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This is the publicly editable coordination page for The Fusion Project: an effort to better explain fusion research on Wikipedia.

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Project Principals


The goal of this project is to explain fusion better on Wikipedia. This effort will abide by Wikipedias' five principals:

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Wikipedia is an encyclopedia

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Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of view

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A task force to cover fusion research. Some examples:

Suggested Format: I consider the LDX a good example of an article. Here is a rough list.

  • Introduction
  • The history: when, where who built this thing, why was it shut down
  • The Specs: how big, how powerful, the magnets
  • Diagnostics: What tools were used to measure the plasma temperature? Density? Fields?
  • The Geometry: where is the B-Field, E-Field, ion motion, ect...?
  • Single Particle Motion: if I put an ion or an electron in there, what happens?
  • Bulk Motion What do the codes say about bulk behaviors of plasma?
  • Modes of operation Many fusion devices have modes of operation (focus fusion, pinches, tokamaks, fusors) almost all these machines seem to. What are these modes? When do they happen? Why do they happen?

A couple of topics that need to be clarified:

  • Lawson Criterion and the triple product. The two issues should be separated, John Lawson wrote about the energy balance not a triple product.
  • Bad ideas? Explanations are needed for why: the Migma machine, cold fusion or LENR, sonofusion or bubble fusion, were bad ideas.
  • Plasma instabilities: [are many of them], they are not well explained or shown in pictures. They are not cross linked to the fusion devices where they apply.
  • Radiation losses: Radiation losses have been splintered into a slew of subcategories (bremsstrahlung, cyclotron, synchrotron, UV, IR, ect..). They can be thought of as a universal mechanism for energy loss from a plasma cloud.
  • Beta numbers: The beta number experimentally achieved in MCF can be used as a way to compare many different tokamaks, ect…
  • Funding: how much was spent? Who spent it? What was it spent on? The budgets for fusion has been in the tens of billions of dollars (in the US)

Articles to fix


Here is a shortlist of articles I would like to see fixed on Wikipedia:

Magnetic Confinement Fusion (MCF):


  • ITER
  • EAST
  • JET
  • T-15
  • T-4
  • TFTF
  • JT-60, JT-60SA
  • HT-7
  • Alacator C-Mod
  • STOR-M
  • H-1NF
  • T-3
  • T-4
  • FTU
  • Tora Supra
  • OHTE
  • (there are something like 215 Tokamaks planned, built or decommissioned world-wide)

Spherical Tokamaks

  • MAST


  • Lyman J. Spitzers' original machine
  • German X-7
  • NSTX (Princeton)

Levitated Dipole Experiment (LDX)

  • The LDX
  • RT-1
  • D20 Dipole

Magnetic mirrors

  • TMX and TMX-U
  • Baseball

Cusped Geometries

  • KEMPS machine
  • Picket fence

Reversed field pinch

  • Madison Symmetric Torus

Quasi-Stable Structures:

  • Field-reversed configuration
  • 40+ machines - where were they built, who built them, what did they find.

Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF):

Direct drive ICF

  • Omega
  • Cyclops
  • Long Path
  • Table top
  • NOVA
  • NOVA upgrade
  • Argus

Fast ignition ICF Indirect ICF Heavy Ion Beams ICF



  • Z Machine
  • ZETA
  • Ect…

Theta-Pinch Dense Plasma Focus

Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC):


  • Wisconsin's machine
  • MIT’s work on multi-welled devices
  • Commercial devices
  • Amature devices

POPS Penning Traps Beams

  • Fusion reaction cross studies with beams of ions

Hybrids: Magnetized target fusion (Field Reverse Configuration and ICF)

  • General fusion

Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (Theta Pinch and ICF)

  • Sandia’s Z-Machine

Magneto-inertial fusion (Short Lived Magnetic Fields and ICF) Polywell (Cusped Geometries and IEC) Dynomak Screw Pinch (Theta Pinch and Z Pinch)

Bad/Junk/Fruitless Approaches:

  • Uncontrolled Fusion
  • Migma Machines
  • The Hemual Project
  • Bubble fusion/Sonofusion
  • Cold fusion/LENR
  • Muon-catalyzed fusion
  • Pyroelectric fusion
  • Ball Lighting
  • Cross Fire Fusion

I hope we can all work together to fix this vast lack of information. I think if we ever are to get fusion power, we will need to solve this issue first. I have even seen congressional staffers turn to Wikipedia as a source for background information. When it comes to fusion, we need to all improve our knowledge on the topic. WikiHelper2134 (talk) 16:57, 10 April 2015 (UTC)