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                                                                        Vahid  Əyyub  oğlu Zeynalov

Dear Sirs,

The text of the scientific theme submitted by me was registered on 07.07.2011 by the Copyright Agency of Azerbaijan Republic with the Certificate No: 6870 and the registration number of 04/C-5729.

The mechanism of harmful effects of magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves in the human blood circulatory system and the viscera and their treatment 
  The influence of magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves to human body

The human body is a highly complex biological system fully adapted to natural environment. The existence of this vital system depends on normal and functional operation of all organs. It is common knowledge that if the functional activity of any of these bodies is violated, the human being can lose health. Reasons for illness of people are a lot and various. At present, we will deal with influence of magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves on the human body that is regarded not a less important factor from these causes. It is known that in nature, in modern life, people are permanently affected by magnetic, electromagnetic fields, waves, and high-voltage electric fields.

  Presently, the effect of different-frequency electromagnetic waves used in operating of modern radio-electronic devices as well as the high frequency electromagnetic waves used in operating of radiolocation systems on people is constantly increasing.
  Moreover, beginning the radio waves coming from Sun to X-rays, the intensity of the cosmic ray particles reaching to our planet, the occurrence of magnetic storms in our planet in the activation periods of the solar plasma and other processes should be taken into account.

Thus, the effects of all these factors on the people can occur due to magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves created by them.

  It is known that substances have some magnetic permeability in the nature, and for their own magnetic permeability, they are divided into the paramagnetic (ferromagnetic) and diamagnetic groups.
   As in the atoms, the lines of forces of magnetic fields created around the electrons due to the actions of the electrons with negative electricity around their nuclear are installed in different sides atoms have no general magnetic fields. They are neutral. However, if these substances  affected by magnetizable forces (magnetic, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic waves) the lines of force of magnetic fields in their atoms  around the electrons  installed in different sides will be immediately adjusted in the direction of the magnetizable forces that affect, or in the opposite direction by creating common magnetic fields of atoms (paramagnetic, diamagnetic items) magnetize. To my opinion, in contrast to substances existing in nature, in the essence of living organisms in the atoms of matters are available the high frequency natural, magnetic fields (origin of natural magnetic fields of atoms in living organisms is another topic).  Forces of these magnetic fields are directly the creative and leading forces of all the physiological, biological, and chemical processes among the matter of the cells of the internal organs of organisms. Life is impossible without these forces. The effects of the interaction of these forces, in the processes among the molecules of molecular unities of matter of living cells are naturally balanced exactly. Therefore, if the correlation of interaction of inductive forces’ natural magnetic fields that molecules of matters have in the biological and physiological processes, among substances in the cells of any area of the body and internal organs partly changes, or fully lost, the functional activities of  the internal organs of those objects would be destroyed.  

The mechanism of the harmful effects of magnet,its fields and electromagnetic waves on human blood circulation system and other areas of the organism and their treatment

It is known that human blood plasma being a complex fluid contains various salts (NaCl, NaHCO3, etc.), proteins and the fractions of other components, atoms of different chemical elements as the nonorganic compounds, including atoms of ferromagnetic substances – iron, cobalt, nickel, etc. Besides, there are red blood cells – erythrocytes in the form of colloidal parts in blood.
   According to the scientists erythrocytes are the smallest parts consisting of round (circular) planes having a structure reminding the iron money columns put one on another. In the center of round planes, surrounded by hem there are iron atoms. In addition, in the composition of plasma there are parts of nonorganic compounds of ferromagnetic substances such as iron, cobalt, nickel. In blood vessels and capillary net of blood circulation system, in different layers of plasma the smallest parts of erythrocytes move hanging, aloof from each other. It was determined that, the force keeping the erythrocytes hanging from each other is the magnetic fields’ force existing on their surface. The well-known biologist, scientist L.A.Chijevsky explained the existence of these forces so: « …магнитные силы, возникающие при вращении эритроцита с его зарядами, способствуют их сближению вогнутыми сторонами. Вычисления показывают, что на определенных расстояниях электрические и магнитные силы достаточно точно уравновешиваются. Это создает динамическое равновесие вращающейся радиально-кольцевой системы, которая удерживает эритроциты один около другого и в то же время препятствует их столкновению в кровотоке…» 
  The translation of the text can be expressed so: “... magnetic forces cropping up from the rotation of erythrocytes with the electric charge bring them closer. As calculations prove, in fixed distances the electric and magnetic forces are balanced very exactly. And this creating dynamic balance in rotation of the radial-annular systems keeps the erythrocytes close to each other and at the same time prevents them to collide in flow of blood liquid”. 

So, if the balanced force of the magnetic fields between erythrocytes keeping them hanging one from another changes in the ratio, they will collide and unite. This can be explained as follows: when the magnetizable forces influence the body from outside, the iron atoms surrounded by the hem in erythrocytes will be magnetized up to the grade of saturation. As the hem substances are paramagnetic substances , except the degree of saturation they also magnetize. However, when there is no influence of magnetizable forces the hem substances became immediately demagnetized, but the iron atoms keep their magnetic properties for a certain period of time. The magnetizing forces that affect from outside, the smallest parts of erythrocytes and other components moving in blood vessel and capillary net of internal organs at different distances of the human body surface, in different layers of blood plasma – of fluid with diamagnetic properties become magnetized at different temperatures. Therefore, some of the smallest parts of red blood cells magnetize less, the others magnetize more. In this case, additional magnetization of the substances moving in blood liquid at different temperatures destroy the mutually balanced ratio of natural magnetic fields forces of their surfaces and their collision takes place in motion. Rather magnetized particles attracting the less magnetized parts unite. Thus, in the inner walls of blood vessels and capillary, in ducts are formed piles of smallest parts of erythrocytes and other components that, with this, the normal supply of blood to the body's internal organs, or to the cells of any area will be limited. And these cause a partial or full lose of the functional activity of these cells. Of course, disturbance of the biological, physiological and chemical processes in the micro objects of any internal body and area of the organism will cause a stop in their functional activity. I believe that in our modern life in normal living conditions, if the true diagnosis is not known in such cases when observed any abnormal situations, concerns, pain, etc. in the internal organs or in any area of a healthy human body, in the net of blood vessels and capillary of blood circulation system of any area of the body's internal organs or in any other areas the processes of cork formation in the above-mentioned principle scheme from the smallest parts of erythrocytes and other components should be taken into account (probably the creation of corks, can be observed with a change of blood pressure in blood circulatory system of organism). It should be noted that as a result of the influence of magnetizing forces added artificial magnetization of atoms of the substances in any area of the organism, as well as in molecules of molecular compounds in the cells of internal organs brings to the violation of a clearly balanced interaction of the forces of natural magnetic fields among (between) the molecules of these substances. And this, leading to the violation of biological, physiological processes between substances in molecular compounds results with the lose of functional activity of those objects. In human life, in order neutralize the harmful effects of the above-mentioned natural and artificial magnetic, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic waves on people, in the human blood circulatory system, as well as in the cells of internal organs, magnetic fields occurred in molecules of molecular compounds of the substances atoms of which have additionally magnetized have to be neutralized. After the demagnetization their natural magnetic fields in the substances of those objects is gradually restored. Because the vibrations of electromagnetic wave created by the alternating electromagnetic field with 50gs frequency does not affect natural magnetic fields of a high frequency that exist in lively substances, but neutralize the added magnetic fields. Thus, the magnetic fields of natural substances, as well as, owing to them natural biological and physiological processes amongst substances are gradually restored. Symptoms causing trouble to organism are not observed any more. In order to conduct the operation of demagnetization I offer to employ this electromagnetic device, which directs the luminous flux of the magnetic field operating with alternating current (220V, 50gs)? The intensive stream of alternating magnetic field created in operating by this device, penetrating through the blood circulatory system and cell substances of internal organs of human body, with vibrations of 50gs neutralizes the added magnetic fields attached to them. I suggest this method as a new way of treatment. The demagnetizing device working with alternating current can operate in different power modes in (5100) Watts. The device was practically tested on ourselves when observed any signs of disease, pain or the other abnormal situations in any organ or area of the organism with the exception of the heart and brain. We can say that the use of the device is an important effective treatment in such cases. We consider the neutralization of the smallest parts of erythrocytes and the other components in human blood circulatory system, as well as the added magnetization of organism's internal organs’ cells, molecular compounds of substances with the use of the demagnetizing device and the procedure of the restoration of normal functional activity of those objects as a new method of treatment. While the scientific researches for construction of the device became known that in the transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the former USSR «Проблемы экспериментальной и практической электромагнитобиологии» M. 1983г.were presented the results of the scientists’ researches obtained from the scientific practical and medical works on people in the area of magneto-biology. We introduce the afore-mentioned text without translation: “ ... исходя из этих представлений авторам удалось подобрать интенсивности переменного 50 gs МП вызывающая стойкую реакцию активацию защитных сил организма и наибольший противоопухолевый эффект эксперимента. Последнее наблюдали при МП 0,2-3,2 мТл (2-32 Ersted). Среди исследованных в интервале 0,07-50 мТл (0,7-500 Ersted). С позиций указанных представлений, можно понять «Окна биологически активных интенсивностей ЕМП описанных Эйди (87)»”. “... Based on these ideas the authors managed to find the intensity of the alternating 50 gs magnetic field causing the persistent reaction of activation of the body's defensive strength and the greatest anti-tumourous effect of the experiment. The latter was observed at 0,2-3,2 milli Tesla (m/T) magnetic field (2-32 oersted). Among the investigated in interval at 0,07-50 milli Tesla (0,7-500 oersted). From the view-point of these concepts, you can see «Windows of bioactive EMF intensities described by Aidy (87) »”. The magnetic field induction of the device constructed within our technical capabilities working at power mode of 5 Watts is 1.95mTesla. This may have an important effect in formation of immunity against any tumors in the organism and their treatment.

Signature: Zeynalov Vahid Ayyub

Address: 54, Aga Nematulla Street, Apt. 7, Baku city, Republic of Azerbaijan