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User:WagePeace/God-Devil Biblical references - ver 2

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This is a proposal for a new version of the section Cited Biblical references that was deleted from God as the Devil on March 22, 2009. This version removes the quoted text, leaving only links to the scriptures with brief descriptions using mainly the wording of the scriptures themselves.

After discussion on the talk page of the article and after minor edits and the addition of images, this version of the deleted section was inserted into the article on March 28. It remains here for archival purposes and should not be changed further.

Cited Biblical references

Depiction of family drowning in the great flood, by Gustave Doré.

The above authors cite many passages of Biblical scripture, including from the Old and New Testaments and the Qur'an, in their arguments for identifying the Biblical God with the Devil. The following are some of the examples cited.

  • Tanakh (Old Testament)
    • Torah (Books of Moses)
      • Destroyed (almost) all life on Earth by a flood: Genesis 6:17
      • Tempted Abraham to give his son as a burnt offering: Genesis 22:1-2. Although the command was later rescinded, several authors cite this story as showing that Jehovah required obedience even to the point of child sacrifice.
      • Killed all the first born of Egypt: Exodus 12:29-30
      • Ordered killing of 3,000 men who had worshiped the golden calf: Exodus 32:27-28
      • Ordered stoning death of man who collected firewood on Sabbath: Numbers 15:32-36
      • Ordered killing of Jewish men who married gentiles, and their wives: Numbers 25:4-9
      • Ordered war, with killing of all opponent's men, women, and boys, and captivity of virgin girls, "all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." Numbers 31:7-18
      • Ordered destruction of all life in seven major nations, "make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them": Deuteronomy 7:1-2 and 20:16-17
    • Prophets
      • Ordered killing of all men, women, and children in eleven cities and kingdoms: Joshua 6:21, 8:24-25, and 10:28-40
      • Killed 50,070 men for looking into the holy cabinet (ark): 1 Samuel 6:19
      • Ordered killing of all people of Amalek: 1 Samuel 15:2-8. The transgretion for which the Amalekites were killed had been committed by their ancestors 400 years earlier.[1]
      • Carried out a curse, killing 42 little children: 2 Kings 2:23-24
    • Writings

New Testament: While church heretics cited above identified the Old Testament Jehovah as evil in contrast to a loving God of the New Testament, the author of Ebon Musings notes that "Though there are comparatively few deaths caused or commanded by God in the NT, there is something much worse. … As terrible as the cruelties of the Old Testament God were, they were finite in duration. By contrast, the Prince of Peace … taught that those who do not worship him as he demands will, upon death, be cast into a fiery pit of torture, to suffer in unimaginable agony for all eternity without rest or hope of escape."[1][2]


  1. ^ a b A Book of Blood: Biblical atrocities on Ebon Musings, undated
  2. ^ See also Infinite Punishment for Finite Sins: The doctrine of Hell on Ebon Musings, undated