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1. ZeldaGuardian

  1.1 Other Nicknames...
  1.2 Definitions
  1.3 Places to Reach
  1.4 Completed Work

2. Stories

  2.1 The Book of Sages
  2.2 The Book of Mudora

3. Other Stuff...

  3.1 My friends...
  3.2 What I've been doing...
  3.3 To clear up ALOT of things...
  3.4 Legal stuff and whatnot...

1. ZeldaGuardian

  1.1 Other Nicknames...
      a. The Great Sage
      b. General Valmar
      c. Video Game Pianist
      d. Sage of Time
  1.2 Definintions
      a. ZeldaGuardian - Guardian of the Triforce; Last true descendant of the Ancient Hyrulian Sages;
      b. The Great Sage - The most powerful Sage in this universe; None are more powerful than him;
      c. General Valmar - General of the National Guard; Now, just a name and a Rank in his own time;
      d. Video Game Pianist - A Pianist of the Video Game Age; Played many VG Music and played for many many people;
      e. Sage of Time - Original name:  Valmar Sage of Time; Controller of Time and Space;
  1.3 Places to Reach
      a. My YouTube Page[1]
      b. Guardian Sages[2]
      c. MySpace Profile[3]
      d. Yahoo! Mail (generalvalmar69@yahoo.com; zeldaguardian@rocketmail.com)
  1.4 Completed Work
      a. A Complete Guide for every Legend of Zelda Game
      b. A Complete Guide for every Grandia Game
      c. A Complete Guide for every Sly Cooper Game
      d. A Complete Guide for every Mario Brothers Game
      e. A Complete Guide for every Guitar Hero Game
      f. A Complete Guide for every Kingdom Hearts Game

2. Stories

  2.1 The Book fo Sages
      a. Origins - A Powerful and in-depth Book, created from the Mind of The Great Sage; a mind that doesn't have a limit.
  2.2 The Book of Mudora
      a. Origins - A Great Book, based on the Video Game, Legend of Zelda.

3. Other Stuff...

  3.1 My Friends...
      a. My Girl-Friend - She's always been there for me. Her smile is what keeps me going, everyday. Although she says my penis is very    tiny.  And refuses to look at me.  And filed a restraining order on me.
      b. That's it. All my friends betrayed me. Even my family betrayed me. No matter, I can live without them.
  3.2 What I've been doing...
      a. I've been completing more guides, more games, and lots more music. I'm just being myself and becoming much more      powerful than anyone on this Planet, and farther.
      b. Sucking tons of wang.  I do love me a juicy cock ;)
  3.3 To clear up ALOT of things...
      a. Everyone that thinks that I've been plagarizing and taking what's not mine... Well, I'm here to tell you that IT'S TOTALLY TRUE!! I stole a lot of people's work. I complete my own, for my knowledge is vast and larger than theirs. I'm what people project me as. I'm not totally different. Everyone knows more than myself. Don't let anyone fill you with lies.
  3.4 Legal Stuff and whatnot...
      a. The names above are not affiliated with Nintendo or Sony. Though I am in deals with both for a job position for Music Composer, I'm not actually apart of the companies(but, soon I will be). This is Copyright(c) to The Sages Inc.