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This is a list of the ever growing pastebins on the pastebin article that I have collected. Remember that Wikipedia is not simply a collection of link (see WP:NOT#MIRROR).

June 2007


April - May 2007


Pastebin Projects

  • Pastebin-ng A next generation Pastebin application currently under development, compatible with pastebinit.
  • putNote A Pastebin allowing text to be formatted. Unlike other Pastebins, it does not focus on source-code input but on formatted notes or memos.
  • PHP Web CLI A Pastebin PHP web interface for manipulating and executing PHP scripts before submitting to the pastebin.

Pastebin Clients


There are some software that act as clients for the Pastebin websites. Their goal is to make easier to paste complete files (log files for example) or simply paste the content of your clipboard.

  • Attachr Ruby command line client for attachr.com


  • pastebinit is a Linux command line client for some Pastebins, it can send complete files or the output of a program. Written in Python.
  • webboard a GUI and an applet for gnome to simply send the content of your clipboard to a Pastebin website.
  • pastebin.co.uk a selection of tools including a VIM plugin, a *nix shell script, and a Firefox extension to simplify the sending of content to Pastebin.co.uk.

The wopper from before


Lists of pastebin software

  • Nopaste.me Encrypted and secure pastebin. Based on stikked. Syntax highlighting for many different languages.
  • Cryptob.in Client side encrypted (AES-256) pastebin with SSL. It's based on ZeroBin and has a syntax coloring and discussion option.
  • Pastebin.cc Encrypted AES-256 pastebin
  • paste.info.tm Same as the original pastebin.com, with a few bug fixes/features added.
  • ePastebin A new generation of online pastebin coming soon.
  • 1t2.us A pastebin.com code base fork supporting extra functionality such as post titles, individual post authentication, Jabber notification of updated posts and PermaTags to allow the most recent version of a post to be located easily along with the history for that PermaTag. Project homepage.
  • PasteServer.net An extremely fast general purpose paste server with support for fancy colorful syntax highlighting of many popular languages.
  • Stirk.org pastebin Simplistic pastebin based on the open source Open Paste
  • Gudhak.org pastebin Easy to use pastebin provided by the Open Source pastebin script. It supports syntax highlighting.
  • Arch Linux FR Paste is a pastebin developed with django for French users of Arch Linux. It supports many different languages.
  • attachr.com is a Ruby on Rails pastebin with support for many different languages. attachr has an open interface, pastes can be emailed.
  • CCCP Community Code Pastebin is an Open Source pastebin with limited syntax highlighting, RSS feed and the ability to hide public paste history. It's released with the GPL license. An online demo can be seen at pastebin.far2fish.net
  • CopyPot is another pastebin that supports many different languages, created in 2006 it is useful for all sorts of purposes.
  • #c++ pastebin is, as the name suggests, the pastebin for the #c++ channel on Quakenet. It allows simulated compiles of submitted code to make finding bugs easier. ##c++ on Freenode also uses this pastebin for code.
  • cut.and.paste.org
  • Paste Repository Supports many programming languages with syntax highlighting and fine expiration control. (Domain is Currently Parked)
  • dpaste.com is written in Python using the Django web framework and the Pygments coloring library.
  • pastecode allows pasting code with support for password protection, syntax highlighting for all common languages and more and line numbering.
  • notepad is another simple pastebin with no specified topic or language. (Server Error)
  • NWScript Pastebin is dedicated to the scripting language NWScript used for the PC games Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2. It features syntax colouring for all identifiers, constants and numbers but also colours nested braces according their level. It also features an optional Pretty Print function.
  • OpenPastebin Public pastebin for Word-Wide-Web internet users with UTF-8 encoding support, huge number of features and unlimited language clones
  • pasteIT is a pastebin site that supports a broad range of language-specific syntax highlighting. It can parse over 35 different coding and scripting languages from ActionScript to XML. (Currently Offline)
  • paste.pocoo.org is a pastebin written in Python which uses the pygments syntax highlighting library.
  • paste.lisp.org is a general-purpose pastebin which has syntax highlighting for many languages. It has a unique combination of features, including annotations, RSS feeds, IRC notifications for many channels on freenode, and non-expiring pastes.
  • Spicylemons Pastebin An implementation of Open Pastebin...free for anyone to use.
  • Paste2 is an attempt at creating an evolved and evolving Pastebin with improved user interfaces and performance.
  • French Pastebin a pastebin hosted in France
  • pastebin.ca is a general pastebin (originally designed for the Asterisk PBX channel on freenode, with specific support for Asterisk configuration files). It supports a number of languages for syntax highlighting, searchable archives and full comment threads on pastes. It's possible to set up private and public pastebins as subdomains as well.
  • pastebin.co.uk Now with an interactive PHP CLI - Syntax highlighting of 38 programming/scripting languages and config files, create private pastebins with optional password protection, features include user messaging, RSS feeds, comment tracking, diffs and patch creation. -- offline
  • pastebin.com the original pastebin, supports a wide range of syntax highlighting options. It is open-source and very representative of pastebins in layout and functionality.
  • pastebin.es another pastebin, same functionality as the original one, but in Spanish.
  • Imagepile.net Pastebin for the popular image hosting site. (Currently Offline)
  • WikistucePasteBin Syntax highlighting for most programming/scripting languages. Web2.0 IDE
  • PasteCode.com Another pastebin powered by the popular pastebin.com script.
  • Pastey supports quite a few languages, and has a simple interface.
  • phpfi.com is a general-purpose pastebin with syntax highlighting for various languages.
  • Open Pastebin Open source pastebin software with database backend.
  • Snippets is a general-purpose code pastebin based on a Del.icio.us-style tagging system (a folksonomy) which allows visitors to narrow down to certain types of code or to add and categorize their own.
  • ISul Labs - PasteBin Temporary texts only with syntax highlighting. Based on KIS (keep it simple).
  • mIRC pastebin is a pastebin primarily for mIRC scripts that includes mIRC script syntax highlighting. It also supports PHP and plain text.
  • Cyberscripters' pastebin is a pastebin for mIRC scripts with (optional) syntax highlighting and plain text.
  • Nopaste for pasting general code or plaintext.
  • shortText for instant creation of webpage with URL.
  • securepaste.com is used to transmit and store security sensitive data using AES-256 bit storage and the HTTPS protocol.
  • chesspastebin.com is for pasting chess games in PGN, shows a JavaScript graphical board to play the PGN through.
  • Pasthis.com is general purpose paste server with Eggdrop support for automatically announcing url's to IRC channels. Includes mIRC and Irssi client side script support for using the server automatically when pasting to IRC channels.
  • OSS Pastebin
  • pasteclip.com is an online tool to store texts, codes and scripts and share them. Besides being a storage tool PasteClip.com also offer syntax highlighting, editing, deleting, search and custom URLs.
  • pastebin.pl a website where you can store code/text online for a set period of time and share to anybody on earth.

c(pastebin or text storage site) is a type of web application where users can store plain text.

  • paste.scratchbook.ch About Stikked is an Open-Source PHP Pastebin, with the aim of keeping a simple and easy to use user interface. Stikked allows you to easily share code with anyone you wish. Here are some features:
  • pastebin.fr pastebin - outil de debug collaboratif
  • paste-bin.xyz is for source code and general debugging text. Login or Register to edit, delete and keep track of your pastes and more. Recent Pastes.
  • pastebin.xyz Anonymous PasteBin Alternative