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Agriculture in the Classroom


Agriculture in the Classroom is a grassroots program coordinated by the United States Department of Agriculture. Its goal is to help students gain a greater awareness of the role of agriculture in the economy and society, so that they may become citizens who support wise agricultural policies. AITC raises agricultural literacy by helping students' understand the farm sources of their food, fabric and flowers.

The program is carried out in each state, according to state needs and interests, by individuals representing farm organizations, agribusiness, education and government.

The USDA supports the state organizations by:
• helping to develop Agriculture in the Classroom programs
• acting as a central clearinghouse for materials and information
• encouraging USDA agencies to assist in the state programs, and
• coordinating with national organizations to promote the goal of an increased awareness of agriculture among the nation's students.

Throughout much of the history of the United States, agriculture and education have been closely related. During the decades when most Americans lived on farms or in small towns, students often did farm chores before and after school. The school year was determined by planting, cultivating and harvesting schedules. Old school books are full of agricultural references and examples because farming and farm animals were a familiar part of nearly every child's life.

In the 1920s, '30s and '40s, as the farm population shrank and agricultural emphasis decreased in school books and educational materials, educators focused on agriculture as an occupational specialty, rather than an integral part of every student's life. Agriculture education was mainly offered to those few students wanting to make a career of agriculture.

During this period, a small nucleus of educators and others persistently pushed for more agriculture in education. They recognized the interlocking role of farming and food and fiber production with environmental quality, including wildlife habitat, clean water, and the preservation and improvement of forests. They kept interest in agriculture and the environment alive during a period when interest by the public as a whole was decreasing.

During the 1960s and '70s, as experienced agriculture, conservation, and forestry organizations realized the need for quality material, many excellent films, literature, and classroom aids were financed and produced by businesses, foundations, nonprofit groups and associations, as well as state and federal agencies. There was, however, little coordination of effort or exchange of ideas among the groups and no central point for national coordination.

In 1981, at the invitation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, representatives of agricultural groups and educators came to a meeting in Washington, D.C., to discuss agricultural literacy. A national task force was selected from this group. Representation came from agriculture, business, education, and governmental agencies, some of whom were already conducting educational programs in agriculture.

This new task force recommended that the U.S. Department of Agriculture be the coordinator and that it sponsor regional meetings to help states organize their own programs. They also urged the Department to encourage the support of other national groups.

As a result, in 1981 the USDA established Agriculture in the Classroom, which has the endorsement of all living former Secretaries of Agriculture, the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, the National Conference of States Legislatures, most of the Governors of the States, and the major agricultural organizations and commodity groups. Significant progress has been made through these partnerships of agriculture, business, education, government and dedicated volunteers.

Program Delivery

The USDA's national Agricultural in the Classroom staff consists of a Team Leader, a National Program Leader, a Program Specialist, and a Program Assistant. The staff reports to the Deputy Administrator, Science and Education Resources Development, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service.

Each state organization addresses agriculture education in a way best suited to its own needs. In some cases, an all-volunteer network is responsible for teacher education and materials distribution. States have formed educational nonprofit organizations, which have the benefit of a tax-deductible status. In some states leadership is provided through the departments of education, agriculture or other government agencies; in other states through agriculture organizations or commodity groups; some through universities or colleges; and in some cases through the dedicated efforts of one or two individuals.

Some state organizations have employed full and/or part-time persons to support Agriculture in the Classroom. A few states have reassigned government agency personnel to lead the AITC efforts. There is no one best method to administer Agriculture in the Classroom but the combined efforts of volunteers and professional staff are vital ingredients for success.

Regardless of the structure, Agriculture in the Classroom has advanced because of a cooperative spirit among the participants. There is an AITC presence in every state and territory. Representatives from Canada have attended many USDA-sponsored AITC national conferences and have hosted national conferences in Canada. Requests for information about Ag in the Classroom come from many countries around the world and from other organizations wanting to learn how to deliver their programs with equal success.

The strength of Agriculture in the Classroom comes from its grassroots organization and the fact that educators are very much a part of the movement. Giant strides have been made since 1981. Agriculture in the Classroom is regarded as a refreshing and flexible educational program designed to supplement and enhance the teacher's existing curriculum.

State Ag in the Classroom programs produce a bounty of materials related to agriculture in their states and beyond. Many of these materials are available on the state AITC web pages, which are all accessible from the national site. Each state site is accessed by adding a forward slash and the state abbreviation, e.g. www.agclassroom.org/al.

Many of those materials, as well as materials from outside vendors, are cataloged on the AITC resource directory. That, too, is accessible from the main AITC website.

Some materials are produced by AITC and/or the US Department of Agriculture. These include the "Growing a Nation" program and "Understanding Avian Influenza." These and other materials and interactive learning tools are available on the AITC website.

Special resources are also available for teens and their teachers. "AgroWorld" is a bimonthly E-zine that looks at science and technology related to agriculture in the news. Subscriptions are free.

Many of the resources offered through AITC programs are free, and others sold for a fee to help cover costs.

Each year the National AITC Consortium and the US Department of Agriculture host a conference designed to help teacher, volunteers, state and local coordinators and others learn more about raising students’ agricultural literacy. Special speakers, workshops, tours and other special events focus on organizing efforts to enhance the community's knowledge of the sources of their food and fiber. Information on the annual conference is also linked to the AITC website.

AITC programs across the country welcome volunteers to help their efforts. Volunteers may distribute materials, organize events, read books to students, coordinate contests and a conduct a variety of other tasks.

Each state AITC coordinator is listed on the AITC website; he or she is the primary contact for volunteering at the state level, and can put potential volunteers in contact with local coordinators.

Ag in the Classroom Consortium
The national Agriculture in the Classroom Consortium is the organization of state AITC programs and professional association of state AITC representatives, whose purpose is to assume and maintain an active national role in promoting agricultural literacy programs by providing leadership and a professional network for state Agriculture in the Classroom Programs and work to insure continuity of the Agriculture in the Classroom at USDA.

The AITC Consortium co-sponsors the annual National AITC Conference, coordinates a teacher award program, and helps manage grant programs. It also lobbies on behalf of agricultural literacy and acts as the liaison between AITC and other organizations, businesses and others interested in promoting agricultural literacy. It also compiles data and reports about agricultural literacy.