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User:Tznkai/desk/Too cute by half

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The problem


There are things you're not supposed to do. For example, you're not supposed to attack other people. You do something substantially the same as that thing that you're not supposed to do, say insulting someone's writing as the worst piece of crap you've ever read. Upon being admonished for such behavior, you make a supposedly clever argument, like "I wasn't attacking the person, I was attacking their content" conveniently forgetting the part where you're still insulting someone with the intent to hurt them.

Stop. Wikipedia is not a collection of rules blindly followed without common sense. You're not fooling anyone, not even yourself. Just stop.

The solution


If you indulge in this behavior, don't. It's petty and eventually you still get slapped down.

When you encounter this sort of behavior, do not indulge it by making an argument, however superior. That is a mistake, because by making an argument, you give silly behavior legitimacy. Just call them out on it, and act.