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Configurational Bias


There are three configurations of a transistor. Configuration is the method of connecting any one terminal of transistor common to both input and output circuits. The three types are listed below.
1. Common base (Grounded base) (CB)

Here base is common to both input and output. Emitter-base jn is fwd-biased and collector-base jn is rev-biased.
See full article: Common base

2. Common emitter (CE)

Here emitter terminal is common to both input and output. Emitter-base jn is fwd-biased and collector-base jn is reverse biased.
See full article: Common emitter

3. Common collector (Emitter follower) (CC)

Here collector terminal is common to both input and output. Load is connected to emitter.
See full article: Common collector


Phase shift between input and outputzero180zero
Current gainless than 1highhigh
Voltage gainhighhighless than 1
Power gainmoderatehighlow to moderate
Input resistancelowmoderatehigh
Output resistancehighmoderatelow



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