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Hello and welcome to my User Page!

I have recently joined Wikipedia with an interest to edit articles after reading so many for a while and donating in general.

As for more about me, I consider myself gender-fluid and pansexual. For general hobbies, I am a member of the Furry fandom, and I am a programmer. Primarily in Python and C#. My most popular project that I maintain is the open source game Space Station 14

My personal website, along with contacts

Userboxes (I have an addiction)

This user is a furry.
SONAThis users fursona is an Avali

SONAThis users fursona is sometimes a Pikachu

cvg-3This user is an advanced gamer.
This user identifies as a gaymer.
Boeing 777-31H, Emirates JP452808This user is interested in aviation.
This user knows just enough about computers to be dangerous.
This user is a programmer.
H2OThis user drinks water regularly.
This user is in the Fediverse and thinks you should join it too.
This user runs their own email server.
en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.