User:X!/Main Page bot Source
< User:X!
The following is automatically generated by X!'s adminbot.
Bot Hierarchy
[edit]- bot.php
- bot2.php
- classes.php
- adminpass.php
- nickpass.php
- Images/
- tmp/
Source code
<?php /* Copyright (C) 2008 Soxred93 -! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ include( "./functions.php" ); initialize(); checkEnable(); postSource(); purgeCache(); deleteImages(); process(); ?> |
<?php /* Copyright (C) 2008 Soxred93 -! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ include( "./functions.php" ); initialize(); checkEnable(); purgeCache(); //Get to the RC feed while(1) { $feed = fsockopen('',6667,$ircerrno,$ircerrstr,30); if (!$feed) { sleep(10); $feed = fsockopen('',6667,$ircerrno,$ircerrstr,30); if (!$feed) die($feederrstr.' ('.$feederrno.')'); } $feedchannel = '#en.wikipedia'; fwrite($feed,'USER SoxAdminBot "1" "1" :SoxBot Wikipedia Bot.'."\n"); fwrite($feed,'NICK SoxAdminBot'."\n"); while (!feof($feed)) { $rawline = fgets($feed,1024); $line = str_replace(array("\n","\r","\002"),'',$rawline); $line = preg_replace('/\003(\d\d?(,\d\d?)?)?/','',$line); //echo 'FEED: '.$line."\n"; if (!$line) { fclose($feed); break; } $linea= explode(' ',$line,4); if (strtolower($linea[0]) == 'ping') { fwrite($feed,'PONG '.$linea[1]."\n"); } elseif (($linea[1] == '376') or ($linea[1] == '422')) { fwrite($feed,'JOIN '.$feedchannel."\n"); } elseif ((strtolower($linea[1]) == 'privmsg') and (strtolower($linea[2]) == strtolower($feedchannel))) { $message = substr($linea[3],1); if (preg_match('/^\[\[((Talk|User|Wikipedia|Image|File|MediaWiki|Template|Help|Category|Portal|Special)(( |_)talk)?:)?([^\x5d]*)\]\] (\S*) (http:\/\/en\.wikipedia\.org\/w\/index\.php\?title=[^&]*&diff=(\d*)&oldid=(\d*)|http:\/\/en\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/\S+)? \* ([^*]*) \* (\(([^)]*)\))? (.*)$/S',$message,$m)) { $messagereceived = microtime(1); $change['namespace'] = $m[1]; $change['title'] = $m[5]; $change['flags'] = $m[6]; $change['url'] = $m[7]; $change['revid'] = $m[8]; $change['old_revid'] = $m[9]; $change['user'] = $m[10]; $change['length'] = $m[12]; $change['comment'] = $m[13]; //echo $change['namespace']; if ($change['namespace'] == 'Wikipedia:' || $change['namespace'] == 'Template:') { echo $change['title']."\n"; if ($change['title'] == 'Today\'s featured article/'.date('F j, Y') || $change['title'] == 'Did you know' || $change['title'] == 'In the news' || $change['title'] == 'Selected anniversaries'.date('F j') || $change['title'] == 'POTD protected/'.date('Y-m-d') ) { process($change['namespace'].$change['title']); } } } } } } ?> |
<?php include('./classes.php'); //Setup the classes $http = new http; $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpq = new wikipediaquery; $wpi = new wikipediaindex; $user = 'X!'; function initialize() { global $wpapi, $user; include( './adminpass.php' );//Password echo "Logging in...\n"; $wpapi->login( $user,$pass );//Login unset( $pass ); //Security reasons return $user; } function checkEnable() { global $wpq, $user; echo "\nChecking if bot is enabled...\n"; $run = $wpq->getpage( 'User:'.$user.'/Run' ); if ( !preg_match( '/(yes|enable|true)/iS',$run ) ) { irc("!admin@commons - X!'s adminbot is disabled. Please make sure all images on the Main Page are protected.", '#wikimedia-commons'); irc("!admin - X!'s adminbot is disabled. Please make sure all images on the Main Page are protected.", '#wikipedia-en-admins'); irc("!admin - X!'s adminbot is disabled. Please make sure all images on the Main Page are protected.", '#wikipedia-en-alerts'); die( "Bot Disabled\n" ); } unset( $run ); return true; } function postSource() { //Post the source code global $wpi, $user; echo "\nPosting source code...\n"; $wpi->forcepost('User:'.$user.'/Main Page bot Source', 'The following is automatically generated by [[User:'.$user.'|'.$user."]]'s adminbot.\n\n" . "==Bot Hierarchy==\n*bot.php\n*bot2.php\n*classes.php\n*adminpass.php\n*nickpass.php\n*Images/\n*tmp/\n\n" . "==Source code==\n" . "{{collapse top|bot.php}}\n<pre>".htmlentities(file_get_contents('./bot.php'))."</pre>\n{{collapse bottom}}\n" . "{{collapse top|bot2.php}}\n<pre>".htmlentities(file_get_contents('./bot2.php'))."</pre>\n{{collapse bottom}}\n" . "{{collapse top|functions.php}}\n<pre>".htmlentities(file_get_contents('./functions.php'))."</pre>\n{{collapse bottom}}\n" . "{{collapse top|classes.php}}\n<pre>".htmlentities(file_get_contents('./classes.php'))."</pre>\n{{collapse bottom}}" , 'Automated source upload.'); //die(); } function purgeCache() { global $http; echo "\nPurging cache...\n"; $check = $http->get( '' ); $check = unserialize( $check ); print_r($check); if ( !isset( $check['purge'][0]['purged'] ) ) { die( "An error occured while logging in.\n" ); } } function deleteImages() { global $http, $wpapi, $wpq, $wpi; echo "\nFinding images not used anymore...\n"; $currlist = file_get_contents('./images.txt'); $currlist = explode("\n", $currlist); sleep(3); if ($currlist[0] != '') { echo "\nImages are: ".implode(', ', $currlist)."\n"; foreach( $currlist as $image ) { if ($image == '') { continue; } $titles = array(); $continue = null; $iu = imageusage($image,$continue); foreach ($iu as $data) { $titles[] = $data['title']; } while (isset($iu[4999])) { $iu = imageusage($image,$continue); foreach ($iu as $data) { $titles[] = $data['title']; } } print_r($titles); sleep(3); if (!in_array('Main Page', $titles) && !in_array('Wikipedia:Main Page/Tomorrow', $titles)) { if ( $wpq->getpageid( $image ) === -1 ) { echo "\nAlready deleted...\n"; remtext($image); continue; } $list = getTemplates($image); print_r($list); if (in_array('Template:C-uploaded', $list)) { echo "\nDeleting $image...\n"; $wpi->delete($image, '{{Putt9567}} - BOT EDIT: See [[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/SoxBot 11]]: No longer on Main Page'); unlink('./Images/'.$image);//Remove the local copy, to save space sleep(3); if (delrevs($image) === true) { echo "\nRestoring $image...\n"; undelete($image); } remtext($image); } } } } } function remtext($image) { $file = file('./images.txt'); echo "Removing $image from images.txt.\n"; print_r($file); foreach ($file as $key => $value) { if ($value == $image) { unset($file[$key]); } } print_r($file); foreach ($file as $line) { file_put_contents('./images.txt', $line."\n"); } } function process($title = 'Wikipedia:Main Page/Tomorrow') { global $wpq, $wpapi, $wpi, $http; $list = exclude(getImages( $title )); //print_r($list); foreach( $list as $image ) { $image = "Image:".$image; if ( $wpq->getpageid( $image ) !== -1 ) { echo "\nExists locally...\n";continue; } if ( checkEdit( $image ) === false ) { echo "\nEdited in last 24 hours...\n";continue; } if ( fullprotect( $image ) === true ) { echo "\nProtected locally on Commons...\n";continue; } echo "\nGetting url of $image...\n"; $url = getUrl( $image ); echo "\nDownloading $image...\n"; downloadImage( $url, './Images/'.$image ); $text = $http->get( ''.urlencode($image).'&rvprop=content' ); $text = unserialize( $text ); $text = $text['query']['pages']; foreach ($text as $key => $data) { $text2 = $data['revisions'][0]['*']; } $text2 = str_ireplace("[[", "[[commons:", $text2);//Replace wikilinks with interwiki links $text = "{{Putt9567}}\n<includeonly>BOT EDIT: See [[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/SoxBot 11]].</includeonly>\n{{C-uploaded}}\n\n".$text2; echo "\nUploading $image...\n"; $image2 = explode(':', $image); if ( in_array( $image, file( './images.txt' ) ) ) { echo "\nHmm, why isn't it uploaded yet?\n"; } $wpi->upload($image2[1], './Images/'.$image, $text); $wpi->protect($image, '{{Putt9567}} - BOT EDIT: See [[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/SoxBot 11]]. Protecting image on Main Page.'); file_put_contents('./images.txt', file_get_contents('./images.txt').$image."\n");//Add it to the list of protected images sleep(3); } } //Checks to see if it was edited in the last 10 minutes function checkEdit($image) { echo "\nChecking if $image was edited in the last 24 hours...\n"; if (lastedit($image) > strtotime('-24 hours')) { irc("!admin@commons - Please protect [[$image]], as it is on the Main Page.", '#wikimedia-commons'); irc("!admin - Please upload [[$image]] from Commons, as it is on the Main Page.", '#wikipedia-en-admins'); irc("!admin - Please upload [[$image]] from Commons, as it is on the Main Page.", '#wikipedia-en-alerts'); return false; } else { return true; } } function lastEdit($page) { echo "\nFinding last edit to $page...\n"; //Returns the timestamp of the last edit to $page global $http, $wpapi, $wpq; $x = $http->get(''.urlencode($page).'&rvlimit=1&rvprop=timestamp&format=php'); $x = unserialize($x); $timestamp = $x['query']['pages'][$wpq->getpageid($page)]['revisions'][0]['timestamp']; return strtotime($timestamp); } function downloadImage($url,$local) { //Downloads the image to upload $out = fopen($local, 'w'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $out); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } function getUrl($image) { //Returns the url of the Commons image global $http, $wpapi, $wpq; $x = $http->get(''.urlencode($image).'&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=url&iilimit=1&format=php'); $x = unserialize($x); $file = $x['query']['pages']; foreach ($file as $img) { $file = $img['imageinfo'][0]['url']; } if (!$file) { die('Image not found'); } return $file; } function imageusage($image, &$continue = null) { //Returns an array with all pages that use $image global $http, $wpapi, $wpq; echo "Getting image usage...\n"; if ($continue != null) { $append = '&iucontinue='.urlencode($continue); } else { $append = ''; } $x = $http->get($wpapi->apiurl.'?action=query&list=imageusage&iutitle='.urlencode($image).'&format=php&iulimit=5000'.$append); $x = unserialize($x); $continue = $x['query-continue']['imageusage']['iucontinue']; return $x['query']['imageusage']; } function getImages($page) { //Returns an array with all the images on $page global $http, $wpapi, $wpq; $x = $http->get($wpapi->apiurl.'?action=query&titles='.urlencode($page).'&prop=images&imlimit=500&format=php'); $x = unserialize($x); $id = $wpq->getpageid($page); foreach ($x['query']['pages'][$id]['images'] as $links) { $images[] = str_replace('Image:','',$links['title']); } return $images; } function getTemplates($page) { //Returns an array with all the templates on $page echo "Getting templates...\n"; global $http, $wpapi, $wpq; $x = $http->get($wpapi->apiurl.'?action=query&titles='.urlencode($page).'&prop=templates&tllimit=500&format=php'); $x = unserialize($x); foreach ($x['query']['pages'][$wpq->getpageid($page)]['templates'] as $links) { $templates[] = $links['title']; } return $templates; } function irc($message,$channel) { include('nickpass.php'); $nick = 'SoxBot'; $socket = fsockopen("", 6667, $en, $es, 30); if (!$socket) { echo 'Error: '.$es.' ('.$en.')'."\n"; return false; } fwrite($socket, 'USER '.$nick.' "" "Main Page" :'.$nick."\n"); fwrite($socket, 'NICK '.$nick."\n"); fwrite($socket, 'PASS '.$nickpass."\n"); while (!feof($socket)) { $data = str_replace(array("\r","\n"),'',fgets($socket,512)); $darr = explode(' ',$data); if (strtolower($darr[0]) == 'ping') { fwrite($socket, 'PONG '.$darr[1]."\n"); } elseif (($darr[1] == '376') or ($darr[1] == '422')) { fwrite($socket, 'JOIN '.$channel."\n"); } elseif ((strtolower($darr[1]) == 'mode') and ((($darr[2]{0} == ':')?substr($darr[2],1):$darr[2]) == '+v') and (strtolower(($darr[3]{0} == ':')?substr($darr[3],1):$darr[3]) == strtolower($nick))) { fwrite($socket, 'PRIVMSG '.$channel.' :'.$message."\n"); fwrite($socket, 'QUIT :No longer needed.'."\n"); fclose($socket); } } return true; } function exclude($list) { //Returns $list excluding anything listed on the exclude list global $http, $wpapi, $wpq, $user; $x = $wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Exclude List.js'); //Get the exclude list $exclude = explode(chr(10), $x); foreach ($exclude as $e) { //Parse it if (!preg_match('/^#/',$e)) { $exclude_list[] = $e; } } foreach ($list as $l) { $add = true; foreach ($exclude_list as $e) { if ($e == $l) { $add = false; break; } } if ($add) { $cleaned_list[] = $l; } } return $cleaned_list; } function fullprotect($page) { //returns true if the page is full protected global $wpapi, $http, $wpq; $x = $http->get(''.urlencode($page).'&prop=info&inprop=protection&format=php'); $x = unserialize($x); if ($x['query']['pages'][$wpq->getpageid($page)]['protection'][0]['level'] == 'sysop') { return true; } else { return false; } } function delrevs($page) { global $wpapi, $http, $wpq; $x = $http->get(''.urlencode($page).'&format=php'); $x = unserialize($x); if (count($x['query']['deletedrevs'][0]['revisions']) > 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function undelete($page) { global $wpapi, $http, $wpq, $user; $x = $http->get('|user&titles='.urlencode($page).'&format=php'); $x = unserialize($x); $token = htmlspecialchars($x['query']['deletedrevs'][0]['token']); $post = array(); $users = $x['query']['deletedrevs'][0]['revisions']; $timestamps = array(); foreach($users as $rev) { echo $rev['user']; if ($rev['user'] != $user) { $timestamps[] = $rev['timestamp']; } } print_r($timestamps); $post['token'] = $token; $post['reason'] = '{{Putt9567}} - BOT EDIT: Restoring Wikipedia specific edits.'; $post['timestamps'] = implode("|", $timestamps); $http->post(''.urlencode($page).'&format=php',$post); } ?> |
<?PHP class http { private $ch; private $uid; public $postfollowredirs; public $getfollowredirs; function data_encode ($data, $keyprefix = "", $keypostfix = "") { assert( is_array($data) ); $vars=null; foreach($data as $key=>$value) { if(is_array($value)) $vars .= $this->data_encode($value, $keyprefix.$key.$keypostfix.urlencode("["), urlencode("]")); else $vars .= $keyprefix.$key.$keypostfix."=".urlencode($value)."&"; } return $vars; } function __construct () { $this->ch = curl_init(); $this->uid = dechex(rand(0,99999999)); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,'./tmp/cookies.dat'); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,'./tmp/cookies.dat'); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS,100); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_CLOSEPOLICY,CURLCLOSEPOLICY_LEAST_RECENTLY_USED); $this->postfollowredirs = 0; $this->getfollowredirs = 1; } function post ($url,$data) { // echo 'POST: '.$url."\n"; $time = microtime(1); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,'./tmp/cookies.dat'); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,'./tmp/cookies.dat'); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,$this->postfollowredirs); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS,10); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_HEADER,0); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,30); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,10); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_POST,1); // curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, substr($this->data_encode($data), 0, -1) ); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); $data = curl_exec($this->ch); //var_dump($data); //echo 'POST: '.$url.' ('.(microtime(1) - $time).' s) ('.strlen($data)." b)\n"; return $data; } function get ($url) { //echo 'GET: '.$url."\n"; $time = microtime(1); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,'./tmp/cookies.dat'); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,'./tmp/cookies.dat'); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,$this->getfollowredirs); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS,10); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_HEADER,0); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,30); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,10); curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_HTTPGET,1); $data = curl_exec($this->ch); //var_dump($data); //echo 'GET: '.$url.' ('.(microtime(1) - $time).' s) ('.strlen($data)." b)\n"; return $data; } function __destruct () { curl_close($this->ch); //@unlink('/tmp/cluewikibot.cookies.dat'); } } class wikipediaquery { private $http; private $api; public $queryurl = ''; //Obsolete, but kept for compatibility purposes. function __construct () { global $__wp__http; if (!isset($__wp__http)) { $__wp__http = new http; } $this->http = &$__wp__http; $this->api = new wikipediaapi; } private function checkurl() { $this->api->apiurl = str_replace('query.php','api.php',$this->queryurl); } function getpage ($page) { $this->checkurl(); // $ret = unserialize($this->http->get($this->queryurl.'?what=content&format=php&titles='.urlencode($page))); // foreach ($ret['pages'] as $page) { // return $page['content']['*']; // } $ret = $this->api->revisions($page,1,'older',true,null,true,false,false,false); return $ret[0]['*']; } function getpageid ($page) { $this->checkurl(); // $ret = unserialize($this->http->get($this->queryurl.'?what=content&format=php&titles='.urlencode($page))); // foreach ($ret['pages'] as $page) { // return $page['id']; // } $ret = $this->api->revisions($page,1,'older',false,null,true,false,false,false); return $ret['pageid']; } function contribcount ($user) { $this->checkurl(); // $ret = unserialize($this->http->get($this->queryurl.'?what=contribcounter&format=php&titles=User:'.urlencode($user))); // foreach ($ret['pages'] as $page) { // return $page['contribcounter']['count']; // } $ret = $this->api->users($user,1,null,true); if ($ret !== false) return $ret[0]['editcount']; return false; } } class wikipediaapi { private $http; public $apiurl = ''; function __construct () { global $__wp__http; if (!isset($__wp__http)) { $__wp__http = new http; } $this->http = &$__wp__http; } function login ($user,$pass) { $data = $this->http->post($this->apiurl.'?action=login&format=php',array('lgname' => $user, 'lgpassword' => $pass)); print_r(unserialize($data)); // if ($data) echo $data."\n\n"; } function getedittoken () { $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&format=php&prop=info&intoken=edit&titles=Main%20Page'); $x = unserialize($x); foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $y) { return $y['edittoken']; } } function recentchanges ($count = 10,$namespace = null,$dir = 'older',$ts = null) { $append = ''; if ($ts !== null) { $append .= '&rcstart='.urlencode($ts); } $append .= '&rcdir='.urlencode($dir); if ($namespace !== null) { $append .= '&rcnamespace='.urlencode($namespace); } $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=recentchanges&rcprop=user|comment|flags|timestamp|title|ids|sizes&format=php&rclimit='.$count.$append); $x = unserialize($x); return $x['query']['recentchanges']; } function search ($search,$limit = 10,$offset = 0,$namespace = 0,$what = 'text',$redirs = false) { $append = ''; if ($limit != null) $append .= '&srlimit='.urlencode($limit); if ($offset != null) $append .= '&sroffset='.urlencode($offset); if ($namespace != null) $append .= '&srnamespace='.urlencode($namespace); if ($what != null) $append .= '&srwhat='.urlencode($what); if ($redirs == true) $append .= '&srredirects=1'; else $append .= '&srredirects=0'; $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=search&format=php&srsearch='.urlencode($search).$append); $x = unserialize($x); return $x['query']['search']; } function logs ($user = null,$title = null,$limit = 50,$type = null,$start = null,$end = null,$dir = 'older') { $append = ''; if ($user != null) $append.= '&leuser='.urlencode($user); if ($title != null) $append.= '&letitle='.urlencode($title); if ($limit != null) $append.= '&lelimit='.urlencode($limit); if ($type != null) $append.= '&letype='.urlencode($type); if ($start != null) $append.= '&lestart='.urlencode($start); if ($end != null) $append.= '&leend='.urlencode($end); if ($dir != null) $append.= '&ledir='.urlencode($dir); $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&format=php&list=logevents&leprop=ids|title|type|user|timestamp|comment|details'.$append); $x = unserialize($x); return $x['query']['logevents']; } function usercontribs ($user,$count = 50,&$continue = null,$dir = 'older') { if ($continue != null) { $append = '&ucstart='.urlencode($continue); } else { $append = ''; } $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&format=php&list=usercontribs&ucuser='.urlencode($user).'&uclimit='.urlencode($count).'&ucdir='.urlencode($dir).$append); $x = unserialize($x); $continue = $x['query-continue']['usercontribs']['ucstart']; return $x['query']['usercontribs']; } function revisions ($page,$count = 1,$dir = 'older',$content = false,$revid = null,$wait = true,$getrbtok = false,$dieonerror = true,$redirects = false) { $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&prop=revisions&titles='.urlencode($page).'&rvlimit='.urlencode($count).'&rvprop=timestamp|ids|user|comment'.(($content)?'|content':'').'&format=php&meta=userinfo&rvdir='.urlencode($dir).(($revid !== null)?'&rvstartid='.urlencode($revid):'').(($getrbtok == true)?'&rvtoken=rollback':'').(($redirects == true)?'&redirects':'')); $x = unserialize($x); if ($revid !== null) { $found = false; if (!isset($x['query']['pages']) or !is_array($x['query']['pages'])) { if ($dieonerror == true) die('No such page.'."\n"); else return false; } foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $data) { if (!isset($data['revisions']) or !is_array($data['revisions'])) { if ($dieonerror == true) die('No such page.'."\n"); else return false; } foreach ($data['revisions'] as $data2) if ($data2['revid'] == $revid) $found = true; unset($data,$data2); break; } if ($found == false) { if ($wait == true) { sleep(1); return $this->revisions($page,$count,$dir,$content,$revid,false,$getrbtok,$dieonerror); } else { if ($dieonerror == true) die('Revision error.'."\n"); } } } foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $key => $data) { $data['revisions']['ns'] = $data['ns']; $data['revisions']['title'] = $data['title']; $data['revisions']['currentuser'] = $x['query']['userinfo']['name']; // $data['revisions']['currentuser'] = $x['query']['userinfo']['currentuser']['name']; $data['revisions']['continue'] = $x['query-continue']['revisions']['rvstartid']; $data['revisions']['pageid'] = $key; return $data['revisions']; } } function users ($start = null,$limit = 1,$group = null,$reqirestart = false,&$continue = null) { $append = ''; if ($start != null) $append .= '&aufrom='.urlencode($start); if ($group != null) $append .= '&augroup='.urlencode($group); $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=allusers&format=php&auprop=blockinfo|editcount|registration|groups&aulimit='.urlencode($limit).$append); $x = unserialize($x); $continue = $x['query-continue']['allusers']['aufrom']; if (($requirestart == true) and ($x['query']['allusers'][0]['name'] != $start)) return false; return $x['query']['allusers']; } function categorymembers ($category,$count = 500,&$continue = null) { if ($continue != null) { $append = '&cmcontinue='.urlencode($continue); } else { $append = ''; } $category = 'Category:'.str_ireplace('category:','',$category); $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle='.urlencode($category).'&format=php&cmlimit='.$count.$append); $x = unserialize($x); $continue = $x['query-continue']['categorymembers']['cmcontinue']; return $x['query']['categorymembers']; } function listcategories (&$start = null,$limit = 50,$dir = 'ascending',$prefix = null) { $append = ''; if ($start != null) $append .= '&acfrom='.urlencode($start); if ($limit != null) $append .= '&aclimit='.urlencode($limit); if ($dir != null) $append .= '&acdir='.urlencode($dir); if ($prefix != null) $append .= '&acprefix='.urlencode($prefix); $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=allcategories&acprop=size&format=php'.$append); $x = unserialize($x); $start = $x['query-continue']['allcategories']['acfrom']; return $x['query']['allcategories']; } function backlinks ($page,$count = 500,&$continue = null,$filter = null) { if ($continue != null) { $append = '&blcontinue='.urlencode($continue); } else { $append = ''; } if ($filter != null) { $append .= '&blfilterredir='.urlencode($filter); } $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=backlinks&bltitle='.urlencode($page).'&format=php&bllimit='.$count.$append); $x = unserialize($x); $continue = $x['query-continue']['backlinks']['blcontinue']; return $x['query']['backlinks']; } function embeddedin ($page,$count = 500,&$continue = null) { if ($continue != null) { $append = '&eicontinue='.urlencode($continue); } else { $append = ''; } $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=embeddedin&eititle='.urlencode($page).'&format=php&eilimit='.$count.$append); $x = unserialize($x); $continue = $x['query-continue']['embeddedin']['eicontinue']; return $x['query']['embeddedin']; } function listprefix ($prefix,$namespace = 0,$count = 500,&$continue = null) { $append = '&apnamespace='.urlencode($namespace); if ($continue != null) { $append .= '&apfrom='.urlencode($continue); } $x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=allpages&apprefix='.urlencode($prefix).'&format=php&aplimit='.$count.$append); $x = unserialize($x); $continue = $x['query-continue']['allpages']['apfrom']; return $x['query']['allpages']; } } class wikipediaindex { private $http; public $indexurl = ''; private $postinterval = 0; private $lastpost; private $edittoken; function __construct () { global $__wp__http; if (!isset($__wp__http)) { $__wp__http = new http; } $this->http = &$__wp__http; } function post ($page,$data,$summery = '',$minor = false,$rv = null,$bot = true) { global $user; global $maxlag; global $irc; global $irctechchannel; global $run; global $maxlagkeepgoing; $wpq = new wikipediaquery; $wpq->queryurl = str_replace('index.php','query.php',$this->indexurl); $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpapi->apiurl = str_replace('index.php','api.php',$this->indexurl); if ((!$this->edittoken) or ($this->edittoken == '')) $this->edittoken = $wpapi->getedittoken(); if ($rv == null) $rv = $wpapi->revisions($page,1,'older',true); if (!$rv[0]['*']) $rv[0]['*'] = $wpq->getpage($page); //Fake the edit form. $now = gmdate('YmdHis', time()); $token = htmlspecialchars($this->edittoken); $tmp = date_parse($rv[0]['timestamp']); $edittime = gmdate('YmdHis', gmmktime($tmp['hour'],$tmp['minute'],$tmp['second'],$tmp['month'],$tmp['day'],$tmp['year'])); $html = "<input type='hidden' value=\"{$now}\" name=\"wpStarttime\" />\n"; $html.= "<input type='hidden' value=\"{$edittime}\" name=\"wpEdittime\" />\n"; $html.= "<input type='hidden' value=\"{$token}\" name=\"wpEditToken\" />\n"; $html.= '<input name="wpAutoSummary" type="hidden" value="'.md5('').'" />'."\n"; if (preg_match('/'.preg_quote('{{nobots}}','/').'/iS',$rv[0]['*'])) { return false; } /* Honor the bots flags */ if (preg_match('/'.preg_quote('{{bots|allow=none}}','/').'/iS',$rv[0]['*'])) { return false; } if (preg_match('/'.preg_quote('{{bots|deny=all}}','/').'/iS',$rv[0]['*'])) { return false; } if (preg_match('/'.preg_quote('{{bots|deny=','/').'(.*)'.preg_quote('}}','/').'/iS',$rv[0]['*'],$m)) { if (in_array(explode(',',$m[1]),$user)) { return false; } } /* /Honor the bots flags */ if (!preg_match('/'.preg_quote($user,'/').'/iS',$rv['currentuser'])) { return false; } /* We need to be logged in */ // if (preg_match('/'.preg_quote('You have new messages','/').'/iS',$rv[0]['*'])) { return false; } /* Check talk page */ if (!preg_match('/(yes|enable|true)/iS',((isset($run))?$run:$wpq->getpage('User:'.$user.'/Run')))) { return false; } /* Check /Run page */ $x = $this->forcepost($page,$data,$summery,$minor,$html,$maxlag,$maxlagkeepgoing,$bot); /* Go ahead and post. */ $this->lastpost = time(); return $x; } function forcepost ($page,$data,$summery = '',$minor = false,$edithtml = null,$maxlag = null,$mlkg = null,$bot = true) { $post['wpSection'] = ''; $post['wpScrolltop'] = ''; if ($minor == true) { $post['wpMinoredit'] = 1; } $post['wpTextbox1'] = $data; $post['wpSummary'] = $summery; if ($edithtml == null) { $html = $this->http->get($this->indexurl.'?title='.urlencode($page).'&action=edit'); } else { $html = $edithtml; } preg_match('|\<input type\=\\\'hidden\\\' value\=\"(.*)\" name\=\"wpStarttime\" /\>|U',$html,$m); $post['wpStarttime'] = $m[1]; preg_match('|\<input type\=\\\'hidden\\\' value\=\"(.*)\" name\=\"wpEdittime\" /\>|U',$html,$m); $post['wpEdittime'] = $m[1]; preg_match('|\<input type\=\\\'hidden\\\' value\=\"(.*)\" name\=\"wpEditToken\" /\>|U',$html,$m); $post['wpEditToken'] = $m[1]; preg_match('|\<input name\=\"wpAutoSummary\" type\=\"hidden\" value\=\"(.*)\" /\>|U',$html,$m); $post['wpAutoSummary'] = $m[1]; if ($maxlag != null) { $x = $this->http->post($this->indexurl.'?title='.urlencode($page).'&action=submit&maxlag='.urlencode($maxlag).'&bot='.(($bot == true)?'1':'0'),$post); if (preg_match('/Waiting for ([^ ]*): ([0-9.-]+) seconds lagged/S',$x,$lagged)) { global $irc; if (is_resource($irc)) { global $irctechchannel; foreach(explode(',',$irctechchannel) as $y) { fwrite($irc,'PRIVMSG '.$y.' :'.$lagged[1].' is lagged out by '.$lagged[2].' seconds. ('.$lagged[0].')'."\n"); } } sleep(10); if ($mlkg != true) { return false; } else { $x = $this->http->post($this->indexurl.'?title='.urlencode($page).'&action=submit&bot='.(($bot == true)?'1':'0'),$post); } } return $x; } else { return $this->http->post($this->indexurl.'?title='.urlencode($page).'&action=submit&bot='.(($bot == true)?'1':'0'),$post); } } function diff ($title,$oldid,$id,$wait = true) { $deleted = ''; $added = ''; $html = $this->http->get($this->indexurl.'?title='.urlencode($title).'&action=render&diff='.urlencode($id).'&oldid='.urlencode($oldid).'&diffonly=1'); if (preg_match_all('/\&\;(oldid\=|undo=)(\d*)\\\'\>(Revision as of|undo)/USs', $html, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { //print_r($m); if ((($oldid != $m[0][2]) and (is_numeric($oldid))) or (($id != $m[1][2]) and (is_numeric($id)))) { if ($wait == true) { sleep(1); return $this->diff($title,$oldid,$id,false); } else { die('Revision error.'."\n"); } } } if (preg_match_all('/\<td class\=(\"|\\\')diff-addedline\1\>\<div\>(.*)\<\/div\>\<\/td\>/USs', $html, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { //print_r($m); foreach ($m as $x) { $added .= htmlspecialchars_decode(strip_tags($x[2]))."\n"; } } if (preg_match_all('/\<td class\=(\"|\\\')diff-deletedline\1\>\<div\>(.*)\<\/div\>\<\/td\>/USs', $html, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { //print_r($m); foreach ($m as $x) { $deleted .= htmlspecialchars_decode(strip_tags($x[2]))."\n"; } } //echo $added."\n".$deleted."\n"; if (preg_match('/action\=rollback\&\;from\=.*\&\;token\=(.*)\"/US', $html, $m)) { $rbtoken = $m[1]; $rbtoken = urldecode($rbtoken); // echo 'rbtoken: '.$rbtoken.' -- '; print_r($m); echo "\n\n"; return array($added,$deleted,$rbtoken); } return array($added,$deleted); } function rollback ($title,$user,$reason = null,$token = null,$bot = true) { if (($token == null) or (!$token)) { $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpapi->apiurl = str_replace('index.php','api.php',$this->indexurl); $token = $wpapi->revisions($title,1,'older',false,null,true,true); if ($token[0]['user'] == $user) { echo 'Token: '; print_r($token); echo "\n\n"; $token = $token[0]['rollbacktoken']; } else { return false; } } $x = $this->http->get($this->indexurl.'?title='.urlencode($title).'&action=rollback&from='.urlencode($user).'&token='.urlencode($token).(($reason != null)?'&summary='.urlencode($reason):'').'&bot='.(($bot == true)?'1':'0')); echo 'Rollback return: '.$x."\n"; if (!preg_match('/action complete/iS',$x)) return false; return $x; } function move ($old,$new,$reason) { $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpapi->apiurl = str_replace('index.php','api.php',$this->indexurl); if ((!$this->edittoken) or ($this->edittoken == '')) $this->edittoken = $wpapi->getedittoken(); $token = htmlspecialchars($this->edittoken); $post = array ( 'wpOldTitle' => $old, 'wpNewTitle' => $new, 'wpReason' => $reason, 'wpWatch' => '0', 'wpEditToken' => $token, 'wpMove' => 'Move page' ); return $this->http->post($this->indexurl.'?title=Special:Movepage&action=submit',$post); } function upload ($page,$file,$desc) { $post = array ( 'wpUploadFile' => '@'.$file, 'wpSourceType' => 'file', 'wpDestFile' => $page, 'wpUploadDescription' => $desc, 'wpLicense' => '', 'wpWatchthis' => '0', 'wpIgnoreWarning' => '1', 'wpUpload' => 'Upload file' ); return $this->http->post($this->indexurl.'?title=Special:Upload&action=submit',$post); } function hasemail ($user) { $tmp = $this->http->get($this->indexurl.'?title=Special:EmailUser&target='.urlencode($user)); if (stripos($tmp,"No e-mail address") !== false) return false; return true; } function email ($user,$subject,$body) { $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpapi->apiurl = str_replace('index.php','api.php',$this->indexurl); if ((!$this->edittoken) or ($this->edittoken == '')) $this->edittoken = $wpapi->getedittoken(); $post = array ( 'wpSubject' => $subject, 'wpText' => $body, 'wpCCMe' => 0, 'wpSend' => 'Send', 'wpEditToken' => $this->edittoken ); return $this->http->post($this->indexurl.'?title=Special:EmailUser&target='.urlencode($user).'&action=submit',$post); } function delete ($page,$reason=null) { $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpapi->apiurl = str_replace('index.php','api.php',$this->indexurl); if ((!$this->edittoken) or ($this->edittoken == '')) $this->edittoken = $wpapi->getedittoken(); $token = htmlspecialchars($this->edittoken); $post = array('title' => $page,'token' => $token,'reason' => $reason); $x = $this->http->post( $wpapi->apiurl.'?action=delete&format=php',$post ); print_r( $x ); } function protect ($page,$reason=null,$edit='sysop',$move='sysop',$editexpire='infinite',$moveexpire='infinite') { $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpapi->apiurl = str_replace('index.php','api.php',$this->indexurl); if ((!$this->edittoken) or ($this->edittoken == '')) $this->edittoken = $wpapi->getedittoken(); $token = htmlspecialchars($this->edittoken); $post = array ( 'mwProtect-reason' => $reason, 'mwProtectWatch' => '0', 'mwProtect-cascade' => '0', 'mwProtect-expiry-edit' => $editexpire, 'mwProtect-expiry-move' => $moveexpire, 'mw-Protect-submit' => 'Confirm', 'wpEditToken' => $token, 'mwProtect-level-edit' => $edit, 'mwProtect-level-move' => $move ); return $this->http->post($this->indexurl.'?title='.urlencode($page).'&action=protect',$post); } function salt ($page,$reason=null,$create='sysop',$expire='infinite') { $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpapi->apiurl = str_replace('index.php','api.php',$this->indexurl); if ((!$this->edittoken) or ($this->edittoken == '')) $this->edittoken = $wpapi->getedittoken(); $token = htmlspecialchars($this->edittoken); $post = array ( 'mwProtect-reason' => $reason, 'mwProtectWatch' => '0', 'mwProtect-expiry' => $expire, 'mw-Protect-submit' => 'Confirm', 'wpEditToken' => $token, 'mwProtect-level-create' => $create ); return $this->http->post($this->indexurl.'?title='.urlencode($page).'&action=protect',$post); } function block ($user,$expire='infinite',$reason='[[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism]]',$anon=1,$account=1,$autoblock=1,$emailban=0) { $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpapi->apiurl = str_replace('index.php','api.php',$this->indexurl); if ((!$this->edittoken) or ($this->edittoken == '')) $this->edittoken = $wpapi->getedittoken(); $token = htmlspecialchars($this->edittoken); $post = array ( 'wpBlockAddress' => $user, 'wpBlockReason' => $reason, 'wpAnonOnly' => $anon, 'wpBlockOther' => $expire, 'wpBlock' => 'Block', 'wpEditToken' => $token, 'wpCreateAccount' => $account, 'wpEnableAutoblock' => $autoblock, 'wpEmailBan' => $emailban, 'wpWatchUser' => 0, ); return $this->http->post($this->indexurl.'?title=Special:BlockIP&action=submit',$post); } function unblock ($user,$reason=null) { $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpapi->apiurl = str_replace('index.php','api.php',$this->indexurl); if ((!$this->edittoken) or ($this->edittoken == '')) $this->edittoken = $wpapi->getedittoken(); $token = htmlspecialchars($this->edittoken); $post = array ( 'wpUnblockAddress' => $user, 'wpUnblockReason' => $reason, 'wpBlock' => 'Unblock', 'wpEditToken' => $token ); return $this->http->post($this->indexurl.'?title=Special:IPBlockList&action=submit',$post); } } ?> |