Hello! I'm xRozuRozu, but you can call me Rozu or Moira. I used to be an IP user until my constant editing motivated me to make this account. My interests are philosophy, video games (especially Project Moon), and poetry. I mostly make copyedits and revert vandalism, but a lot of the time I just lurk.
Feel free to leave me a message on my talk page!
Guestbook: User:xRozuRozu/Guestbook
ii nneeeedd ttoo ccoonssuummee mmoorree lloorree aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn bbuutt iitt iiss ttoooo ddiiffffiiccuulltt ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn ccoonnssiioouussnneessss iinn tthhiiss vveesssseell.... eeeeppyy....
silly moment
[edit]silly (silly). yippee. wahoo.
yippee III
[edit]too lazy to find a userbox (if it even exists) but I LOVE MINESWEEPER!! (and sunpov) (and koume plum candy)