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User:WorldPeaceIsNotFarAway/Battle of Mongkawng and Tachileik

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Battle of Mongkawng and Tachileik
Part of the Kuomintang in Burma
Date 16 June 1950 - 23 August[1]
Mongkawng and Tachilek, 缅甸 Union of Burma
Result KMT victory

 Republic of China

缅甸 Union of Burma

Commanders and Leaders

中華民國 Li Guohui

中華民國 Tan Zhong

缅甸 Ne Win


about 3,500

about 20,000[2]


408 killed in action
602 injured

about 1,500 KIA
about 3,000 injured
302 captured[3]

The Battle of Mongkawng and Tachileik[4],was a 1950 battle between the Union of Burma and the KMT forces stationed in the towns of Mongkawng and Tachileik, which resulted in the KMT defeating the Burmese army, causing the issue of the KMT in Burma to attract the attention of various countries.



In December 1949, Yunnan Provincial Chairman Lu Han defected to the CCP and detained Li Mi, Commander of the 8th Army, and Yu Chengwan, Commander of the 26th Army, and forced them to join the Communist Party. After the 26th Army and the 8th Army learned that the two were detained, they besieged Kunming. The defecting troops (which included the 74th Army and 93rd Army) were defeated.Li Mi and Yu Chengwan were later successively released.

After Yu Chengwan was released, he led the 26th Army to retreat to French Indochina. Li Mi also led the 8th Army to retreat to western Yunnan. The 8th Army was overtaken by the People's Liberation Army at Yuanjiang on the China-Myanmar border. After a fierce battle, the 60,000-strong army led by Li Mi was almost annihilated by the People's Liberation Army. Later, Li Mi arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, and then flew from Bangkok to Taiwan.

Li Kuo-hui, the commander of the 709th Regiment of the 237th Division of the 8th Army, led more than 600 remnant troops from Ximeng, Yunnan into Myanmar. They met with more than 800 people from Tan Zhong of the 278th Regiment of the 93rd Division of the 26th Army in Mong Pawn on the border of Myanmar [5](The 278th Regiment separated from the main force of the 26th Army and retreated into Myanmar on their own, led by deputy commander Tan Zhong). These national army troops who retreated into Myanmar were then called "lone armies".



On February 28, 1950, the lone army came to Myanmar. Mong Pawn and Mongkawng, a small town near Tachileik, which was an important town in northern Myanmar, recuperated on the spot and recruited new blood. Within two months, they would The force was expanded to 3,500 men and renamed the "Fuxing Corps".

The Myanmar government regarded the Lone Army as a threat. Although the Lone Army told the Burmese government that it would wait for an opportunity to counterattack the mainland and had no ambition to invade Myanmar's territory, the Burmese still asked the Lone Army to withdraw from Myanmar before April 30, but Li Kuo-hui ignored it. In Kengtung, near Mongkawng and Tachileik, two Myanmar Army regiments had been stationed, and one of the regiments had already entered Tachileik. The Burmese army believed that the main facilitators of the lone army were local overseas Chinese, so hundreds of overseas Chinese were falsely accused of possessing weapons and arrested by the Burmese army. [6] The three parties held negotiations on June 3. However, Myanmar detained Ding Zuoshao, the negotiator of the Lone Force, and Ma Dingchen, the overseas Chinese representative of Tachileik. On June 8, the Burmese side issued an ultimatum to Li Kuo-hui to withdraw from Myanmar immediately, otherwise force would be used. The Burmese also detained 1,700 Chinese residents of Kengtung to prevent them from assisting the KMT. Li Kuo-hui demanded the release of the KMT negotiators and the Chinese residents, and asked the Burmese army not to enter Tachileik, but they refused.

On June 16, six bombers of the Burmese army attacked the KMT position in the Mongkawng area, with the Chinese suffered heavy casualties. Li Kuo-hui ordered the army to abandon the position and retreat into the primitive jungle. The Burmese army still did not give up and dispatched 10,000 mountain-searching troops into the jungle in an attempt to eliminate them in one go, with another 10,000 troops being dispatched to block the jungle exit. In the end, the KMT managed to exhaust the Burmese army and drive them out.

On June 28, the KMT turned from defense to attack and made a surprise attack on the Burmese artillery position. They captured 10 Burmese artillery pieces and used the captured artillery to fight back, with the Burmese army retreating. The lone army pursued them and recaptured Mong Pawn and Mongkawng, and captured Tachileik. The KMT forces even managed to shoot down the plane of the Commander-in-Chief of the Burmese Air Force, which shocked many countries. Myanmar was then forced to negotiate peace with the Nationalists. The KMT withdrew from Tachileik on August 23 and moved into the mountains to quell the dispute.

See also

  • "泰北孤軍—他們的故事". 清淨社區營造網. 2011-05-22. Archived from the original on 2022-08-14. Retrieved 2022-12-15.


  1. ^ [1]. 清淨社區營造網. 2011-05-22 [2022-12-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-14). 嚴明紀律,宣撫安民,不意緬方即以驅逐入境者為由,乃於6月16日至8月23日之間,由景棟調動陸軍先後約兩個團之兵力,在空軍支援下,由孟叭,孟嶺之線,數次大舉進攻駐孟果一帶陣地,鏖戰月餘,孤軍大勝 
  2. ^ [2]. [2018-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-21). 残军退至森林里后,缅甸国防军迅速占领了小孟棒、孟果、孟研,同时紧追不放,仍然派出10000多兵力搜山,同时另外派10000多兵力把守森林里的出口 
  3. ^ [3]. [2018-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-21). 这场历时40天的战争,缅甸国防军牺牲1500人,受伤3000余人,被俘302人。残军被打死408人,伤602人,残军大获全胜 
  4. ^ "泰緬地區華人孤軍奮戰史績記要". Archived from the original on 2018-07-29. Retrieved 2018-07-29.
  5. ^ "中華救助總會". Archived from the original on 2014-12-19. Retrieved 2019-07-26. 一九五○年二月,李國輝部隊的六百多人退至緬甸境內,在孟棒與第二十六軍九十三師第二七八團的譚忠部隊約八百多人會合,共約一千五百人,這就是孤軍最早的起源
  6. ^ 覃怡輝 (2009-08-28). 金三角國軍血淚史:1950-1981. 聯經出版. p. 93. ISBN 978-986-01-9491-3. Archived from the original on 2019-05-22. Retrieved 2018-07-30.

[[Category:Battles involving Myanmar]] [[Category:1950 in Southeast Asia]] [[Category:Chinese Civil War]] [[Category:Kuomintang]] [[Category:Union of Burma]] [[Category:Kuomintang in Burma]]