitten Award! Hello, Merry User! I am proud to present you with the un-official, well-beloved kitten award for going round! Thank you for your 3!