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  • Dual Value System

There are many economic and social systems such as Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, and Marxism and Anarchy. A Dual Value System is the same idea, yet with a different spin. No country to date has implemented this system. Yet if the world at large did, it could drastically change life as we know it. Many of the hardships of life would be eliminated. Though, many new unknown problems could arise.

Some of the current problems, such as economic inequality, ghettos, human trafficking, drug dealing, lack of funding for necessary projects, homelessness, veteran care, elderly care, and many others would be eliminated. Other systems set up to fund or help these problems would be eliminated as well. Some of these include welfare, taxes, insurances, retirements, loans, grants, stimulus, and others.

The problems listed above come from metals, stones, and paper being valuable verses people. In order to bring economic healing, people must become valuable. This is the heart of the Dual Value System. This system was first hypothesized by Stanley Brewer, a simple worker, husband, and father. He only hopes that someday this system will replace all other social and economic systems.

  • Dual Value System Explained

The name gives you a hint of what sets this system apart from the other economic and social systems. "Dual" means that the governing system, called a Masses Assistance Sustaining System, automatically gains value along with each person valued. So, it is a good thing to have an increasing population. The value of a person is frozen in history and determined by the average weight of mankind, multiplied by the current weight and price of gold. This is then multiplied times twelve months and a zero is dropped. The end result is each person receiving what is equivalent of $300,000 dollars a year for life. This is the same for everyone. So, people never have the struggle of poverty. The Masses Assisting Sustainment System (basically all of society serving a duty to mankind) will be matched in value but multipled by population. This ends up to be around $90,000,000,000 a year for a population of 500 million (Just a projection of United States population). So,people serving their duty to mankind would be doing all things decided necessary by the good minds of society. This could include fixing homes, building structures, road upkeep, cleaning water sources, planting food, permaculture, cleaning air, medical care, transportation, and whatever else society deems as good and necessary.

This is not to be compared to a cashless society that still uses unjust economic measures. A cashless society still leaves people, animals, and the earth as less valuable than goods or powers.

The other systems tend to see population as a burden and implement ways to reduce it, because people are not as valuable as things. Things are most valuable, currently. And, you can see it most as the elderly, children, animals, handicapped, and homeless are neglected.

  • Animals are valued in this system as well. It is encouraged and monitored by law to only kill as necessary. And, certain endangered animals are highly valued. This holds people accountable for their actions toward animals. It encourages knowledge and respect. The value of the animal is deducted from the person's value.
  • Prices are averaged, largest amount currently charged with the lowest, of common goods and frozen forever.

Prices are set to be simple, just, fair, and expected.

  • Goods sold will be simplified to what is sought by society as a whole and not unnecessary items (usually influenced by capitalism to make a buck). The people in a country, state, city, or tribe will determine what goods are necessary for their community.
  • Rollover would not be necessary for the Dual Value System. So, there is a limit to the value a available per year. This would take away mass hoarding of value. Yet there are always those who never have enough. Hopefully someday that will change. The theory is that after several generations and with proper and fair laws, people will find themselves at ease. Spirituality should increase and crimes decrease as mankind works together for a better world.