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Criticism of Haaretz and the like.


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It's Jew-Hate, Stupid. Haaretz, where columnist Chemi Shalev just equated what was clearly an aberration, the alleged terrible... INN, 2014

JP. Dec. 14, 2015 · Roger Waters, Aggressive BDS Advocate, at Haaretz NY Conference Haaretz. writer and U.S. editor Chemi Shalev was apparently thrilled to be shown in a picture with Israel-hater Waters

Haaretz newspaper: Tolerance of the enemy, hatred of his people. But "Ha'aretz" is becoming the marginalized newspaper by the day. K Liebskind. Maariv. April 13 2017

Haaretz the real villain between the Israeli news outlets? I think so. The headline of the latest anti-Semitic story in Haaretz is.. Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden, Mar. 6.2019, ToI

Haaretz's Textbook Case of Media Bias | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com Sep. 27, 2017

The Ha'aretz newspaper, which boasts of being the "newspaper for people who think", is again raising wild incitement against the ultra-Orthodox public in Israel.  In an editorial published by the newspaper over the weekend, it was claimed that the ultra-Orthodox are "parasites." (2019)

WOOING  THE HAMAS by Steven Plaut - Think-Israel. Jan.30.2006. The Israeli daily Haaretz, represented best by its anti-Israel leftist fanatic Gideon Levy, is celebrating the victory of Hamas as a great moral victory .

HA'ARETZ, THE LIE OF THE LAND by Andrea Levin - Think-Israel. Oct 8, 2007

Jews slam 'Haaretz' columnist for book tour - The Jerusalem Post. Aug 18, 2010 · Gideon Levy has aligned himself with anti-Israel groups.

An open letter to Gideon Levy. The Jerusalem Post By M. Ostroff. Oct. 17, 2012:

.. Don't you see the similarity between this type of baseless accusation and the defamation of your late father?..Don't you see the similarity between the Haaretz headline "J.. are capable of acting like neo-Nazis" (Meron Rappaport Sep.16, 2007) and the allegation that your late Dad cooperated with Nazis? I refer to your November 12, 2006..

Haaretz Gideon Levy and the Apartheid Canard ( Haaretz And Gideon Levy, their libel of Israel). Ben-Dror Yemini, October 20th, 2012

Haaretz Proclaims Political Agenda | Hamodia.com:

May 13, 2014 · HR cited Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy for manipulating an opinion poll to “prove” that Israel was an apartheid state; and correspondent Amira Hass who “brazenly defended Palestinian stone ..

Haaretz Commentator Gideon Levy Arrested for ‘Spitting’ at Israeli Soldiers” by Dave Bender Dec.22.2014:

Israeli police on Monday arrested Gideon Levy, the well-known columnist for the left-wing Haaretz newspaper,.. Gideon Levy, who is strongly pro-Palestinian and infamous for his scathing attacks on the IDF and the Israeli right, was attempting to enter Palestinian Authority area A, without a permit, along with photographer Alex Levac... .

Earlier in the day, soldiers caught a Palestinian man in an attempted stabbing attack at the checkpoint

Haaretz Columnist: The Israeli People Must be Replaced. Mar 18, 2015 :

Haaretz Columnist Gideon Levy: Replace the Israeli People. Are the Israeli people sick?

Undeterred by Facts, Leftist Pundit Scorns Historic Owners of Jewish Land He Dubbed ‘Palestinian’. JP March 6, 2016 :

The willingness to admit mistakes is almost a lost art in Israel’s media... ... Gideon Levy to Israeli dialogue is what Sweeney Todd is to haircuts.

Israel in wonderland. ThinkIsrael, 2016:

Gideon Levy, "Shimon Peres' funeral proved that anti-Semitism is dead," Haaretz, October 2, 2016

Senior minister slams 'antisemitic' Haaretz over 'Israel Massacre Forces...JPost Apr 1, 2018

U.S. Ambassador Slams Haaretz Writer for 'Har Klalah' Comment Hamodia.com Feb 9, 2018:

U.S. Ambassador to Israel on Friday slammed far-left Ha'aretz columnist Gideon Levy for his comments on the terrorist attack in Samaria this week,

The Difference Is Heart | Hamodia.com. Feb 13, 2018:

Gideon Levy, the far-leftist columnist for Haaretz, took offense at the ambassador's donation of an ambulance to Har Brachah, which he blasphemously dubbed “Har Klalah.”

Israel’s Left Discovers a New Hero: Jeremy Corbyn In ‘Haaretz’ and on campus, nothing but love for the embattled Labour leader. L. Leibovitz, Tablet Mag, Sep. 7, 2018:

.. Also in Haaretz, the columnist Gideon Levy made his admiration for the dear leader known in stentorian terms...

According to Israeli Writer (Gideon Levy), West Bank Jews Have It Coming | Dec 18, 2018

An Essential “Privilege” By Vic Rosenthal, JP, June 27, 2019:

Gideon Levy is an anti... misozionist* who is paid for his poison by an Israeli newspaper... , but sometimes he’s useful as an exemplar of the extremist Israeli please-cut-my-throat Left.

Season of Plagues and Freedom. JP. Vic Rosenthal. Apr 12, 2020:

But Israel also has (in Ha' aretz, naturally), Gideon Levy, the anti-Jewish Jewish journalist

Overview from many articles


Haaretz (and the like): bias and hate

Haaretz twisted language, especially on racism: slaps it on cultural divisions or on safety but not on militant Arab Muslim racist attacks

The "competitive" tantrum trend among hard Israeli left to utter the "racism" terminology has been for some time.

They are ever so loud on isolated cases of violent attacks against Arabs which we all condemn, of course.

Yet, they are silent on every weekly attacks by racist Arabs targeting Jewish civilians (at times travelling for miles far away from own Arab town...). Of course, it's Arab Muslim terrorism but it's also anti-Jewish ethnic racism and religious bigotry. 

Yet, will term any Israeli security measure as "racist." As if it's "not" saving lives, what it is really about.

Will minimize Arab Islamic Palestinian use of its own population as human shields (at least since 1980 by Arafat), and Israeli attempts to evacuate before an anti terror operation. 

Will maximize, exaggerate any claim of abuse.

Incidentally, with all the heavily funded anti-Israel groups inside Israel. Why isn't there any even as much as a 'peace' movement on the Arab Palestinian side, Hamas' Gaza or Fatah's Ramallah? 

If one specific community wants to keep its unique education, they immediately cry "racism".

They are silent on every Israeli court case that favors Arab vs Jew. But ever so loud on any partial-discriminatory incident. Despite the fact, it is rather ultra-orthodox who feel most all out discriminated against, mainly prompted by anti-Religious hatred campaign by hard left like Haaretz - actually.

These supposed "peacenicks", these same hypocrites, incite against, demonize Haredi ultra Orthodox conscientious objectors who refuse to serve in IDF draft in Israeli army.

It might very well be that at the beginning of "it's racism" rant, years ago, it was less meaning it, and more intented to shock, especially Jews, more sensitive, being victims, past and present of bigotry. But it has since become a "normal" language to utter it wherever, if for only that they 'can' float it. There is zero check on it.

The decades routinely vilification of Jews isn't just mere irresponsible. It surpassed that level long ago.

Haaretz and the like, are not just biased. But hate mongers.



Neve Gordon's Co-activist Nicola Perugini appears to have invented facts according to this: researcher reports UN session on Israel that never happened. February 22, 2013. Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Talk about radical stand? Even Amnesty wasn't good enough for these 2 activists and wrote on April 2015 against it for daring to report on Hamas human shields .