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1 September 2017 ref -1 doi American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
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2 July 2017 ref -1 doi Benzodiazepine dependence
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3 January 2021 ref -1 doi Biofilm
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4 November 2019 ref -1 doi Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy
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5 July 2017 ref -1 doi Blastomycosis
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6 July 2020 ref -1 pmc Breast cancer survivors' dragon boating
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7 November 2018 ref -1 doi Ceftaroline fosamil
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8 August 2017 ref -1 pmc Central cord syndrome
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9 August 2017 ref -1 pmc Chemical synapse
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10 June 2019 ref -1 doi Chlamydia (genus)
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11 July 2019 ref -1 doi Christopher Busby
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12 July 2019 ref -1 pmc Chronic kidney disease
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13 November 2019 ref -1 doi Cleidocranial dysostosis
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14 July 2020 ref -1 pmc Combined small-cell lung carcinoma
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15 November 2019 ref -1 pmc Complications of hypertension
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16 November 2019 ref -1 doi Complications of hypertension
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17 July 2020 ref -1 doi Congenital generalized lipodystrophy
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18 November 2019 ref -1 pmc Copayment
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19 July 2020 ref -1 doi Cotrel–Dubousset instrumentation
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20 July 2017 ref -1 pmc Crohn's disease
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21 August 2020 ref -1 doi Cystatin C
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22 August 2020 ref -1 doi Cystatin C
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23 August 2020 ref -1 doi Cystatin C
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24 December 2016 ref -1 doi Diplopodia
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25 December 2017 ref -1 doi Drowning
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26 September 2017 ref -1 doi Early intervention in psychosis
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27 April 2019 ref -1 pmc Eflornithine
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28 September 2017 ref -1 pmc Endocrine disruptor
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29 August 2019 ref -1 doi Endorphins
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30 August 2019 ref -1 pmc Essential hypertension
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31 August 2019 ref -1 citeseerx Evolutionary medicine
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32 December 2019 ref -1 pmc Exercise
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33 September 2017 ref -1 doi Famprofazone
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34 September 2017 ref -1 doi Famprofazone
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35 December 2019 ref -1 doi Fusobacteria
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36 December 2019 ref -1 doi Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
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37 January 2020 ref -1 pmc Granule cell
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38 January 2020 <page> -1 pmc Hans Asperger
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39 October 2017 ref -1 pmc Health in Egypt
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40 October 2017 ref -1 doi Health management system
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41 January 2020 ref -1 doi Hemangiopericytoma
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42 December 2019 ref -1 doi Hemiparesis
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43 January 2020 ref -1 doi Hemolytic disease of the newborn (ABO)
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44 January 2020 ref -1 doi Hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-Kell)
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45 January 2020 ref -1 doi Hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-RhE)
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46 January 2020 ref -1 doi Hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-Rhc)
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47 January 2020 ref -1 hdl Hereditary multiple exostoses
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48 January 2020 ref -1 doi Hereditary multiple exostoses
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49 January 2020 <page> -1 doi Hereditary stomatocytosis
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