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My name: Xander Hermsen
Country: The Neteherlands
Day of birth: October 15th 1981
77 days before the end of the year ;)

I've been working on a source code editor from November 2006 until now that's February 2008. The Editor can be used for almost any programming language and is variable. It has built-in FTP capabilities for uploading during programming and debugging. I use the editor mostly for my perl web sites, recently i've been using it for PHP.

It has a easy to use database functionality for pasting pieces of code called snippets that can be placed under different categories. The categories are called after their programming language and can be expanded until your disk space runs out.

The program hardly uses any memory and integrated with explorer what means that you canbrowse trough you backup files that you have zipped and open them with notesource so that you now what you unzip.

The code is being highlighted, Keywords like and, or, if, then are bold and types like void, integer, string etc. are bold italic. This can vary since it's possible to change the grammer highlighting.

The editor called NoteSource can be freely downloaded from

- www.codeeditor.net http://www.codeeditor.net
- www.download.com http://www.download.com

Xander Hermsen
February 19th 2008