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User:Wangchj04/News diffusion

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News Diffusion

  1. News Diffusion can be defined as the process of news flowing from news source to audiences through mass media or interpersonal communication. The news stories filter into the community life, inform the relevant people (knowers VS. non-knowers) by media and interpersonal channels.
  2. The levels of news diffusion include at least two parts: the individual level, and the news level. The key concepts of news diffusion on the individual level include when does individual know the news events, and how does individual know the news events. However, most of the news diffusion studies on the individual level stops on these “descriptive materials”(Larsen & Hill, 1954), while did less in explaining what caused the result. While on the aggregate level, news is viewed as the common body of knowledge of the community. The studies focus on the ratio of using media channel & interpersonal channel, the extent of diffusion, the growth curve of news diffusion.

