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T.N. Yamskikh


Economic, political and cultural reforms in Russia have caused reconsideration of social value and quality definition of different professional groups’ activity. Thus, their professional culture is the factor directly influencing the development of understanding and principles of behavior. Researches of professional culture are not numerous, and consequently there are some theoretical and methodological problems at studying of the given social phenomenon. The analysis of scientific works devoted to consideration of professional culture formation (Batalov A.A., Batura P.M., Botchkarev Т.В, Grunt E.V., Kogan L.N., Kochetov G.M., Krylova N.B., Kryshtanovskaja O.V., Model I.M., Pogaradze A.A., Sokolov Г.Н., Shatalova N.I., etc.), has allowed us to reveal the contradiction between the modern content, specificity of a considered phenomenon, its place in a system of culture as a whole and problem understanding developed at present. The purpose of our article is to define and study the ways of this contradiction solution. It is obvious, that the essence of the concept "professional culture" varies. Only fifty years ago nobody could assume, that knowledge of telecommunication technologies (Internet, e-mail, etc.) becomes an indispensable element of successful professional work. Undoubtedly, experts of that time possessed professional culture, but this concept had other content. The professional culture represents the subsystem of culture possessing its structural similarity. In the substantial plan, the general culture is much wider, as it is formed with various types of culture, including a professional one. Concept of professional culture is narrower as the given kind of culture is located within the framework of one social activity. At the same time, the professional culture contains a huge stock of knowledge and values, which are necessary for representatives of a certain professional group for realization of their purposes and problems, but not demanded by other members of the society. Traditionally professional culture is considered as a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills inherent in a certain kind of work, it is a set of norms, rules and models of people’s behavior in conditions of some specific activity performance. There are as in any other branch of culture "two beginnings - conservative, inverted to the past and having successive connection with it, and creative, inverted to the future and creating new values" (A.V.Mudrik). Conservative or traditional elements - such as, norms, rules, traditions - are the integrating mechanism of professional culture. They allow keeping specificity of job and organization. Traditional elements should provide continuity of professional culture. The transition of values and communications between those who are involved in professional work are carried out by means of tradition. The professional culture is characterized with the system of information accumulation, its storage and transfer, behavior programs, concepts of this or that kind of job (purposes of professional work, norms and dominants of ideology, in other words system of special belief, sets of ideas focused around basic values). In this connection, research of professional culture is probable from different positions. Firstly, mastering of professional culture means realization of activity at a high level, by optimum ways with the purpose to achieve its maximal result. Secondly, professional culture is normative by its nature: it includes historically developed and checked up by time standards, ways of professional problems performance, which provide rational and effective utilization of human forces for achievement of professionally significant purposes. Thirdly, distinguishing of three interconnected blocks in structure of professional culture - cognitive, behavioural and praxiological - allows studying and creating its most systematic understanding. The cognitive block of professional culture is formed with professional knowledge and skills making a basis of professionalism, and the professional values forming a semantic nucleus of professional culture. The basis of the behavioural block includes norms of professional work, its customs, traditions, rituals. To study praxiological block is probable only at a level of professional group. The culture of the expert develops through practical experience, but intellectual bases of professionalism are formed by education, which main purpose is to achieve professional competence. We consider professional culture as an integrative concept reflecting a level of skill achieved in labour activity; it means the creative attitude to work, ability to decision-making and its estimations simultaneously from two positions - concrete-technological and socio-cultural; it is based on constructive association between professional and social competence. We believe that the process of professional culture formation can be simplified through its morphologization or decomposition, and determination of connection and dependence between the components included in its structure. In sociology it is considered, that intellectual and technical innovations is an answer to society inquiries. Obviously, social interests and values, moods and preferences, norms and traditions stimulate progress of one and constrain becoming of other activities, influence rates of growth and priorities. "People and techniques, needs and things structure each other mutually - for the better or for the worse. In an area of this or that civilization the individual and society structures are connected with technical and functional features by the universal law" (Jean Baudrillard). All scale of natural human opportunities - physical strength, feelings, and intelligence proceeds in a techno sphere. Therefore, today it is necessary and important to distinguish information culture as an invariant of any sphere of person’s activity, any professional culture, and accordingly, professional work. Knowledge of information environment, laws of its functioning, skill to orientate in information streams can become its basis. In broad sense information culture is a set of principles and real mechanisms providing positive interaction of ethnic and national cultures, their connection in the general experience of humanity. In narrow sense, it is optimum ways of manipulation with signs, data, information and their representation to the interested consumer for the theoretical and practical problems decision; mechanisms of technical environments perfection, storage and transfer of information; people training for the effective utilization of information. Its mastering is a way of person’s qualities perfection, which promotes real understanding of his place and functions. The system of education should form the expert of information community and develop his skills to differentiate the information, to distinguish the significant information; to develop the estimation criteria; to create the information and to use it for different purposes. The information is not only computer science training and mastering by computer literacy. It cannot also be identified with the culture of reading. These concepts are the basic components of the person’s information culture. It is supposed, that a person uses information technologies while deciding tasks for his purpose achievement. Thus, computers and program serve as means of information technologies. With them, a person can plan the sequence of actions. He should be able to organize the search of information necessary for the problem decision from different sources (irrespective of a place of their arrangement). Besides a cultural person should be able to work with the selected information, to structure it, to systematize, generalize and represent it in a clear form. He should also be able to communicate with other people with the help of modern means of computer science just as cultural in the usual sense people are able to talk with each other. It is possible to conclude, that the information culture is a skill of a person to use all set of information technologies for his activity in the most appropriate way. Is it possible to master everything that allows members of our society to use information streams in short term and on a nonprofessional basis? The answer is simple: formation of information culture is the long process demanding the professional approach to realization of the given problem. Therefore, a basis for an information society becoming in our country and in the world is the education system that should solve the following practical tasks: - studying of information technologies bases and practical skills in various spheres of professional work; - educational process intensification on the basis of creation and active use of computer environment focused on training, management and information service; - fundamental knowledge formation in the field of computer science, as the scientific discipline of an information picture of the world basing on the theory of information and information processes modeling. These three directions should make the methodical system of training providing educational establishments curricula. The social order of an information society for the higher educational institutions is the maintenance of such level of information culture that is necessary for working in a concrete field of activity. In high school while teaching theoretical disciplines of the information direction it is necessary to spend much time on computer information technologies being the base components of the future activity. Moreover, the quality of training should be defined by a degree of the fixed stable work skills in sphere of information technologies at the decision of typical professional problems. We think that one of the most effective ways of this tasks decision is using of information technologies by teachers. That allows to form information culture by means of separate subjects, promotes comprehension of practical importance by its mastering. The given assumption has been tested while training foreign language students of economic specialities. Training was conducted in groups of students of correspondence department with specially developed course of distant training (educational Web site). The course included independent reading of foreign language authentic materials prepared by the teacher, and then independent search of the set information in Internet, working with foreign search servers, communication with teachers by means of e-mail. The main purpose of the experiment was to test the efficiency of the training technique. However, besides the corroboration of the basic hypothesis, the anonymous survey managed us to establish, that using of the developed technique while training students of non-language high school is an effective means of their information culture perfection. Such conclusion has been done proceeding from the students’ estimations of the course. The majority of them noted that it promoted the perfection of their working skills with computers, means of communications (e-mail) and information search in Internet. Besides, personal observations of the author show that students are often not able to apply knowledge of computer science to the decision of any concrete educational and professional problems. Moreover, using information technologies in training of separate subjects allows liquidating a gap between the theoretical knowledge and students’ ability to use them in practical activities. Thus, we conclude, that the important and necessary part of professional culture of the modern expert and the expert of an economic field in particular is mastering by information culture, which will soon become a parameter of the general culture, the important factor of every person development. One of the most effective means of its formation, in our opinion, is using of information technologies in teaching different subjects.


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