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A red wolf

On this page, you'll learn a bit about me as well as a few of my interests. If you'd like to get to know me a bit more sometime, I'm always up for chat on MSN messenger. Also, all questions and comments are more than welcome, and if I've made mistakes, please bear with me. I'm still fairly new (I've been here since July 16th) to Wiki, but I look forward to being an active member in the future.

Who am I?

  • Name: Jason
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: West Virginia, USA
  • Age: 14 years old
  • Religion: Atheist
  • More:I am 14 years old and I've lived my entire life in West Virginia. Music has been a big part of my life for a little over a year now, and I mainly listen to metal as well as a little bit of classic rock from time to time. I've been playing guitar since Christmas 2004; I own a black B.C. Rich Warlock (Bronze Series). It's nothing special, and it was actually rather cheap, but I'm loving it and I think it's a pretty decent beginners guitar. Other than music, another thing I enjoy is Texas Hold 'Em Poker and, of course, the internet. When I'm not hanging out with friends or playing my guitar, you can almost always find me online.


File:Iron Stick 800.jpg
Iron Maiden

Bands I Listen To


Below is a list of some of the bands that I listen to. I either have albums and/or mixed CDs from the following bands or I happen to like a lot of the songs that I've heard from them. (In no specific order).

Bands I Plan on Listening To


Below is a list of some of the bands that I'm eager to check out in the future. I have a few songs on my computer from each band listed, but I'm yet to buy any albums. As soon as I get the money, however, I'm going to definently check out the following. (In no specific order).


Kill Bill: Volume 1 poster

Before I got into music about a year ago, I went through a phase in which I was interested in movies and everything that had to do with them. However, since most of my money now goes towards music albums, I rarely watch movies as I once did. Anyways, below are a few of my favorites along with some reasons why you should check them out as well.



Below are a few links that you may be interested in checking out.

My talk page
My contributions
My Watchlist
My Edit Count