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A person who believes that knowledge is the best way to achieving any goal in life.

I see that a knowledge base that rests and grows till the very far future is one of the most powerful techniques that will boost the whole earthling evolution and civilization resulting in a more advanced, easy, and just life.

Since Wikipedia mostly got everything I need to know about covered, I live with a philosophy supposing that I'm able to know about anything and everything, and don't fear how complex it is; because wikis will 95% of the times get me covered, and since I can know about mostly everything, it turns to be amazingly powerful, thanks to the information age.

I believe the world hasn't yet been able to achieve complete justice, because there are still lots of underdeveloped sides in the world where people have significantly less opportunities that others in wealthy countries, regardless of how smart, or hard-working they are, few examples can be the fact very big amount of numbers of people still do not have access to the internet completely[1], in addition to that, the numbers are very slowly improving, another example is lots of nations in the world still strongly needing freedom of speech[2], as a way to contribute getting rid of this inequality in opportunities between nations, I do think I -as an individual- can help by boosting the spread of knowledge, and most importantly, in less common languages for people who are a minority and can't find help in any language other than their native one, and also because more knowledge can lead to the best things for humans, like encouraging wealthy nations more to invest for oppressed nations, by telling them how far do they suffer, their feelings, and their limitations.

  1. ^ "These are the countries where internet access is lowest". World Economic Forum. Retrieved 2021-06-26.
  2. ^ "World freedom of expression rankings for 2019/20". ARTICLE 19. Retrieved 2021-06-26.