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User:Xyl 54/Sandbox 3

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Sandbox 3

Page History

Title Written Posted Deleted Notes
2nd Support Group August 2009 August 2009 August 2009 . (14, 19, 19/reduced to headings, refs)
B-7 Escort Group August 2009 August 2009 August 2009 (19, 25, 25/reduced to headings, refs)
36 Escort Group August 2009 August 2009 August 2009 (21, 25, 25/reduced to headings, refs)
5 Escort Group August 2009 August 2009 --- (25, 26, )
B-2 Escort Group August 2009 Sept 2009 Sept 2009 (25, 3, 7/reduced to headings)
Escort Group August 2009 Sept 2009 Sept 2009 (25, 7, 7/reduced to headings, notes)
B-6 Escort Group Nov-Dec 2009 Dec 2009 --- (28-13, 14 )



Escort groups for convoy protection were a British development during the war at sea during WWII.

formation of the Royal Navy which saw action during the Second World War, principally in the Battle of the Atlantic.


History 1941

by 1942 there were 25 escort groups deployed by WAC (Roskill p91 comprising 70 destroyers, 18 sloops 67 corvettes and 10 cutters

These fell in to 4 main groups /types .A special escort groups, comprising short range destroyers employed in escorting WS and PQ convoys, and meting troopships from across the Atlantic.

>b long range destroyers and corvettes providing the bullk of the North atlantic escort force.

.C long range destroyers sloops and cutters employed on the South Atlantic route to Freetown OS/SL

.D the antiaircraft vesels which worked the British coastal routes and accompanied Arctic and Gibraltar convoys

A further 2 groups were based at Gibraltar, and a force of 36 warships ( a destroyer flotilla, 5 sloops and 24 corvettes) in South Atlantic Command at Freetown

In the Western Atlantic the 54 vessels (14 destryers and 40 corvettes of RCN formed the NEF, later WLEF


  • Blair
  • Kemp
  • Neistle
  • Rohwer
  • Roskill


  • Clay Blair : Hitler's U-Boat War Vol I (1996). ISBN 0-304-35260-8
  • Clay Blair : Hitler's U-Boat War Vol II (1998) ISBN 0-304-35261-7 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum
  • Peter Gretton Convoy Escort Commander (1964) ISBN (none)
  • Arnold Hague : The Allied Convoy System 1939-1945 (2000). ISBN (Canada) 1 55125 033 0 :ISBN (UK) 1 86176 147 3.
  • Macintyre Donald : U-Boat Killer (1956) ISBN (none)
  • Paul Kemp  : U-Boats Destroyed ( 1997) . ISBN 1 85409 515 3
  • Axel Neistle  : German U-Boat Losses during World War II (1998). ISBN 1 85367 352 8
  • Rohwer, J. and Hummelchen, G.: Chronology of the War at Sea 1939-1945 (1992) ISBN 1-55750-105-X
  • Stephen Roskill : The War at Sea 1939-1945 Vol I (1954). ISBN (none)
  • Stephen Roskill : The War at Sea 1939-1945 Vol III, pt I (1960).ISBN (none)
  • DEG Wemyss : Walker's Groups in the Western Approaches (1948).ISBN (none)

thumb|HMS Hesperus, B-2 group leader

Escort Group B-7 Leader HMS Duncan
  • Firedrake
[http://www.uboat.net/allies/warships/ship/4386.html firedrake at uboatnet
[http://www.naval-history.net/xGM-Chrono-10DD-23F-Firedrake.htm firedrake at naval history
  • Duncan
[http://www.naval-history.net/xGM-Chrono-10DD-18D-Duncan.htm duncan at naval history
  • Stork
[http://www.naval-history.net/xGM-Chrono-18SL-Stork.htm stork at naval history
  • MacIntyre
  • Walker
  • Bickerton



[[Category:Military units and formations of the Royal Navy in World War II