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User:Wllacer/Iberian Horses(SandBox)

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1743 engraving depicting an Iberian horse

The Iberian horse is a title given to a number of horse breeds native to the Iberian peninsula. At present, no less than 18 horse breeds are officially recognized [1][2][3]

List of commonly accepted Iberian Horse Breeds

Breed Country Of Registry Type [4] breeding method [5] Number (aprox.)[6] Comments
Mérens horse France France big pony >7.000 [1]
Garrano Portugal Portugal big pony semiferal >950 [1]
Lusitano Portugal Portugal, other countries Horse 23,619 [7]
Sorraia Portugal Portugal big pony Feral >100 [1] [8]
Pura Raza Española (Andalusian horse Spain Spain , other countries Horse 199,852
Asturcon Spain Spain big pony semiferal 2,319
Burguete Spain Spain horse Open field 4,814 Heavy work and meat horse. Has some mixture of Breton blood
Basque Mountain Horse Spain Spain big pony semiferal > 600 [1] meat horse
Pura Raza Gallega Spain Spain big pony semiferal 1,526 Under the term faco or del país there are a number (perhaps over 10.000) of closely related semiferal horses not on the Stud Book
Hispano-Arabe Spain Spain , other countries Horse 7,286 Of mixed Spanish / Arabian horse blood
Hispano-Bretón Spain Spain big pony Open Field 14,902 Work and meat. Of mixed Breton-native blood
Jaca Navarra Spain Spain big pony semiferal 1,020
Losina Spain Spain big pony semiferal 754
Mallorquín Spain Spain Horse 320
Marismeño Spain Spain big pony semiferal 1,051
Menorquín Spain Spain Horse 3,125
Monchina Spain Spain big pony Open field 782
Pirenenc Catalá Spain Spain Horse Open field 7,133 Still not on FAO list but recognized in Spain since 2012. The type has partly blood from french heavy races
Pottoka Spain Spain , France France pony some semiferal >2.600 [1]
Retuertas Spain Spain big pony feral 60-140 First described in 2005 [9] No official status yet

Procedures have been started to include another breed ( the Serrano horse )[10]. It's a very scarce (less than 40 indivuduals) mountain big pony variety

</ref> --> Iberian horses are thought to be one of the oldest types of domesticated horses. Modern Iberian breeds tend to be of a Baroque horse type that resemble their most famous member, the Andalusian horse, in conformation. There are no purely native cold blood (heavy / work) horse breeds from the iberian Peninsula , both for ecological/economical (alternate work animals -oxen and mules - were easier to maintain in the peninsular conditions) and military (during the middle ages the Iberian Peninsula chavalry was of the lighter type) reasons. In fact, even at the mid XX century, the mule stock trebled the horse stock, with the negative impact on the availability of breeding mares.[11]


  1. ^ a b c d e f 'FAO breed list', accessed March 15, 2012, cites 3 portuguese and 20 spanish breeds
  2. ^ 'R.D. 2129/2008', accessed March 13, 2012, which is the offical spanish list. Only fomento and en peligro de extinción sections, which are the iberian breeds, list 15 breeds. The remaining breeds are of well known foreing blood, or like the deporte español are recent developments
  3. ^ Both lists are divergent, partly because the spanish list is more actual -last changed February 2012- and partly because FAO list as different entities two Mallorquin horses -in spanish and catalan- as different breeds. The FAO lists also lacks another breed, Troton Español, which is bred solely in Mallorca
  4. ^ Following classifications apply for the Type column based on horse height:
    • pony: pony, usually under 130 cm - 12h3)
    • big pony . pony usually in the 130 cm -150 cm range (12h3 - 14h3). Know in Spain as jaca (port. faco)
    • horse . Standard height above 150 cm
  5. ^ Following classifications apply for the Breeding:
    • feral, at least on discovery
    • semiferal. Roams free in an area and are only collected and managed once a year
    • Open Field: Grown in the field, with minimal management
  6. ^ For spanish breeds, unless otherwise noted, we took the most actual data in 'the Spanish Official Breed Catalog on-line' (in spanish), accessed March 15,2012. Data thus are from 2010 or 2011. Those gotten from FAO are data from 2001
  7. ^ 'Fundaçao Alter Real', in portuguese, accessed May 16,2012
  8. ^ Oelke, Hardy. "The Sorraia Horse, General Information". Sorraia Folheto Informativo. Retrieved 2012-03-16.
  9. ^ The Retuertas horse; the "missing link" in the iberoamerican horse breed origin?, Vega-Plà et al 2005, available at eeap.org
  10. ^ [http://www.asambleamadrid.es/Resources/Ficheros/C5/Diarios%20de%20sesiones/Diarios%20de%20sesiones%20%20Legislatura%20VIII/VIII-DS-850.pdf 'Proceedings of the Regional Parlament of Madrid' (in Spanish)
  11. ^ In Andalusia only was forbidden till the XIX century to breed mules, which were imported from elsewhere

Category:Types of horse Category:Horse breeds Category:Horse breeds originating in Spain