German words are impressively long, so it makes sense to shorten them a bit. But some of the language's shortest words get the same treatment. You'll sometimes find the conjunction "und" (and) shortened to "u." DW3
- Abbreviation: German written abbreviations are pronounced just like the full word or phrase when read aloud.
- Acronym: many of these have been adopted from English, such as Laser and NATO.
- Silbenwort, or "syllable word", an especially German method of abbreviating which combines the first 2 (sometimes 3) letters of a phrase into a single word. Many have become words on their own merit, and a number have made it into english usage, suach as Gestapo.
- Initialization: Because words for government agencies and organizations tend to be very long, initialization is commonplace.
[edit]Key | Source | Dates | Type | Citation |
L | Langenscheidt's Compact German Dictionary | 1993, 2003 | Reference work | [1] |
Da | Dartmouth College Department of German | 2019 | academic website | [2] |
DW | Deutsche Welle | 2015, 2020 | Public broadcaster | [3][4][5] |
T | ThoughtCo, via Dotdash | 2020 | Listicle | [6] |
F | FluentU, based on[1] | 2018 | Blog | [7] |
Common Written Abbreviations
[edit]This is a selection of the most common written abbreviations and symbols in German, with the primary reference from Langenscheidt and additional, more current sources indicating the degree of popularity. German abbreviations are pronounced just like the full word or phrase when read aloud. Measurements are normally reduced to initials, written in lowercase, and without punctuation. Measurements of capacity in cooking can be uppercase.[2]
Abbreviation | German | English Equivalent | Notes | Sources |
Ø | Durchschnitt | average | [8] | |
€ | Euro | Euro | T | |
* | geboren (geb.) | born | T | |
† | gestorben | died | T | |
am. | amerikanisch | American | adjective | L, T |
amtl. | amtlich | official | L, T | |
Anh. | Anhang | appendix | L, T | |
Ank. | Ankunft | arrival | L, T | |
Anl. | Anlage | enclosure | L, T | |
Anm. | Anmerkung | note | L, T | |
anschl. | anschließend | following | L | |
a.o. | außerordenticher Professor | Associate professor | L | |
App. | Apartment/Wohnung | apartment | accommodations/real estate | L, T, F |
App. | Apparat | extension | telephone | L |
a.Rh. | am Rhein | on the Rhine | in place names | L, T |
Art. | Artikel | article | L | |
Aufl. | Auflage | edition | books | L, T |
Ausg. | Ausgabe | copy | books | L |
AW | Antwort | Re:, in reply | T | |
B | Bundesstraße | Federal highway | German and Austrian national highways | L |
b. | bei | at, with, near, c/o | L, T | |
Bd., Bde. | Band, Bände | volume(s) | books | L, T |
beil. | beiliegend | enclosed | L, T | |
bes. | besonders | especially | L, T | |
bspw. | beispeilweise | for example | Da, F | |
Best.-Nr. | Bestellnummer | order number | L, T | |
Betr. | Betreff | Re:, regarding | L, T | |
Bev. | Bevolukerung | pop., population | L | |
Bez. | Bezeichnung,
Bezirk |
term, designation
district |
L, T | |
Bhf. | Bahnhof | railroad station | L, T | |
brit. | britisch | British | as an adjective | L |
b.w. | bitte wenden | please turn over | common way to close an email message to friends | L, T, F |
bzgl. | bezüglich | with reference to | relating to, regarding | L, T |
bzw. | beziehungsweise | respectively | meaning varies in context, can also be: and/or, but, rather, alternatively, more specifically | L, Da, DW, T, F |
ca. | circa, ungefähr, etwa | circa, about, approximately | L, T | |
Chr. | Christus | Christ | T | |
cm | Zentimeter | Centimetre | L, Da | |
d.Ä. | der Ältere | senior, the elder, Sr. | also see d.J. below | L, T |
dazw. | dazwischen | between | F | |
desgl. | desgleichen | likewise, ditto | F | |
dF, dtF | deutsche Fassung | German dubbed version | film/movies | T |
dgl. | dergleichen/desgleichen | the like | L, T, Da | |
d.h. | das heißt | i.e., that is | L, T | |
d.i. | das ist | i.e., that is | L | |
Di | Dienstag | Tuesday | date/time | L, T |
Dipl. | Diplom | Diplom | an academic degree in the German-speaking countries | L |
Dipl.-Ing. | Diplom-Ingenieur | Engineer, M.S. | L, T | |
Dipl.-Kfm. | Diplom-Kaufmann | Master of Business Administration | T | |
Dir. | Direktion | administrative office | T | |
Dir. | Direktor | administrator, manager, principal | L, T | |
Dir. | Dirigent | conductor | of music | T |
d.J. | der Jüngere | junior, the younger, Jr. | also see d.Ä. above | L, T |
d.M. | Dieses Monats | of this month | L, F | |
d.O. | die (das) Obige | the above-mentioned | L | |
d.o. | dito | ditto | L, F | |
Do | Donnerstag | Thursday | date/time | L, T |
Dr. | Doktor | Doctor | L | |
Dr. med. | Doktor der Medizin | M.D., Medical Doctor | L, T | |
Dr. phil. | Doktor der Philosophie | Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy | L, T | |
Dr. sc. nat. | Doktor der Naturwissenschaften | Sc. D., Doctor of Science | L | |
dt. | deutsch | German | as an adjective | L, T |
Dtzd. | Dutzend | dozen | L, T | |
e.h. | ehrenhalber | hon., honorary | degree, etc. | L, T |
ehem. | ehemals/ehemalig | formerly/former | L, T | |
eigtl. | eigentlich | actually, really | L, T | |
einschl. | einschließlich | including, inclusive | L, T | |
engl. | englisch | English | as an adjective | L |
EL | Esslöffel | tpsp., tablespoon | in recipes | T, Da |
E-Literatur | erhobene Literatur | serious literature | T | |
E-Musik | erhobene Musik | Classical music | T | |
entspr. | entsprechend | corresponding, accordingly | L, T | |
erb. | erbaut | built, erected | L, T | |
Erw. | Erwachsene | adults | L, T | |
erw. | erweitert | expanded, extended | T | |
ev. | evangelisch | Protestant | L, T | |
e.V. | eingetragener Verein | registered organization
not-for-profit organization |
Da, L, T | |
evtl. | eventuell | perhaps, possibly | note this does not mean "eventually" | Da, L, T |
e.Wz. | eingetragenes Warenzeichen | Registered Trademark | T | |
exkl. | exklusive | excluding, exclusive of | L, T | |
f. | für | for | DW | |
f./ff. | folgede Seite(n) | and following page(s) | L, F | |
Fa. | Firma | company, firm | L, T | |
Fam. | Familie | family | L, T | |
FdH | Friss die Hälfte | Eating half | Popular German dieting practice which recommends eating only half of what you'd usually ingest during a typical day | DW |
F.f., Forts. f. | Fortsetzung folgt | to be continued | L, T | |
Ffm. | Frankfurt am Main | Frankfurt | T | |
FKK | Freikörperkultur | Free Body Culture | nudist movement with a long history in Germany | L, DW |
Fr | Freitag | Friday | date/time | L, T, DW |
Fr. | Frau | Mrs./Ms. | L, T, DW | |
fr. | frei | free | DW | |
Frl. | Fräulein | Miss | In modern usage any German woman age 18 or above is addressed as Frau, whether married or not. | L, T |
Frfr. | Freifrau | Baroness | DW | |
frz. | französisch | French | as an adjective | L, T |
g | Gramm | gram, grams | L, T | |
geb. | geboren, geborene | born, née | L, T, Da, F | |
Gebr. | Gebrüder | Bros., brothers | L, T | |
gedr. | gedruckt | printed | T | |
gegr. | gegründet | established, founded | L, T | |
gek. | gekürzt | abridged | of books | L, T |
Ges. | Gesellschaft | association, company, society | L, T | |
gesch. | geschieden | divorced | L, T, DW | |
geschl. | geschlossen | closed | DW | |
geschr. | geschrieben | written | DW | |
ges.gesch. | gesetzlich geschützt | patented | L, DW | |
gest. | gestorben | died, deceased | L, T | |
gez. | gezeichnet | signed | L, T | |
ggf./ggfs. | gegebenfalls | if applicable, if required | L, T, Da | |
GmbH | Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung | Limited liability company | GesmbH in Austria | L, T |
gGmbH | gemeinnützige GmbH | Nonprofit organization | L | |
ha | Hektar | Hectare | L, T | |
Hbf. | Hauptbahnhof | Central railway station | L, T | |
hpts. | hauptsächlich | mainly | T | |
Hptst. | Hauptstadt | capital city | T | |
Hr./Hrn. | Herr/Herrn | Mister | L, T | |
Hrsg. | Herausgeber | editor, edited by | L, T | |
i.A. | im Auftrag | per, as per | often at the bottom of an official letter when somebody signs on behalf of somebody else | L, T |
i.b. | im besonderen | in particular | L, T | |
i.B. | im Breisgau | in Breisgau | used in place names | T |
IC | Intercityzug | InterCity train | T | |
ICE | Intercity-Expresszug | Intercity Express | T | |
i.D. | im Durchschnitt | on average | L, F | |
i.H. | im Hause | in-house, on the premises | T | |
i.J. | im Jahre | in the year | L, T | |
Ing. | Ingnieur | engineer | title | L, T |
Inh. | Inhaber | owner, proprietor | L, T | |
Inh. | Inhalt | contents | books | L, T |
inkl. | inklusive | including, inclusive of | L, T | |
i.R. | im Ruhestand | ret., retired | L, T | |
i.V. | in Vertretung | by proxy, on behalf of | T | |
i.V. | in Vorbereitung | in preparation | T | |
i.V. | im Vorjahr | in the previous year | L, T | |
inzw. | inzwischen | in the meantime | F | |
jew. | jeweils | each, each of, each time | ||
Jh. | Jahrhundert | century | L, T, F | |
JH | Jugendherberge | youth hostel | T | |
jhrl. | jährlich | annual(ly), yearly | date/time | L, T |
JWD | janz weit draussen | way out there | Berliner dialect for "in the middle of nowhere" | DW |
k.A. | keine Angage | not rated | film/movies | T |
Kap. | Kapitel | chapter | L, T | |
kath. | katholisch | Catholic | adjective | L, T |
Kfm. | Kaufmann | merchant, businessman, dealer, agent | L, T | |
kfm. | kaufmännisch | commercial | L, T | |
Kfz | Kraftfahrzeug | motor vehicle | L, T | |
kg | Kilogramm | kilogram | L, F | |
kgl. | königlich | royal | L, T | |
Kl. | Klasse | class | L, T | |
km | Kilometer | kilometer | L, F | |
kompl. | komplette | complete | F | |
kW | Kilowatt | kilowatt | L, F | |
l | Liter | liter, litre | L, T, Da | |
l. | links | left | L, F | |
led. | ledig | unmarried | L, F | |
LG | Liebe Grüsse | loving regards | common way to close an email message to friends | DW |
LKW/Lkw | Lastkraftwagen | truck, lorry | also used for Sport Utility Vehicle | L, T |
L.m.a.A | Leck mich am Arsch | kiss my ass | Known as the Swabian salute, via Goethe and Mozart [9] | DW |
m | Meter | meter | L, F | |
mm | Millimeter | millimeter | L, F | |
MA | Mittlealter | Middle Ages | L, T | |
m.a.W. | mit anderen Worten | in other words | L, F | |
max. | maximal | maximum | L | |
m.E. | meines Erachtens | in my opinion | L, T, Da, F | |
MfG | Mit freundlichen Grüßen | with friendly regards | for formal emails, the standard way of closing a German business letter | DW, T, F |
Mi | Mittwoch | Wednesday | date/time | L, T |
Mil. | Million(en) | million(s) | L | |
Mio. | Million(en) | million(s) | L, T | |
m.M./m.M.n. | meiner Meinung/meiner Meinung nach | in my opinion | F, DW | |
Mo | Montag | Monday | date/time | L, T |
möbl. | möbliert | furnished | accommodation/real estate | L, T |
Mrd. | Milliarde(n) | billion(s) | L, T | |
Msp. | Messerspitze | "knife tip", a pinch of... | recipes | T |
mtl. | monatlich | monthly | date/time | L, T |
mdl. | mündlich | verbal | L | |
m.ü.M. | Meter über dem Meerespiegel | meters aboev sea level | L | |
m.W. | meines Wissens | as far as I know | L, T, F | |
Mw.-St. |
Mehrwertsteuer | VAT, Value-Added Tax | In Switzerland, MWST | L, T |
N | Nord(en) | north | compass point | L, T |
n. | nach | after | L | |
näml. | nämlich | namely, viz., i.e. | L, T | |
n.Chr. | nach Christus | AD, Anno Domini | L, T, Da | |
n.J. | nächsten Jahres | next year | L | |
NNO | Nordnordost | north-northeast | compass point | T |
NNW | Nordnordwest | north-northwest | C | T |
NO | Nordosten | northeast | C | L, T |
nördl. | nördlich | northern | L | |
norw. | norwegisch | Norwegian | as an adjective | L |
Nr. | Nummer | No., number | L, T | |
NS | Nachschrift | PS, postscript | T | |
n.u.Z. | nach unserer Zeitrechnung | modern era | T | |
NW | Nordwest(en) | northwest | compass point | L |
O | Ost(en) | east | compass point | L, T, DW |
o. | oben | above | L, T, DW | |
o. | oder | or | L, DW | |
o. | ohne | without | L, DW | |
ö | öffentlich | public | DW | |
o.A. | ohne Altersbeschränkung | approved for all ages | film/movies | T |
o.a. | oben angeführt | above-metioned | L | |
o.ä. | oder ähnliche | and the like | L | |
o.B. | ohne Befund | negative results | L | |
od. | oder | or | L, T, Da | |
o.g. | oben genannt | above mentioned | T | |
OmU | Originalfassung mit Untertiteln | original version with subtitles | in film/movies | T |
OSO | Ostsüdost | east-southeast | compass point | T |
O-Ton | Originalton | original soundtrack | film/movies | T |
österr. | österreichisch | Austrian | as an adjective | L |
p.Adr. | per Adresse | c/o, care of | L, T | |
Pfd. | Pfund | lb., pound | weight | L, T |
Pkt. | Punkt | point | L, F | |
Pkw/PKW | Personenkraftwagen | automobile, car | L, T | |
Pl. | Platz | square, plaza | L, T | |
PLZ | Postleitzahl | postal code | L, T | |
PS | Pferdestärke | horsepower | L, T | |
qkm | Quadratkilometer | square kilometer | obsolete, k2 is preferred | L, T |
qm | Quadratmeter | square meter | obsolete, m2 is preferred | L, T |
r. | rechts | right | L, T | |
RA | Rechtsanwalt | attorney, lawyer, barrister | L, T | |
Reg.-Bez. | Regierungbezirk | admin. district | L, T | |
R-Gespräch | Retour-Gespräch | collect call, reverse-charge call | T | |
r.k., r.-k., röm.-kath. | römisch-katholisch | RC, Roman Catholic | L, T | |
röm. | römisch | Roman | adjective | L, T |
S | Süd(en) | south | compass point | L, T, DW |
S. | Seite | p., page | T, DW | |
s. | sich | oneself, yourself | with reflexive verbs | T |
s. | siehe | see | L, DW | |
s.a. | siehe auch | see also | T, Da | |
Sa. | Samstag | Saturday | date/time | L, T |
schles. | schlesisch | Silesian | as an adjective | T |
schwäb. | schwäbisch | Swabian | as an adjective | T |
schweiz. | schweizerisch | Swiss | as an adjective | L, T |
sek. | Sekunde | second | date/time | F |
SO | Südost(en) | south-east | compass point | L, DW |
So | Sonntag | Sunday | date/time | T, DW |
s.o. | siehe oben | see above | L, T, DW | |
sog. | so genannt | so-called | L, T, DW | |
St. | Sankt | saint | L, T | |
St. | Stück | (per) piece | L, T, F | |
Std. | Stunde | hour | L, F | |
Str. | Straße | street, road | L, F | |
StR. | Studienrat | tenured teacher | T | |
s.u. | siehe unten | see below | L, Da | |
südd. | süddeutsch | southern German | adjective | ? |
SW, s/w | schwarz/weiß | black & white | film/movies | T |
SW | Südwest(en) | southwest | compass point | L, T |
SZ | Schlafzimmer | bedroom | used in accommodations/real estate | F |
t | Tonne(n) | ton(s) | L | |
tägl. | täglich | daily, per day | L, F | |
Tel. | Telefon | telephone | L, F | |
TL | Teelöffel | teaspoon | in recipes | F, Da |
u. | und | and | T, F, Da | |
U | Umleitung | detour | L, T | |
u.a. | und andere | and others | L, T | |
u.a. | unter anderem | among others | L, T | |
u.Ä. | und Ähnliches | and the like | L, T | |
u.ä. | und ähnlich | and similarly | T | |
u.a.m. | unter andere(s) mehr | and more, etc. | ? | |
u.A.w.g. | um Antwort wird gebeten | RSVP | L, T | |
übl./üblw. | üblich/üblicherweise | usual | F | |
usw. | und so weiter | and so on, etc. | note punctuation | L, T, Da, F |
u.v.a.(m) | und vieles andere (mehr) | and many others | T | |
u.U. | unter Umständen | in certain circumstances, possibly | L, T, Da | | | und zwar | and so on | L, F | |
V. | Vers | line, verse | L, T | |
v. | von | of | L | |
v.a. | vor allem | above all, especially | Da | |
v.Chr. | vor Christus | BC, before Christ | T, Da | |
Verf. | Verfasser | author | L, T | |
verh. | verheiratet | married | T, F | |
verw. | verwitwet | widowed | L, T | |
VG | Viele Grüsse | many greetings | casual signoff in email | DW |
vgl. | vergleiche | cf., compare, reference | L, T, Da | |
v.H. | vom Hundert | percent, per 100 | L, T | |
vorm. | vormals | formerly | L, T | |
vorm. | vormittags | a.m., in the morning | date/time | L, T |
v.R.w. | von Rechts wegen | by law | L, T | |
v.T. | vom Tausend | per 1000 | L, T | |
v.u.Z. | vor unserer Zeitrechnung | Before the Common Era | BC | L, T |
W | West(en) | west | compass point | L, T |
wstl. | westlich | western | L | |
w.o. | wie oben | as above | F | |
WSW | Westsüdwest | west-southwest | compass point | L, T |
Wwe/Wwer | Witwe/Witwer | widow/widower | F | |
Wz | Warenzeichen | Trademark | L | |
Z. | Zahl | number | L, T, DW | |
Z. | Zeile | line | L, T, DW | |
z. | zu, zum, zur | at, to | L, T, DW | |
z.B. | zum Beispiel | e.g., for example | T, Da | |
z.Hd. | zu Händen, zu Handen | attn., attention of | L, T | |
Zi. | Zimmer | room | L, T | |
z.T. | zum Teil | partly, in part | L, Da, F | |
Ztr. | Zentner | 100 kg | L | |
zur. | zurück | back | L, T | |
zus. | zusammen | together | L, T | |
zzgl. | zuzüglich | plus, in addition | T | |
z.Z./z.Zt. | zur Zeit | at present | L, T, Da |
[edit]An acronym is a type of abbreviation formed from the initial components of the words of a longer name or phrase,are made out of initials and pronounced as words. A number of acronyms are imported from English: AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome); Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization); Radar (Radio Detection and Ranging); UNO (United Nations Organization).
Abbreviation | German | English | Notes | |
DaF | Deutsch als Fremdsprach | German as a foreign language | ||
DIN | Deutsches Institut für Normung | German Institute for for Standardization | ||
Kripo | Kriminalpolizei | police crime unit, CID (Br.) | ||
Laser | ||||
NATO | ||||
TÜV | Technische Überwachungsverein | The TÜV is responsible for product safety. German motorists must submit their cars to a "tuef inspection", and failing it means having no car to drive. |
[edit]A Silbenwort, or "syllable word", is the abbreviation of the determinant and the basic word of a word compound (compound) for a new lexeme (example: "Kriminalpolizei" = compound, "Kriminal -" = determinant, "-polizei" = basic word, "Kripo" = Short syllable word). [1] Syllable words belong to the short words (and according to Helmut Glück are classified as acronyms [2] ).
Contrary to what the term suggests, whole syllables of the original word do not necessarily have to be used for the syllable word. It can also be shortened syllables, for example in the case of Trafo for “transformer”, where only the first three letters of the first syllable “Trans-” are used.
KaDeWe Kaufhaus des Westens large Berlin dept. store (T and D)
Silben(kurz)wort | Vollform/Kompositum mit Silbentrennung | laut Fachliteratur |
Jusos | Jung|so|zia|lis|ten | [10] |
Kita | Kin|der|ta|ges|stät|te bzw. Kin|der|ta|ges|ein|rich|tung | [11][12] |
Kripo | Kri|mi|nal|po|li|zei | [11] [10] |
Schiri | Schieds|rich|ter | [11] |
Stabi | Staats|bib|lio|thek | [10] |
Trafo | Trans|for|ma|tor | [10] (mit Hinweis auf den Sonderfall des Präfix trans-) |
Elko | E|lekt|ro|lyt|kon|den|sa|tor | [10] |
Mofa | Mo|to|ri|sier|tes Fahr|rad | |
Vokuhila | Vor|ne kurz, hin|ten lang |
- 2ZKB, Back in the days when people had to keep the number of characters in classified ads to a minimum, Germans became really creative in describing apartments. People still use abbreviations such as 2ZKB ("2 Zimmer mit Küche und Bad": 2 rooms with a kitchen and bathroom) on large pieces of paper. There are over 100 more abbreviations related to real estate.
- Schnipo, Schnitzel and Pommes (French fries) is what you need, right now. Don't waste words on the project: Use the abbreviation "Schnipo." And if you're still thinking about calories, you can always order a "Schniposa" and you'll get a side of a salad — or at least a lettuce leaf and half a tomato, as pictured.
- Oliba, Oberlippenbart, a mustache, literally "top lip beard"
- Vokuhila, mullet
- Waluliso, "Wasser-Luft-Licht-Sonne": water, air, light and sun. It was the pseudonym and motto of a Viennese peace activist whose eccentric style marked the city, and who didn't go unnoticed during state visits either, impressing Prince Charles and Lady Di or PLO chairman Yasser Arafat. Two years after his death in 1996, the Waluliso Bridge was created in an FKK area in Vienna, crossing the Danube River.
[edit]Acronyms pronounced as individual letters are rather than words are more specifically called initialisms. German initialisms listed here are most commonly relate to companies, government agencies, legal terms, organizations, s written without periods, pronounced by their letters, and retain the grammatical gender of their primary noun. [2]
Abbreviation | German | English | Notes | Ref |
AA | Anonyme Alkoholiker | Alcoholics Anonymous | Lang | |
AA | Auswärtiges Amt | Foreign Office, State Department | DW | |
ADAC | Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club | General German Auto Club | largest auto club in Europe | T |
AfD | Alternative für Deutschland | Alternative for Germany | political party | |
AG | Aktiengesellschaft | Joint-stock company | ||
AGB | die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen | Terms and Conditions (of Use) | ||
ARD | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | ARD | broadcaster | |
AOK | Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse | public health insurance | T | |
ASW | außersinnliche Wahrnehmung | Extrasensory Perception | T | |
BBk | Deutsche Bundesbank | German Federal Bank | [13] | |
BGB | Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch | German Civil Code | T | |
BGH | Bundesgerichtshof | Federal Constitutional Court | ||
BIP | Bruttoinlandsprodukt | Gross Domestic Product | ||
BKA | Bundeskriminalamt | Federal Criminal Police Office | Germany's "FBI" | T |
BLZ | Bankleitzahl | Bank Code Number | T | |
BMBF | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung | Federal Ministry of Education and Research | ||
BMF | Bundesministerium der Finanzen | Federal Ministry of Finance | ||
BMG | Bundesministerium für Gesundheit | Federal Ministry of Health | ||
BMI | Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat | Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community | ||
BMVg | Bundesministerium der Verteidigung | Federal Ministry of Defence | ||
BMU | Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit | Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety | ||
BMVI | Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur | Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure | ||
BMW | Bayerische Motoren Werke | Bavarian Motor Works | [14] | |
BMZ | Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung | Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development | ||
BPOL | Bundespolizei | Federal Police | ||
BR | Bayrischer Rundfunk | Bavarian Broadcasting | [14] | |
BRD | Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Federal Republic of Germany | ||
C&A | Clemens & August | C&A | popular clothing chain | T |
CDU | Christlich-Demokratische Union | Christian Democratic Union | political party | |
CSU | Christlich-Soziale Union | Christian Social Union | political party | |
CVJF | Christlicher Verein Junger Frauen | YWCA | In Switzerland, the YWCA and YMCA merged in 1973 to form Cevi Schweitz | T |
CVJM | Christlicher Verein Junger Menschen | YMCA | ||
CJK | Creutzfeld-Jakob-Krankheit | Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease | ||
DAAD | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst | German Academic Exchange Service | ||
DAG | Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft | German Salaried Employees' Union | Obsolete, now ver.di | |
DB | Deutsche Bahn | German Rail | ||
DDR | Deutsche Demokratische Republik | German Democratic Republic | The former state of East Germany | |
DFB | Deutscher Fußballbund | German Football Association | ||
DGB | Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund | German Trade Union Confederation | ||
DIHK | Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer | Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce | ||
DIN | Deutsches Institut für Normung | German Institute for Standard | ||
DJH | Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk | German Youth Hostel Association | ||
DKP | Deutsche Kommunistische Partei | German Communist Party | ||
DM | Deutsche Mark | Deutsche Mark | ||
DPD | Deutscher Paketdienst | German Package Service | the German "UPS" | |
DRK | Deutsches Rotes Kreuz | German Red Cross | ||
DT | Deutsche Telekom | Deutsche Telekom | ||
DVU | Deutsche Volksunion | German People's Union | political pary | |
EEG | Elektroenzephalografie | Electroencephalography | medicine/science/technology | |
EKG | Elektrokardiogramm | Electrocardiography | medicine/science/technology | |
EU | Europäische Union | European Union | [14] | |
EZB | Europäische Zentralbank | European Central Bank | ||
FAZ | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Germany's "New York Times" | T |
FC | Fußball Club | Football Club | ||
FCKW | Fluor-Chlor-Kohlenwasserstoff | Chlorofluorocarbon | medicine/science/technology | |
FDB | Freie Demokratische Partei | Free Democratic Party | political party | |
FH | Fachhochschule | University of Applied Sciences | ||
FKK | Freikörperkultur | Free body culture | Naturism | |
FRA | Frankfurter Flughafen | Frankfurt Airport | ||
FSK | Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft | Self-Regulatory Body of the Movie Industry | The German motion picture content rating system | |
FU | Freie Universität Berlin | Free University of Berlin | ||
GG | Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany | Constitution of Germany | L |
GEW | Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft | Education and Science Workers' Union | Not T | |
GEZ | Gebühreneinzugszentrale der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Contribution service of ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio | Former German agency responsible for collecting mandatory fees for public TV and radio | |
GUS | Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten | Commonwealth of Independent States | ||
HH | Hansestadt Hamburg | Hamburg | on license plates | |
HNO | Hals Nase Ohren | Ear, Nose and Throat | medicine/science/technology | |
H+M | Hennes & Mauritz | H&M | popular clothing chain | |
HTL, HTLA | Höhere Technische Lehranstalt | Technical school | an engineering-focused secondary school in Austria | not T |
HTBLA | Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt | Federal Higher Technical Institute | an engineering-focused secondary school in Austria | not T |
HTBLuVA | Höhere Technische Bundes-Lehr- und -Versuchsanstalt | Federal Higher Technical Institute for Education and Experimentation | an engineering-focused secondary school in Austria | not T |
IFO | Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung | Institute for Economic Research | L | |
IHK | Industrie- und Handelskammer | Chamber of Industry and Commerce | Regional, cross-industry associations | |
IOK | Internationales Olympisches Komitee | International Olympic Committee | ||
IWF | Internationale Währungsfonds | International Monetary Fund | ||
JH | Jugendherberge | Youth Hostel | ||
JVA | Justizvollzugsanstalt | Prisons in Germany | ||
KfzPflVV | Kraftfahrzeug-Pflichtversicherungsverordnung | Motor vehicle liability insurance | legal | DW |
KG | Kommanditgesellschaft | Limited partnership | ||
KKW | Kernkraftwerk | Nuclear power plant | ||
KSZE | Konferenz über Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa | Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe | ||
LG | Landgericht | District Court | DW | |
MAD | Militärischer Abschirmdienst | Military Counterintelligence Service | Germany's "MI5" | |
MdB | Mitglied des Bundestages | Member of the Bundestag | Member of Parliament | |
MdL | Mitglied des Landtages | Member of the Landtag | Member of a State Legislature | |
MEZ | Mitteleuropäische Zeit | Central European Time | ||
MP | Maschinenpistole | Machine gun | ||
MP | Militärpolizei | Military police | ||
MTA | Medizinische(r) Technische(r) Assistent(in) | Medical Technician | ||
NN | das Normalnull | sea level | ||
NOK | Nationales Olympisches Komitee | National Olympic Committee | ||
NPD | Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands | National Democratic Party of Germany | political party | |
NRW | Nordrhein-Westfalen | North Rhine-Westphalia | German state | |
OB | Oberbürgermeister | Lord mayor | ||
ÖBB | Österreichische Bundesbahnen | Austrian Federal Railways | ||
OF | Originalfassung | original version | film/movies | T |
OHG | offene Handelsgesellschaft | General partnership | ||
ÖPNV | öffentlicher Personennahverkehr | Public transport | ||
ORF | Österreichischer Rundfunk | Austrian Broadcasting Corporation | broadcaster | |
ÖVP | Österreichische Volkspartei | Austrian People's Party | political party | |
PDS | Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus | Party of Democratic Socialism | political party | |
PH | Pädagogische Hochschule | School of Education | ||
PIN | Persönliche Identifikationsnummer | Personal identification number | medicine/science/technology | |
RBB | Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg | Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting | ||
RNS | Ribonukleinsäure | RNA | medicine/science/technology | |
RTL | Radio Télévision Luxembourg | Radio Television Luxembourg | broadcaster | |
SB | Selbstbedienung | Self-service | SB-Laden, a self-service store SB-Tankstelle, gas/petrol stations |
SBB | Schweizerische Bundesbahnen | Swiss Federal Railways | T | |
SPÖ | Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs | Social Democratic Party of Austria | political party | |
SR | Saarländischer Rundfunk | Radio Saarland | broadcaster | T |
SSV | Sommerschlussverkauf | end-of-summer sale | ||
StGB | Strafgesetzbuch | German Penal Code | legal | T |
StVO | Straßenverkehrsordnung | German Highway Code | legal | T |
SWR | Südwestrundfunk | Southwest Broadcasting | broadcaster | T |
TH | Technische Hochschule | Technical College | ||
TU | Technische Universität | Technical University | ||
UB | Universitätsbibliothek | University Library | ||
UFO | unidentifiziertes Flugobjekt | Unidentified flying object | ||
UKW | Ultrakurzwellen | FM, Very High Frequency | medicine/science/technology | |
UNO | Vereinte Nationen | United Nations | ||
VAE | Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | United Arab Emirates | ||
VDE | Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik | Association of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology | medicine/science/technology | |
VELKD | Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutheranische Kirche Deutschlands | United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany | ||
VHS | Volkshochschule | Folk high school | ||
WAA | Wiederaufbereitungsanlage | Nuclear reprocessing plant | medicine/science/technology | L |
WDR | Westdeutscher Rundfunk | West German Radio | broadcaster | |
WEZ | Westeuropäische Zeit | Western European Time | ||
WG | Wohngemeimschaft | Co-living | unrelated people sharing a flat, apartment, or house | L |
WM | Weltmeisterschaft | World championship | L | |
WS | Wintersemester | Winter semester | ||
WSV | Winterschlussverkauf | Winter sale | ||
ZDF | Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen | Second German Television Network | broadcaster | |
KV | Kassenärztliche Vereinigung | |||
ZPO | Zivilprozessordnung | Civil procedure (divorce, etc.) | legal |
Internet Slang and Text
[edit]Denglisch | Deutsch/Englisch | mix of Deutsch (German) and Englisch (English) | [15] |
Like “leet speak,” German Chatsprache is littered with English as well as Deutsch, leading to the so-called Denglish combination. Sometimes it can’t hurt to trot out an English abbreviation (though it’s cheating, really!) like FTR (for the record) or RLY? (really?) and a few more you’ll find here
Abbreviation | German | English | Notes | Ref | O |
8ung | Achtung | X | |||
ads | alles deine Schuld | X | |||
akla? | alles klar? | X | |||
bb | bis bald | X | |||
BD | Bis dann | 'til then | |||
bda | bis dann | 'til then | X | ||
bidunowa? | bist du noch wach? | X | |||
braduhi? | brauchst du Hilfe? | X | |||
bs | bis später | X | |||
dad | denke an dich | X | |||
d | der | X | |||
div | danke im Voraus | X | |||
dubido | du bist doof | X | |||
ff | Fortsetzung folgt | X | |||
FG | freches/fettes Grinsen | big smile | [15] | ||
g | grinsen | smile | |||
g&k | gruẞ und Kuss | ||||
HDF | Halt die/deine Fresse | shut up | [15] | ||
IDA | Ich Dich Auch | Me too | |||
ILD | Ich liebe dich | I love you | |||
kA | kein Ahnung | no idea | |||
kD | kein Ding | no problem | |||
LG | Liebe Grüβe | loving regards | [15] | ||
LOL | LOL | LOL | |||
PLZ | Bitte | please | Denglisch | ||
RL | richtiges Leben | real life | [15] | ||
SfH | Schluss für Heute | that's enough for today | |||
SuFu | SuchFunktion | often used by admins who want to suggest to you that it’s better to use the search bar than to open an old subject again | |||
Vlt. | Vielleicht | Maybe | |||
WD | wieder da | I'm back again | |||
WE | Wochenende | weekend | |||
Y | Warum | Why |
[edit]Symbol | German term and abbreviation | English translation | Notes | Ref |
German Medical Abbreviations
[edit]Key | Source | Dates | Type | Citation |
B | Beckers | 2017 | Dictionary | [16] |
CAD | Caduceus | 2016 | Newsletter | [17] |
VUB | MedineLingua | 2020 | Listicle | [18] |
Abbreviation | German | English | Source |
5JÜR | Fünfjahresüberlebensrate | 5 year survival rate | B, V |
AG | Atemgeräusch | respiratory sound(s) | B, C, V |
AHB | Anschlussheilbehandlung | follow-up treatment | B, V |
AK | Aortenklappe | aortic valve | B, C |
AK | der Antikörper, die Antikörper (pl) | antibody, antibodies | B, V |
ALL | Akute Lymphatische Leukämie | Acute lymphoblastic leukemia | B, V |
AML | Akute Myeloische Leukämie | Acute myeloid leukemia | B, V |
Amp. | Ampulle | ampule | B, V |
ANV | Akute Nierenversagen | acute kidney failure | B, V |
ap | anterioposterior | anterioposterior (imaging procedures) | B, C |
AP | Anus praeter | praeternatural anus | B, C |
AP | Alkalische Phosphatase | Alkaline phosphatase | B, V |
art. | arteriell (z.B. arterielle Hypertonie) | arterial (e.g., arterial hypertension) | B, C, V |
As, AS | Abwehrspannung (meist Abdomen) | guarding of (abdominal) muscles | B, C |
ASS | Acetylsalicylsäue, Aspirin | ASA, acetyl salicylic acid, Aspirin | B, C |
ASS | Acetylsalicylsäure | Acetyl salicilic acid | B, V |
AVK | Arterielle Verschlußkrankheit | artery disease | B, V |
AZ | Allgemeinzustand | general condition | B, C, V |
bakt. | Bakteriell | bacteria | B, V |
BB | Blutbild | blood count | B, V |
BD | Blutdruck | BP, blood pressure | B, C |
bds. | beiseits | bilateral, on both sides | B, C, V |
BE | Broteinheit (= ca. 12 g Kohlenhydrate) | carbohydrate unit (about 12 g carbohydrates) | B, C, V |
BGA | Blutgasanalyse | blood gas analysis | B, C, V |
Bili | Bilirubin | bilirubin | B, C, V |
BSG | Blutsenkungsgeschwindigkeit | Sedimentation rate | B, V |
BtM | Betäubungsmittel | narcotics | B, V |
BWK | Brustwirbelkörper | Thoracic vertebrae | B, V |
BWS | Brustwirbelsäule | Thoracic spine | B, V |
BZ | Blutzucker | blood sugar | B, C, V |
C1 -C8 | Zervikalsegment 1 -8 | Cervical vertebrae 1-8 | B, V |
Ca | Karzinom | carcinoma | B, V |
Ca2+ | Kalzium | calcium | B, V |
CCT | Kranielle Computertomogramm | Cranial Computed Tomography | B, V |
CDT | Chlostridium-difficile-Toxin | Chlostridium difficile toxin | B, C |
CHE | Cholecystektomie | cholecystectomy | B, C |
Chol. | Cholesterin | cholesterol | B, V |
chron. | chronisch | chronic | B, V |
Cl- | Chlorid | chloride | B, V |
CLL | Chronisch Lymphatische Leukämie | Chronic lymphocytic leukemia | B, V |
CML | Chronisch Myeloische Leukämie | Chronic myelogenous leukemia | B, V |
CMV | Zytomegalievirus | Cytomegalovirus | B, V |
CRP | C - reaktives Protein | C-reactive protein | B, V |
CT | Computertomogramm | CT scan | B, V |
cvRF | kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktor | cardiovascular risk factor | B, C |
CVI | kardiovaskuläre Insuffizienz | cardiovascular insufficiency | B, C |
CVI | chronisch venöse Insuffizienz | chronic venous insufficiency | B, C, V |
CVI | zerebrovaskuläre Insuffizienz | cerebrovascular insufficiency | B, C |
CVI | zerebrovaskulärer Insult | stroke | B, C |
DD, dd | Differenzialdiagnose | differential diagnosis | B, C, V |
DG | Darmgeräusche | bowel sounds | B, C |
Diab. mell. | Diabetes mellitus | Diabetes mellitus | B, V |
Diagn. | Diagnostik | diagnostic | B, V |
Diff.-BB | Differentialblutbild | differential blood count | B, V |
DK | Dauerkatheter | indwelling catheter | B, V |
Dos. | Dosierung | dosage | B, V |
DPT | Diphtherie/Pertussis/Tetanus | DTP vaccine | B, V |
Ds, DS | Druckschmerz | pain to pressure | B, C |
E´lyte | Elektrolyte | Electrolyte | B, V |
Echo | Echokardiogramm | Echocardiogram | B, V |
EKG | Elektrokardiogramm | Electrocardiogram | B, C, V |
Erkr. | Erkrankung | illness | B, V |
Err. | Erreger | Pathogen | B, V |
Erw. | Erwachsene | adults | B, V |
Erys | Erythrozyten | Erythrocytes | B, V |
ess. | essentiell (z.B. essentielle Hypertonie) | essential (e.g., essential hypertension) | B, C |
EZ | Ernährungszustand | nutritional condition | B, C, V |
fil. | Filiae (Tochtergeschwülste), Metastasen | metastases | B, C |
FK | frühere Krankheiten | previous diseases | B, C |
geb. | geboren | born, DOB | B, C |
Gew. | Gewicht | weight | B, V |
GFR | Glomeruläre Filtrationsrate | Glomerular filtration rate | B, V |
Ggl. | Ganglion | Ganglion | B, V |
GH | Wachstumshormom | Growth hormone | B, V |
GIT | Gastrointestinaltrakt | Gastrointestinal tract | B, V |
GN | Glomerulonephritis | Glomerulonephritis | B, V |
gyn. | gynäkologisch | gynecological | B, V |
HA | Hausarzt, die Hausärztin | family phsyician | B, C, V |
HA | Hautausschlag | exanthema | B, C |
HA | Herzaktion | heart beat | B, C |
Hb | Hämoglobin | Hemoglobin | B, V |
Hbs-Ag | Hbs-Antigen | HBsAg | B, V |
Hep. | die Hepatitis | Hepatitis | B, V |
HF | Herzfrequenz | heart rate | B, C |
HG | Herzgeräusche | heart murmurs | B, C |
Hkt. | der Hämatokrit | Hematocrit | B, V |
Hosp. | Hospitalisierung | hospitalization | B, C |
HSR, HS | Harnsäure | uric acid | B, C, V |
Hst., HS | Harnstoff | urea | B, C |
HT | Herzton, Herztöne | heart sound(s) | B, C, V |
HWI | Harnwegsinfektion | Urinary tract infection | B, V |
HWI | Hinterwandinfarkt | posterior infarction | B, V |
HWK | Halswirbelkörper | Cervical vertebrae | B, V |
HWS | Halswirbelsäule | Cervical Spine | B, V |
HZV | Herzzeitvolumen | cardiac output | B, V |
i.c. | intracutan | intracutaneously | B, V |
i.d.R. | in der Regel | usually | B, V |
i.m. | intramuskulär | intramuscular | B, V |
i.V. | intravenös | intravenous | B, V |
ICR | Interkostalraum | intercostal space | B, V |
IE | Internationale Einheit | International unit | B, V |
Ind. | Indikation | indication | B, V |
Inf. | Infektion | infection | B, V |
inkl. | Inklusive | inclusive | B, V |
Insuff. | Insuffizienz | insufficiency | B, V |
JK | jetzige Krankheit | history of present illness | B, C |
JL | jetziges Leiden | history of present illness | B, C |
JVP | Jugularvenenpuls | jugular vein pulse | B, V |
K+ | Kalium | Calcium | B, V |
KG | Krankengymnastik | Physiotherapy | B, V |
kg KG | kg Körpergewicht | kilgrams bodyweight | B, V |
KH | Kohlenhydrate | Carbohydrate | B, V |
KHK | koronare Herzkrankheit | Coronary Heart Disease | B, C, V |
KI | Kontraindikation | contraindication | B, V |
KM | Kontrastmittel | contrast medium | B, C |
KM | Knochenmark | bone marrow | B, V |
KO | Komplikation | complication | B, V |
Kons. | Konservativ | conservative | B, V |
Konz. | Konzentration | concentration | B, V |
Kps. | Kapsel | capsule | B, V |
Krea, KREA | Kreatinin/Creatinin | creatinine | B, C, V |
KS | Klopfschall | percussion sound | B, C |
L1 - L5 | Lumbalsegment 1 – 5 | Lumbar vertebrae 1-5 | B, V |
LA | Lokalanästhesie | Local anesthesia | B, V |
Leukos | Leukozyten | Leukocyte | B, V |
Li. | links | left | B, V |
Lig. | Ligamentum | Ligament | B, V |
LJ./Lj. | Lebensjahr | age | B, V |
LK | Lymphknoten | Lymph node | B, V |
LL | Leberlappen | hepatic lobe | B, C |
LL | Lungenlappen | pulmonary lobe | B, C |
LP | letzte Periode | last menstruation | B, C |
LP | Lumbalpunktion | lumbar puncture | B, C, V |
Ltd. | leitende(r); [Krankenhausarzt (= Chefarzt)] | department head, chief physician | B, C |
LWK | Lendenwirbelkörper | Lumbar vertebrae | B, V |
LWS | Lendenwirbelsäule | Lumbar spine | B, V |
M., Mm. | Musculus, die Musculi | muscle, muscles | B, V |
Max. | maximal | maximum | B, V |
MCL | Medioclavicularlinie | medioclavicular line | B, V |
Mg2+ | Magnesium | magnesium | B, V |
mittelgr. | mittelgradig | moderate(ly) | B, C |
Mittl. | mittlere | middle age | B, V |
Mob., MOB | Mobilisierung | mobilization | B, C |
MS | Multiple Sklerose | Multiple sclerosis | B, V |
MSU | Mittelstrahlurin | midstream urine | B, V |
MÜZ | mittlere Überlebenszeit | Mean survival duration | B, V |
N., Nn. | Nervus, Nervi | nerve, nerves | B, V |
n.t., nt | nicht tastbar | not palpable | B, C |
NAP | Nervenaustrittspunkte | nerve exit points | B, C |
neg. | negativ | negative | B, V |
NG | Nebengeräusche (Herztöne) | extracardiac murmurs | B, C |
NG | Neugeborene | newborn | B, V |
NNH | Nasennebenhöhle | Paranasal sinuses | B, V |
NNM | Nebennierenmark | Adrenal medulla | B, V |
NSAR | nicht steroidale Antirheumatika/- phlogistika | Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug | B, V |
NW | Nebenwirkungen | side effects | B, C, V |
o.B. | ohne Befund, ohne Besonderheit | unremarkable, without findings | B, C, V |
o.p.B. | ohne pathologischen Befund | no pathological findings | B, C |
OA | Oberarm | upper arm | B, C |
OA | Oberarzt | senior (supervising) physician | B, C |
OGTT | orale Glukosetoleranztest | oral glucose tolerance test | B, V |
OP | Operation | Surgical operation | B, V |
OPB | Operationsbericht | surgical report | B, C |
OS | Oberschenkel | thigh | B, C |
Ös. | Ösophagus | Esophagus | B, V |
P | Puls | pulse | B, C |
p.i. | post infectionem | post infection | B, V |
P.m. | Punctum maximum | Point of maximal impulse | B, V |
Päd. | Pädiatrie | Pediatrics | B, V |
Pat. | Patient | patient | B, V |
pAVK | periphere arterielle Verschlußkrankheit | Peripheral artery disease | B, V |
PE | Probeexzision | biopsy | B, C |
PE | Pulmonalembolie | pulmonary embolism | B, C |
Pm | Punctum maximum (eines Herztones) | punctum maximum (of a heart sound) | B, C |
Pneu | Pneumothorax | pneumothorax | B, C |
pos. | Positiv | positive | B, V |
postop. | postoperativ | postoperative | B, C, V |
präop. | präoperativ | preoperative | B, C, V |
QF u. RB (Ribo) | Querfinger unter dem Rippenbogen | centimeters below the costal margin (1 QF is about 1.5 cm) | B, C |
RA | Rheumatoide Arthritis | Rheumatoid arthritis | B, V |
respir. | respiratorisch | respiratory | B, V |
rezid. | rezidivierend | recurrent | B, V |
RF | Rheumafaktor | Rheumatoid factor | B, V |
RG, Rgs. | Rasselgeräusche | Crackles | B, C, V |
Rö | Röntgen | X-ray | B, V |
Rp. | Rezept | prescription | B, V |
RR | Blutdruck | BP, blood pressure | B, C, V |
rü | rückläufig | regressive, subsiding | B, C, V |
s.o.B. | sonst o.B. | otherwise unremarkable | B, C, V |
serol. | serologisch | serologic | B, V |
Sgl. | Säugling | infant | B, V |
SKS | sonorer Klopfschall | sonorous percussion sound | B, C |
Sono | Sonographie | Sonogram | B, V |
SR | Sinusrhythmus | SR, sinus rhthm | B, C |
SSW | Schwangerschaftswoche | week of pregnancy | B, V |
St.n. | Status nach | history of, status post | B, C |
stdl., stdlich | stündlich | every hour | B, C |
T3, T4 | Thyroxin (drei- oder vierfach jodiert) | Thyroid hormones | B, V |
Tbc | Tuberkulose | Tuberculosis | B, V |
Tbl. | Tablette | tablet | B, V |
TEP | Totalendoprothese | Total endoprosthesis | B, V |
Ther., ther. | Therapie, therapeutisch | therapy, therapeutic | B, V |
Thrombos | Thrombozyten | Thrombocytes | B, V |
TM | Tagesmenge | daily amount | B, C |
Tr. | der Traktus; der Tropfen | tract; drops | B, V |
UA | Unterarm | forearm | B, C |
US | Unterschenkel | lower leg | B, C |
US | Ultraschall | Ultrasound | B, C |
V.a., Vd.a. | Verdacht auf | suspected | B, C, V |
VES | Ventrikuläre Extrasystole | Ventricular extrasystole | B, V |
Vit. | Vitamin | vitamin | B, V |
wh., wohnh. | wohnhaft | residing at | B, C |
WW | Wechselwirkung | interaction | B, V |
z.A. | zum Ausschluss | RO, r/o, rule out | B, C |
Z.n. | Zustand nach | history of, status post | B, C, V |
ZNS | Zentralnervensystem | Central nervous system | B, V |
ZVD | Zentrale Venendruck | Central venous pressure | B, V |
ZVK | zentraler Venenkatheter | Central venous catheter | B, C, V |
[edit]These are former government agencies and organizations from before unification no longer in common usage.
Init | German | English | Notes | Years | Ref |
AKB | Alliierte Kommandantur Berlin | Allied Kommandatura Berlin | Allied governing body of post-war Berlin | 1945-91 | |
BGS | Bundesgrenzschutz | Federal Border Guard | 1951-2005 | ||
DBP | Deutsche Bundespost | German Federal Post | 1947-95 | ||
DSK | Devisenschutzkommando | Foreign Exchange Protection Commando | SS unit in Belgium, France, Netherlands | 1940-45 | |
EG | Europäische Gemeinschaft | European Community | Now the European Union | 1993-2007 | |
EK | Eisernes Kreuz | Iron Cross | 1870-1945 | ||
EWG | Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft | European Economic Community | Precursor of the European Community and European Union | 1957-93 | |
IM | inoffizieller Mitarbeiter (der Stasi) | "unoffical collaborator" who spied for the Stasi in East Germany | |||
KZ | Konzentrationslager | Concentration camp | Most commonly refers to usage in Nazi Germany | 1933-45 | |
LPG | Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft | Agricultural Production Cooperative | Collective farm in the former East Germany | 1948-90 | |
LZB | Landeszentralbank | State Central Bank | Independent regional state banks | 1948-2003 | |
NS | Nationalsozialismus | National Socialism | NS forms a part of many Nazi-related acronyms, such as NSDAP and NS-Zeit | 1920-45 | |
NVA | Nationale Volksarme | National People's Army | Armed forces of the former East Germany | 1956-90 | |
ORB | Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg | Eastern German Broadcasting Brandenburg | Former public broadcaster | 1991-2003 | |
RAF | Rote Armee Fraktion | Red Army Faction | Terrorist organization | 1970s | |
RIAS | Rundfunk im amerikanischen Sektor | Radio in the American Sector | 1946-93 | ||
SED | Sozialistiche Einheitspartei | Socialist Unity Party | former East German political party | T | |
SFB | Sender Freies Berlin | Radio Free Berlin | In 2003 merged with the ORB to form Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg | 1954-2003 | |
SS, ᛋᛋ | Schutzstaffel | Schutzstaffel | Nazi paramilitary organization | 1925-45 | |
UFA | Universum-Film AG | UFA GmbH | German film studio | 1917-45 | |
UdSSR | Union der Sowjetischen Sowjetrepubliken | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics | Soviet Union | 1918-91 | |
VEB | Volkseigener Betrieb | Publicly Owned Enterprise | East Germany | 1948-90 | |
VPS | Videoprogrammsystem | Video Program System | former German video recording system | ||
WEU | Westeuropäische Union | Western European Union | All functions transferred to the European Union | 1954-2011 |
Historic Geneaological
[edit]Ab.(e.) | Abbau(e) | Surface mine (the “e“ denotes plural); secondary settlement built outside the main town | |
a/d | An der, auf der | At the, on the, like “Cologne on the Rhine” | |
AG | Amtsgericht | Lower court, county court | |
AH | Amtshauptmannschaft | Government district | |
AK | Armeekorps | Army corps | miliary |
AktGes. | Aktiengesellschaft | Corporation (an “Aktie”=a share of stock) | |
ä.L. | Ältere Linie | Older line | |
AllGut | Allodialgut | Allodial estate | |
Altfath. | Altkatholisch | Old Catholic | |
Altluth. | Altlutherisch | Old Lutheran | |
Anh. | Anhalt | Former duchy | |
Ansdl. | Ansiedlung | Settlement | |
Anst., …anst. | Anstalt, …anstalt | Institute, institution (also as part of a word) | |
Arb. | Arbeiter | Laborer, worker | |
Art. | Artillerie | Artillery | |
Ausg. | Ausgedinge | Life estate | |
Ausg. | Ausgaben | Expenditures | |
B. | Bezirk | District or area | |
BA. | Bezirksamt | District office | |
Bad | Bad | Spa, mineral waters | |
Badanst. | Badeanstalt | Swimming baths, spa | |
Baptistenk. | Baptistenkirche | Baptist church | |
Bat. | Bataillon | Batallion (military) | |
Batt. | Batterie | Battery | |
Bay. | Bayern | Bavaria | |
BGrem. | Bezirksgremiun | District Council | |
Bgu, …bgb. | Bergbau, …bergbau | Mine, mining, also with other word … salt, coal, etc. | |
Bgw. | Bergwerk | Mine | |
Bhf. | Bahnhof | Railroad station | |
Bibl. | Bibliothek | Library | |
Bk. | Bank | Bank (financial institution) | |
BKdo. | Bezirkskommando | District command (military) | |
Blechw. | Blechwerk | Mealworks (tin, sheet metal) | |
B. Loth. | Bezirk Lothringen | District of Lothringen | |
Brandbg. | Brandenburg | Former province of Prussia | |
Brau. | Brauerei | Brewery | |
Braunschw. | Braunschweig | Former duchy | |
Brenn. | Brennerei | Distillery | |
Chauseeh. | Chaußeehaus | Toll house | |
D., Dr. | Dorf, Dörfer | Village, villages | |
Deutsch ref. | Deutsch reformierte | German Reformed religion | |
Dom. | Domäne, dominium, domanial | State-owned estate | |
DomA. | Domäneamt | Estate office in Mecklenburg | |
Drl. | Darlehen | Loan | |
...dt. | …Distrikt | …district | |
E | Eisenbahnstation oder Haltestelle | Railroad station or stop – | |
E | Eisenbahnstation oder Haltestelle – mit Personen, und Güterverkehr mit Bahntelegraph | Railroad station or stop – with passenger and goods traffic, and telegraph | |
EGt | - mit Bahntelegraph | - with telegraph | |
EPs | - nur mit Personenverkehr | - only with passenger traffic | |
E. | Einwohner | Inhabitants (population count) | |
Ein. | Einöde | Wilderness, lonely spot | |
Einn., einn. | Einnahme oder einnehmerei | Clerk's office such as taxes | |
Eis. | Eisenbahn | Train | |
Eisenhdl. | Eisenhandel | Iron trade | |
Elktr. | Ort hat Elektrizitätsquelle | Place has electric power source | |
Elktrw. | Elektrizitätswerk | Power plant | |
Els. | Elsaß | Alsace | |
Emaillierw. | Emaillierwerks | Enamel works | |
Erziehanst. | Erziehungsanstalt | Reform school | |
Esk. | Eskadron | Squadron | |
Etabl. | Etablissement | Establishment | |
Ev., Ev. | Evangelisch, Evangelische | Evangelical, Protestant (in Germany usually Lutheran) | |
Ev. Pfk. | Evangelisch Pfarrkirche | Protestant parish church | |
F | Fernsprecher | Telephone | |
F | Fernsprecher und Telegraph | Telephone and telegraph | |
Färb. | Färberei | Dye works | |
Fbr., fbr. | Fabrik, fabrikation | Factory, manufacturing plant | |
FG | Forstgutsbezirk | Forest land district | |
Fil. | Filiale | Branch | |
Fl. | Flecken | Country-town | |
Först. | Försterei | Forest ranger station (residence) | |
Försth. | Försthaus | Forester’s house | |
Franz. =ref. | Französisch reformierte | French Reformed religion (Protestant) | |
Fr. | Früher | Formerly | |
Frht. | Freiheit | Market-town (country-town) | |
Fürstt. | Fürstentum | Principality | |
G. | Gericht | Court | |
G. | Gutsbezirk | Land district | |
Garn. | Garnison | Garrison | |
Gasw. | Gaswerk | Gas works | |
GB. | Gerichtsbezirk | Court district | |
Gef. | Gefängnis | Jail | |
geh | Gehörig | Belonging (to) | |
Gem. | Gemeinde | Community (village) | |
Gen. | General... | General | |
Genoss. | Genossenschaft | Cooperative | |
Gerb. | Gerberei | Tannery | |
Ges. | Gesellschaft | Society | |
Getreidehdl. | Getreidehandel | Grain exchange | |
Gew., gew. | Gewerbe, gewerblich(e) | Trade, business, industry, industrial | |
Gieß | Gießerei | foundry | |
Gipsw. | Gipswerk | Gypsum factory | |
Glas. | Glasswerks | Glassworks | |
glehn. | Gleichnamig | of the same name | |
Gr... | Groß | Great (part of place name) | |
Gsth. | Gast-, Wirtshaus, Krug | Inn, pub, tavern, overnight lodging | |
Gtg. | Gerichtstag | Jurisdictional area of a court | |
Gut | Gut | Estate, farmstead | |
Gutsb. | Gutsbezirk | Manorial district | |
Gymn. | Gymnasium | Academically oriented high school | |
H., Hr. | Haus, Häuser | House, houses | |
...h |, ...heim | (as part of a work)-house, -home | |
ha. | Hektar | Hectare, 2,471 acres | |
Hann. | Hannover | Hanover, former province of Prussia | |
Hdl. | Handel(s) | Commerce, also business establishment | |
Heilanst. | Heilanstalt | Nursing home, sanitorium | |
Heilst. | Heilstätte | sanitorium | |
Herrsch. | Herrschaft | Manor, estate, domain | |
Hessen | Hessen | Hesse, a grand duchy | |
Hessen-N. | Hessen-Nassau | Former province of Prussia | |
Hf. | Hafen | Harbor, port | |
Hosp. | Hospital | Hospital | |
Holzhdl. | Holzhandel | Timber trade | |
Hpt | Haupt… | Main | |
HptSt. | Haupt Stadt | Capitol city | |
Hr. | Häuser | houses | |
Hrgr.(n) | Häusergruppe (n) | Group of houses | |
Hüttenw. | Hüttenwerk | Foundry | |
hzl. | Herzoglich | Of the duke (pertaining to the duke’s possession) | |
Hzt. (...hzt.) | Herzogtum (…herzogtum) | Duchy | |
Ind. | Industrie | Industry | |
Inf. | Infanterie | Infantry | |
Insp. | Inspektion | inspection | |
Inst. | Institut | Institute | |
J. | Juden, Israelitisch, Israeliten | Jews, Israelitic, Israelites | |
Jagdh. | Jagdhaus | Hunting lodge | |
i. L. | Jüngere Linie | Younger line | |
Int. ( | Intendantur (...intendantur) | Office of the stewart of superintendant. | |
...k. | ...kasse oder, ...kirche | Bank, collecting agency, also -church | |
K. | Kirche | Church | |
Kalksteinbr. | Kalksteinbruch | Limestone quarry | |
Kalkw. | Kalkwerk | Lime works | |
Kam. | Kammer | Land register | |
Kap. | Kapelle | Chapel | |
Kat. | Kataster | Land register | |
kath., Kath. | Katholisch, Katholiken | Catholic | |
Kath. Pfk. | Katholische Pfarrkirche | Catholic parish church | |
Kav. | Kavallerie | Cavalry | |
Kdo. | Kommando | Command (post) | |
kgl. | Königlich | Royal | |
…khlbgb. | …kohlenbergbau | Coal mine | |
Kl | Klein | Little, small (part of place names) | |
Klbn. | Kleinbahn | Narrow-gauge railway | |
km. | Kilometer | 1,000 meters=3,280.8 ft. or 5/8 mile | |
Kol. | Kolonie | Colony (usually of small houses) | |
Koln. | Kolonien | colonies | |
Kom. | Kommandantur | Office and/or residence of commandant | |
Komm. | Kommission | commission | |
Kr. | Kreis | District | |
KredVer. | Kredit-und (od) Vorschußverein | Loan association | |
Krankenh. | Krankenhaus | Hospital | |
Kr.H | Kreishauptmannschaft | Government district (term used mainly in Sachsen) | |
KrSt. | Kreisstadt | Capitol of Kreis | |
Ksp. | Kirschspiel | Parish | |
Kt. | Kanton | County (state) | |
L. | Land(es) | Land, belonging to land | |
L. | Land | State (like Baden or Lippe) | |
l. | Links | Left (directional) | |
LB. | Landbezirk | Rural district | |
Ldepl. | Ladeplatz | Loading place or dock | |
Ldkr. | Landkreis | Administrative district | |
Lederhdl. | Lederhandel | Leather trade | |
Lehngut, Lehnsgut | Lehnsgut | Estate of feudal lord, fief | |
Lehrersem. | Lehrerseminar | Teacher training college | |
LG. | Landgericht | Court (next higher court after Amtsger.) | |
LGem. | Landgemeinde | Rural community | |
LHerr(en)Sch. | Landherr(en)schaft | Possessions of the sovereign | |
LKr. | Landkreis | District | |
Loth. | Lothringen | Lorraine (Alsace-Lorraine) | |
LrA. | Landratsamt | Office of the landrat or county commissioner | |
Lw., lw. | Landwirtschaft, …liche | Farm, farming operation | |
m | Meter über dem meer | Meters above sea level | |
Mag. | Magazin | Storage room, warehouse | |
Masch. | Maschine(n) | Machine(s) | |
Mdg. | Mündung | Mouth, estuary | |
Meckl.-Schw. | Mecklenburg-Schwerin | Former grand duchy | |
Meckl.-Str. | Mecklenburg-Strelitz | Former grand duchy | |
Mettalw. | Metallwaren | hardware | |
Mil. | Militär | military | |
Mktfl. | Marktflecken | Small market-town | |
Mkt.Gk. | Marktgerechtigkeit | Market jurisdiction | |
Ml. (…ml.) | Mühle (…mühle) | Mill (or –mill as part of a word) | |
Molk. | Molkerei | Dairy | |
N. (n) | Norden (nördlich), neben | North, to the north, next to | |
...n. | ...nebenstelle | Branch | |
Neum. | Neumark | Eastern part of the province of Brandenburg | |
Nd… | Nieder… | Lower (as in Lower Saxony) | |
NO. (nö) | Nordosten (nordöstlich) | Northeast (northeasterly) | |
NW. (nw) | Nordwestern (nordwestlich) | Northwest (northwesterly) | |
NZA. | Nebenzollamt | Nranch custom office | |
O. (ö.) | Osten (östlich) | East (easterly) | |
O… | Ober… | Upper (as in Upper Silesia) | |
O. | Ortschaft | Inhabited place | |
OA. | Oberamt | Next higher authority after the Amt or (government) office, districts in Württemberg | |
OFörst. | Oberförsterei | Forest service administration office, head forester’s office | |
Oldenb. | Oldenburg | Former grand-duchy | |
OLG. | Oberlandesgericht | (in Prussia) highest court in Province | |
OPDir. | Oberpostdirektion | Higher postal authority | |
Ortsch. | Ortschaft | (inhabited) place | |
Ostpr. | Ostpreußen | East Prussia, Prussian province | |
P | Postanstalt | Post office | |
P | Post und Fernsprecher | Post office with telephone | |
P | Post und Telegraph | Post office with telegraph | |
P | Post, Fernsprecher und Telegraph | Post office with telephone and telegraph | |
Papierw. | Papierwerk | Paper mill | |
PDir. | Postdirektion | District postal authorities | |
Pf… | Pfarr… | Parish- (coupled with another word) | |
Pf. | Pfarrei | Parish | |
Pferdehdl. | Pferdehandel | Horse trade | |
Pfk. | Pfarrkirche | Parish church | |
Pomm. | Pommern | Pomerania | |
Pr., pr. | Preußen (Preußisch), preußisch | Prussia (German Confederation), Prussian | |
Präs. | Präsidium | Presidium | |
Prov. | Provinz …(ial) | Province (provincial)(state in Prussia) | |
Puderw. | Puderwerks | Powder works | |
Pw. | Personenpostwagen oder autoverkehr | Stage-coach or automobile traffic | |
Pz. (…dt.) | Polizei (distrikt) | Police (district) | |
R. | Regierung(s) | Government(al) | |
r. | Rechts | Right | |
Rangierbhf. | Rangierbahnhof | Railroad switch yard | |
RB. | Regierungsbezirk | Administrative district (term used mainly in Bavaria and Prussia) | |
RB. | Raiffeisenbank | Rural loan institution named after Raiffeisen, the founder | |
Realsch. | Realschule | Secondary school (high school) | |
Ref. | Reformierte | Reformed (church), Calvanist | |
Reg. | Regiment | Regiment (military) | |
ResidenzSt | ResidenzSt | Capitol city | |
Rg. | Rittergut | Landed estate | |
Rheinl. | Rheinland, -provinz | Rhineland, Rhine province, Prussian province. | |
Ritt. | Ritterschaft(s) | Knighthood, knightly | |
RittA. | Ritteramt | Estate office | |
S., St., Skt. | Sankt | Saint (St.) in connection with place names, churches and foundations | |
s. (a.) | siehe (auch) | See or look for (also) meaning look under a second reference | |
S. (s) | Süden (südlich) | South (southern) | |
Sa. | Sachsen(Staat) | Saxony, (state) | |
Sa.-A. | Sachsen-Altenburg | Saxony-Altenburg | |
Sa.-C.-G. | Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha | Saxony-Coburg-Gotha former duchy | |
Sägew. | Sägewerk | Sawmill | |
Sa.-M. | Sachsen-Meiningen | Saxony-Meiningen former duchy | |
Sa.-W.-E | Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach | Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach former duchy | |
Sanat. | Sanatorium | Sanitorium | |
s. auch | siehe auch | See also | |
Sch.,…sch. | Schule, …schule | School, -school | |
Schaumb.-L. | Schaumburg-Lippe | Former principality | |
Schiff. | Schiffahrt(s) | Naval, maritime | |
Schl. | Schleuse | Sluice (lock) | |
Schlachth. | Schlachthaus | Slaughterhouse | |
Schles. | Schlesien | Silesia | |
Schlesw.-Holst. | Schleswig-Holstein | Schleswig-Holstein; former province of Prussia | |
Schl | Schloß | Knight’s castle | |
Schuhm. | Schuhmacherei | Shoemaking | |
Schwarzb.-Rud. | Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt | Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, former principality | |
Schwarzb.-Sond. | Schwarzburg-Sondershausen | Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, former principality | |
SchwG. | Schwurgericht | Court with a jury | |
Sem. | Seminar | Seminary (not always religious) | |
Slg. | Sammlung | Collection | |
SO. (sö.) | Südosten (südöstlich) | Southeast, southeastern (-easterly) | |
Soz. | Sozietät | Society, (usually commercial) corporation | |
Spinn. | Spinnerei | Spinning factory | |
St. | Stadt | City (municipality) | |
Stahw. | Stahlwerk | Steelworks | |
Stat. | Station | Station | |
StdA. | Standesamt | Civil registrar’s office | |
StKr. | Stadtkreis | Area included in municipal administration district, as opposed to rural or county government which would be “Landkreis” | |
StPlan | Stadt Plan | City map | |
Strbn. (…verz.) | Straßenbahn (…verzeichnis) | Tramway (…register) | |
Strickw. | Strickwerk | Rope works | |
StTeil | Stadtteil | Part of a city, ward | |
St.Verz. | Strassen Verzeichnis | Street index | |
Syn. | Synagoge | Synagogue | |
T | Post telegraph | Telegraph office | |
Thür. | Thüringen | Thuringia | |
Thur. Wald. | Thüringen Wald | Thuringia Forest | |
u... | und | And | |
u... | Unter... | Under, but here pertaining to terrain or territory, like Unterfranken =Lower Franconia, as opposed to Oberfranken =Upper Franconia | |
usw. | Und so weiter | And so forth | |
Verw. | Verwaltung | Administration, government | |
VerwA. | Verwaltungsamt | Administrative office | |
Veihhdl. | Veihhandel | Livestock trade | |
Viehmärkt | Viehmärkt | Livestock market | |
Vw. | Vorwerk | Residence and/or farm of the administrator of a landed estate on an outlying tract of land | |
Waisenh. | Waisenhaus | Orphanage | |
Wasserw. | Wasserwerk | Waterworks | |
Weinhdl. | Weinhandlung | Wine shop, tavern | |
Westf. | Westfalen | Westphalia | |
Westpr. | Westpreußen | West Prussia | |
Wlr. | Weiler | Hamlet | |
Wp. | Wohnplatz | Residence | |
Württ. | Württemberg | Former kingdom | |
Zementw. | Zementwerks | Cement works | |
Zgl. | Ziegelei | Brick works, tile works | |
Zh. | Zollhaus | Custom house | |
Zigarrenfbr. | Zigarrenfabrik | Cigar factory | |
Zk. | Zinken | Outlying farm (hamlet) | |
zw. | Zwischen | Between |
- ^ Türck, Gisela; Willmann, Helmut; Messinger, Heinz (2003) [1993]. Written at Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Zurich. Langenscheidt's compact German dictionary : German-English, English-German (in German). New York: Langenscheidt. p. 703-712. ISBN 978-1-58573-351-4. OCLC 53921097.
- ^ a b c Foltinek, Selina; McGillen, Petra. "Abbreviations (Abkürzungen)". Dartmouth College Department of German Studies. Retrieved 2020-12-15.
- ^ "Best German abbreviations from AA to z.Z. - 26.10.2015". DW.COM. Retrieved 2020-12-15.
- ^ "A selection of 10 creative German abbreviations - 19.08.2020". DW.COM. Retrieved 2020-12-15.
- ^ "German abbreviations: A love-hate relationship - 19.08.2020". DW.COM. Retrieved 2020-12-15.
- ^ Flippo, Hyde (2020-02-26). "A German-English Glossary of Popular German Abbreviations". ThoughtCo. Retrieved 2020-12-15.
- ^ Henderson, Rebecca (2018-05-02). "z.B., Here Are Some Top German Abbreviations to Master!". FluentU German. Retrieved 2020-12-15.
- ^ Beeton, Barbara; Freytag, Asmus; Iancu, Laurențiu; Sargent III, Murray (30 October 2015). "Proposal to Represent the Slashed Zero Variant of Empty Set" (PDF). The Unicode Consortium. p. 6.
- ^ Lutz Röhrich: Lexikon der sprichwörtlichen Redensarten. Bd. 1, Herder, Freiburg 1999, ISBN 3-451-05400-0. In German.
- ^ a b c d e Harald Weinrich: Textgrammatik der deutschen Sprache, 2. Auflage, 2003, S. 929
- ^ a b c Duden - Die Grammatik, 8. Auflage, 2009, Abschnitt 1116
- ^ Helmut Glück (Hrsg.): Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 4. Auflage, 2010, Lemma Akronym
- ^ Buba: Blowing the Whistle on Big Bubba's Gold Manipulators?
- ^ a b c Dartmouth.
- ^ a b c d e FluentU.
- ^ Beckers, Heinz (2017). "Beckers Lexicon of Abbreviations for Medical Terms, Beckers Abkürzungslexikon medizinischer Begriffe". Beckers Abkürzungslexikon medizinischer Begriffe (in German) (8 ed.). Retrieved 2020-12-15.
- ^ Rosdolsy, Maria (2016). "German-English Glossary: Abbreviations and Terms in Patient Records". Caduceus (in German). Medical Division of the American Translators Association. Retrieved 2020-12-15.
- ^ Kellen, John. "German Medical Abbreviations A to Z". Vrije Universiteit Brussel Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy. MedineLingua (in German). Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Retrieved 2020-12-15.