Voal97 is born Alvine Ochieng in the year 1995 March 30th(26 years) in Kibera Nairobi,He's a Kenyan international brought up in the rifts and escarpments of the Great riftvalley.Born to both Luo(One of the 47 indigenous tribes of the communities in kenya,majorly of nilotic origin) parents James Omenda and Grace Apondi both printers in Eldoret town for more than 10yrs.He attended Shalom nursery and daycare schooling for his initial entry-level education,thereafter enrolled in Sosiani pry school in Eldoret for his primary education from years 2004-2011 spending a total of 8 years doing his final KCPE papers in the year 2011 thus fulfilling criteria for awarding of certification.He proceeded to Secondary education in Mbale High school,extra-county school in Vihiga county from years 2012-2015 where he did his KCSE examinations.He was enrolled to Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)in 2016 to pursue Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering,he only but spent a short stint of 2years and later dropped out due to unavoidable circumstances majorly financial.
Alvine Ochieng is an aspiring Software engineer with Aeronautical engineering knowledge.He's ambitious determined and inventive with vast grasping of Mathematical logics,theorems,conjunctures and problem solving skills.He is also a team player with top notch analysing skill set.
He is passionate about Space technology.Medical imaging software's and mind boggling technologies,Artificial intelligence with Machine learning.Sensors technologies and Lidar,Additive manufacturing in respect to 3D printing.Thus he's a self taught engineer.