Previous to Kenneth's current city of Princeton, TX, Kenneth McGinnis lived in Wylie TX. Sometimes Kenneth goes by various nicknames including Kenneth Ray Turner and Kenneth Ray Mcginnis. Personal details about Kenneth include: social media, reality tv, political affiliation is Banking, Corporate World. Stocks, Bonds, ethnicity is African American; and religious views are listed as Christian. Currently, Kenneth is married. Kenneth has many family members and associates who include, Pro Ball Player Brother Antwan Scott, Mother: Theresa Terry Scott, Freddie Joe Mcginnis, Perrisha Scott, Markeisth Scott, Chenesa Scott , KennethTurner, Susan Edwardsand Wendy Pace. Kenneth's net worth hovers over $320,000 $540,999 for the year of 2020. with a yearly income that's about $80 - 89,999.