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User:Vanita Kumar/Shanyrak

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interior design

Shanyrak, tunduk, toono (Bashkir: сағыраҡ; Chuvash :шăнăркă, Kazakh: шаңырақ, Kyrgyz: түндүк, Buryat., Mongolian: тооно, Khakas. тӱнӱк) — a structural element that crowns the dome of the yurt in the form of a lattice cross, inscribed in a circle. Designed to hold the side elements of the dome - wychs and create an opening for sunlight and smoke from the hearth.

Shanyrak is the main symbol of Tengriism.



Shanyrak is a wooden rim with a convex grid inside. On the outside of the rim there are holes for the roof poles "wych".

Traditional customs


The Kazakhs used shanyrak as a family relic, a sign of family continuity. Ни в коем случае его нельзя было переворачивать, ронять. The Kazakhs called the son who inherited the shanyrak «шаңырақ иесі» («keeper of the shanyrak»).

Many rituals, beliefs, proverbs, etc. are associated with shanyrak. In this case, a man who had been inappropriate in a yurt or spoke too loudly was said to "speak while looking at the shanyrak" («Шаңыраққа қарап сөйле»).

In Heraldry


Tunduk is depicted on the national flag of Kyrgyzstan, on the emblem of Kazakhstan and the Mongolian aimak Bayan-Ulgiy, which is overwhelmingly populated by Kazakhs, as well as on the emblem of Kyzyl in 2005.
