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User:Vir/sandbox/core topic levels qaud

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This is an outline of one possible way to organize Wikipedia subject categories, such as Core Topics, from most general subjects to more specific. The public and practically useable categories (for knowledge organization and navigation) begin at level 1.2.

One use of this organization by level is to identify to level of articles (such as most general) that are in need of work, such as being in stub/start status. Another use is to see if any very general and important subjects need to be included as core topics.

Core Topics Level 1.01: The foundation


Core Topics Level 1.02: Most general categories: objective & subjective worlds


Core Topics Level 1.03: Most general categories: micro-macro quadrants

  • macro-objective world: Nature, large scale physical and organic world
  • micro-objective world: organism-behavioral world
  • micro-subjective world: Humans
  • macro-(inter-)subjective world: Socio-cultural world

Note: This particular outline is anthropocentric. Macro-micro is relative to some perspective, in this case the human being. Living beings or the planet or some other starting point could be chosen as a central focus for organizing study (as is case in some sciences and philosophies).

TO EDIT -- some text below here is copied and unedited from alternate versions:

About these top level categories: One of the most basic ways to understand how we understand is to differentiate between these types of knowing: objective, inter-subjective, and subjective. In the above, we can see nature as all of the objective world, society and humans (people) as all of the inter-subjective world, and mind as the subjective world (in part). In actuality, these aspects are all inter-woven. I was thinking these categories -- objective, inter-subjective, and subjective -- could be in our basic core topics list, but objective and subjective are disambiguation lists and inter-subjective doesn't exist yet so more thought needs to go into how to characterize these basic aspects of the world.

Core Topics Level 1.04: Most general categories: octant scheme


within quadrants of 1.03, material and subtle or objective and subjective sub-categories:

  • macro-objective world: Nature
    • Time-space continuum
    • Physical systems
  • micro-objective world: organism-behavioral world
  • macro-(inter-)subjective world: socio-cultural world
    • Society -- in this outline, more objective aspects of socio-cultural world
    • Culture

^Space is a disambiguation page, which, at some point, should be probably turned into a unique article about aspects of space and re-included in core topics.

Core Topics Level 1.05: Most general categories: hexadecimal-fold scheme


(what is that word for sixteen-fold in greek) within octants of 1.04, material and subtle or objective and subjective sub-categories:

  • macro-(inter-)subjective world: socio-cultural world
    • Society -- in this outline, more objective aspects of socio-cultural world
    • Culture
      • Subjective-symbolic:
      • Culture^^, expressive-emotive (art, language, religion, etc.)
      • Knowledge, abstract and formal culture (sciences, philosophy, linguistics, theology, etc.)

^Space is a disambiguation page, which, at some point, should be probably turned into a unique article about aspects of space and re-included in core topics.

Core Topics Level 1.1: General "domain" categories


("pre"-top level domian categories)


macro-objective world: Nature micro-objective world: Organisms and smaller scale aspects of physical world micro-(inter-)subjective world: People and Experience macro-(inter-)subjective world: Society and Culture



  • Life sciences: [To list: a few main types]



Society and Culture:

  • ?

Not edited - below here: ^^In some views, society and culture are similar, even co-extensive. In this outline, I am focusing on the more structural aspect of society, hence (conveniently enough) the focus on social structure.

About this level: This level now has a more abstract level of organization. Originally, this was organized such that 1.0 and 1.1 combined included most of the English Wikipedia top subject portals (categories/lists/ect.). Most of these are now at level 1.2 below. Some parts of 1.1 & 1.2 are now similar to the top level of Encyclopedia Britannica's Propaedia organization of all knowledge topics, see Encyclopedia Subject Categories.

Note: Outer space is a start-level article.

Core Topics Level 1.2: Basic natural, social & mental categories


TO DO: Reconcile 1.1 and 1.2 overlap

Basic aspects of nature & society and some general knowledge categories

Note: there are more categories in this level because reality quickly diversifies after the top level. This list can be arbitrarily divided for processing. I am subdividing the list by main category (nature, society, knowledge). This might assist in organizing the editing of articles in batches (or across batches).


Society and people:

Social systems:

Material cultures:

Symbolic cultures:

Culture, general aspects:


  • To add: (see mind section below)

Proposed additions to the Core Topics list, for level 1.2:


Society and people:

Mind: (To add -- much of this)

About this level: This level bridges from general to specific topics. If there is another very general topic, it can be fit into or replace the above or here. Probably there will be some more fitting in...

Core Topics Level 1.3


1.31. Nature (see below for suggested additions):

1.32. Society and people:

Social structures:

Economic sectors:


Knowledge Disciplines and Areas:

Exact sciences:

Knowledge, aspects:

1.33. Mind: (To add -- much of this)

Proposed additions to the Core Topics list, for level 1.3:


Society and people: Social systems:



About this level: This is in between general and specific. Topics get more specific at this level. Reality quickly diversifies after generalities. This is one reason there are more proposed basic topic subjects at this level. This level and below could be arbitrarily sub-divided for managing work on articles.

Core Topics Level 1.4


NOTE: levels 1.4 and 1.5 need some more sorting out

These are important subjects but many are specific instances of more general categories above.

Nature: Continents/regions:

Society and people:

Social systems:





Basic tools and technology:


Mathematical disciplines and concepts:


Proposed Basic Topic additions to 1.4 level:


Planets and moons:

Society and people:

Social systems:

Principles (perhpas down to 1.5) of social systems:

History of development of modernity:
