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Biomechanics is the study of biological systems such as the human body, combined with the study of mechanics, or mechanical applications. Using the skills learned from biology, engineering and physics to research and develop for health care, such as organs that have been made from artificial materials, or new advances with prosthetic limbs. The creation of biomaterial, which is a fake material that can be integrated into living tissue or can live in sync with biological material, is one of the biggest advances in medicine to this day. Those in this field might also hold the job of not only installing, but also adjusting, maintain, repairing, and providing technical help for all biomaterial.

Biomechanical engineering is a bioengineering subdiscipline, which applies principles of mechanical engineering to biological systems and stems from the scientific discipline of biomechanics. Topics of interest in the field include biomedical engineering and agricultural engineeringBiomechanics, specificaly, is the study of biological systems such as the human body, combined with the study of mechanics, or mechanical applications. Using the skills learned from biology, engineering and physics to research and develop for health care, such as organs that have been made from artificial materials, or new advances with prosthetic limbs. The creation of biomaterial, which is a fake material that can be integrated into living tissue or can live in sync with biological material, is one of the biggest advances in medicine to this day. Those in this field might also hold the job of not only installing, but also adjusting, maintain, repairing, and providing technical help for all the biomaterial. Biomaterial is vital during times when organic material is unavailable, like someone who is largely burned, they would not have enough skin to properly graft all of the burn area. So with the biomaterial, people who are severly damaged might be able to return to how it was before an accident, or a disease. Biomaterial is different than inorganic material, because the body actually rejects most inorganic materials, and it will create and cause the body worse harm if it is introduced. Biomaterial is a in between of the tow, where it reacts normal to most bodies, and it can almost act like organic material.

Specific fields of Biomechanical Engineering

1.   Neural Engineering[1]

a.    This field accesses the brain interface by using sensors attached to the scalp. It picks up on all the different signals and gets mapped. These signals are part of the thousands if not millions of signals that the brain sends out every second. These get mapped out, and once they are mapped into specific categories, depending on the primary function. This allows for these signals to be more easily comprehended, and htne used in a way as to create things that might be able to intrepret these signals and control say a wearble technology type thing.

2.   Wearable Technology[1]

a.    New advancements include wearable scanners that allow different required measurements to better monitor someone’s health. Even basic thins like prosthetics, arms and legs, have huge advancements. Linking them to the brains waves, they are able to have the arm be controlled using thought.

3.   Tissue Engineering[1]

a.    Whole parts of a body can be recovered in skin made from synthetic growing material, allowing those who had burn trauma, or other trauma to regain skin. This helps, when skin grafting is not plausible, because there isnt enough skin, or the area of trauma is too great to be fixed.

4.   Microbubbles[1]

a.    Little bubbles that allow micro sized medicine to be delivered to specific parts of the body, like a tumor, which allows other parts of the body to not get affected by a lot of the harmful chemicals that might harm the other parts. This advancement could make medicine delivery one of the safest things. The isolation of the medicine to a singular part of the body might also be able to prevent accidental overdose. not only good this make pills obsolete, it could also change the way food and nutrients are taken in through the body.

Examples of jobs done by biomechanical engineers


1.   Advancement of pacemakers, fake kidney replacement, fake hearts, and even new joints or limbs

2.   New advancement for hospital monitoring systems, to better and more accurately monitor human health.

Schools that offer this major


1.   Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge[2]

2.   Stanford University[2]

3.   Johns Hopkins University[2]

4.   Georgia Institute[2]

5.   UC San Diego[2]

6.   Duke University[2]

7.   UC Berkeley[2]

8.   Boston University[2]

9.   Rice University  [2]

10. UC Davis[2]

UC Berkeley


UC Berkeley and the associates working there have been accredited with making many of the advances in the Biomechanical field in the past decade. UC Berkley’s program in Bioengineering has primarily focused their studies toward applying the engineering they learn to the healthcare of the future for society.

            Bioengineering brains at UC Berkeley

1.    Tony M. Keven- Studies the behavior of bones in a mechanical aspect[3]

a.    His biggest research right now is the study of the human spine. Specifically, the study of a full spinal disc replacement. A dsic replacement is dangerous, because there are so many little nerves attached to the spinal chord discs, that one little mistake, and the whole nervous system coould be destroyed, and the person can be paralyzed. discs over time because either squished or crack, lessening the spines strength, and witht the ability to replace a disc, or multiple, people could improve their spine significantly. Scoliosis, and other spinal problems could have advancement in there field in fixing the problem. they would not have to wear corrective gear for years, if some how they could completely replace the parts of the spine that need it.

2.    Mohammad Mourad- Cardiovascular Biomechanics[3]

3.    Lisa Pruitt- Orthopedic Tissues[3]

a.    Her current projects are as follows: fatigue fractures, and characterizing specific orthopedic tissues and other things.

[3]Stanford University


The program at Stanford for biomechanical Engineering combines a lot of biology and medicine advances with the engineering side of it, creating advances in the fields of hearing, vision, and even biomaterials.

  1. ^ a b c d "Biomechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering". www.me.berkeley.edu. Retrieved 2017-04-12.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "Schools with Biomechanical Engineering Programs: How to Choose". Study.com. Retrieved 2017-04-12.
  3. ^ a b c d "Biomechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering". www.me.berkeley.edu. Retrieved 2017-04-12.