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Kneszl Beáta Carmen (Hungary, Budapest, 1979. may 24.) Writer with Antistigm award, BDP expert. In 2016 november the “Én, a megbélyegzett” novel has been published, which is about the Borderline personality disorder. She was the only one in the world to take on this type of personality disorder with a name, which is also taught at the Department of Psychology at Eötvös Loránd University.



Her parents divorced at the age of 7. She had a tidy family background until 2012. His father: Pál Kneszl, who died in 2002 - received the Nívó Award in 1976 and also designed the logo of EGIS Pharmaceuticals. She has two stepbrothers.



She began her studies at the Ferenc Mérei Grammar School in 1995-1999. She then completed a Merchant-Store Manager and a Tourism Education in 2000. In 2001 she went to England (London) to learn a language. From 2005 to 2009 she was a student of the János Kodolányi College and graduated as a humanities major in Cultural Organizer-Communication.


  • She went to London in 2001 to learn the language, she was working part time as an Au-Pair and later on as a assistant manager in a Bagel Factory, but came home because of a promise of great love that began in the past, despite one of the world's most renowned modeling agencies offered a contract, which she refused.
  • In 2005s he published her first autobiographically inspired book under the pseudonym of a writer. Title: Satisfaction (Arion Publisher)
  • Thanks to the success of the book, Blikk, asked her for an own individual lifestyle consultant column, (Carmen responds), from 2006 until the end of the column.
  • In 2007 she was given a minor role in István Bujtor's Son of Luck. film. From 2009 she worked in the Family Business as a hotel manager.
  • In 2012, she worked as an HR and Recruitment Specialist. In 2015, she wrote the story of the Mikka family, which was not commercialized at the request of the customer. Subsequently, her book “Én, a megbélyegzett” (Figyelem Publisher) was published in 2016 and has been a unbroken success ever since, both in the medical and general public circles.
  • In 2019, she appeared in the documentary “Falkám”, of which she was also an Expert.
  • Jelenleg 4.könyvén dolgozik, melyet az NKA is támogat. Munkacíme: Ők, a megbélyegzettek, melyet Dr. Keresztes Zoltán pszichiáterrel közösen társírnak.
  • She is currently working on her 4th book, which is also supported by the NKA. Title is: “Ők, a megbélyegzettek”, which is co-written with psychiatrist Dr. Zoltán Keresztes.



NYITNIKÉK Hungarian Antistigma Award 2017 – Awakenings

Interesting Facts


She has a Hand and Foot Care certificate. She also worked as an assistant to have the time and energy to write her book “Én, a megbélyegzett”. On October 13, 2016, she climbed up and closed the Széchenyi Chain Bridge, demonstrating the importance of taking Borderline Personality Disorder seriously.


Category:People from Budapest Category:Hungarian female novelists Category:21th-century Hungarian female writers Category:Hungarian female Category:1979 births