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A Certain Communist Railgun


The Certain Communist Railgun (Chinese:某共军的超电磁炮; Japanese: とある共軍の超電磁砲)is a secerate hing-energy weapon system carried out by the People's Leberation Army (also known as PLA), under the guidance of both the People's Liberation Army General Logistics Department and China Central Military Commission. The project started in 1968.2.30, which was just 8 months after China's first hydrogen bomb test.

The first test of China's A-Bomb



In order to prepare fro the potential war against Soviet Union, Mao Zedong ordered to start the development of high-technology weapons including nuclear weapon and missile.[1] However, the PLA still need a weapon to penetrate the armour of Russian T-62 tanks. The General Military commission then decided to develop a new railgun system that can be mounted in cement bunkers and forts.

  1. ^ "兩彈一星". 维基百科,自由的百科全书 (in Chinese). 2017-12-31.