Cheloniidae: (Modern sea turtle) is a family of typically large marine turtle that are characterized by their common traits such as, having a flat streamlined wide and rounded shell that has have almost paddle-like flippers for their forelimbs [1]. The seven species that make up this family are; the Green Sea Turtle, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Olive Ridley Sea Turtle, Leatherback Sea Turtle, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Flatback Sea Turtle, and the Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle. Sea turtles, in contrast to their earth-bound relative, the tortoise do not have the ability to retract their heads into their shells. Their plastron, which is the bony plate making up the underside of a turtle or tortoise’s shell, is comparably more reduced from other turtle species and is connected to the top part of the shell by ligaments without a hinge separating the pectoral and abdominal plates of the plastron. Sizes among the seven species of sea turtles can vary, but they can tend to have, depending on the species. For example, the smallest turtle species in the Cheloniidae family, the Kemp’s Ridley only has a shell size of about 75 cm and a weight of 50 kg while the largest turtle species, the Leather back, has a shell of almost 2 meters in length and weighs on average 384 kg on average. All species have a distinct hardened shell except for the leather back, which actually has thick skin with some bone-like tissue infused into it [1].
Reproduction and Life Cycle
Reproductive behaviors among the different species of sea turtles are similar, with slight differences in each of the species. The females come to shore and bury their clutch of eggs on beaches or sandy environments typically at night and well away from the high tide line of the shore. Most females nest only once every three to four years and most species have two to four egg lying time periods per nesting season, which is from Spring to late Fall. A common amount of eggs laid in a nest is often about 100 eggs per clutch. The incubation period of same turtles can range anywhere from 50 to 60 days and the development of the eggs is dependent on the temperature of the environment that they were buried in, with warmer climates bringing about an earlier emergence by the hatchlings. The timing of sea turtle hatching tends to be almost synchronous among the whole clutch of eggs, with just about all the eggs in the nest hatching within the same time. This is thought to aid the process of the hatchlings unburying themselves from the sand and most often occurs at night time. Interestingly enough, temperature has also been linked to the likeliness of hatching's sex, warmer temperature more likely to produce females and colder temperatures more commonly producing males.,[2].
Habitat and Ecology
The habitat range of sea turtles in general is known to be far reaching into warmer temperatures and the tropical and subtropical areas of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and is even also found in warmer seas such as the Mediterranean Sea [3]. Within these temperamental biomes, sea turtles frequent near by the coastlines when nesting, and spend most of their lives swimming out in waters over the continental shelf when feeding [4]. The only species that is an exception to the main habitat areas of other species is the Leather back sea turtle, a species known to inhabit the pelagic ocean environment have been documented following and feeding upon jellyfish blooms all throughout the oceans. This far traveling movement has also been reported in Olive Ridleys Sea Turtles but more often than not, they tend to frequent bays and estuaries. The diets of all the sea turtle species, except for the Green Sea Turtle, which is only carnivorous from hatchling to juvenile, are mostly carnivorous, with some herbivorous tendencies. Turtles feed mainly on sea sponges, jellyfish, mollusks and barnacles, sea urchins, and even fish. The green sea turtle, on the other hand, feeds primarily on many different types of sea grasses [5].
Conservation Status and Significance to Humans
The conservation status of each of the seven turtle species are mostly all endangered or threatened. The green and logger head sea turtles are categorized as endangered, Olive Ridleys and Leather back sea turtles are classified as vulnerable, Kemp’s Ridleys, and Hawksbills sea turtles are critically endangered and the Flat Back sea turtle does not have enough data to draw an accurate conclusion on conservation status [6]. This is due to their slow growth rate to full maturity. Many do not ever make it to full adulthood because of being caught, either intentionally or by accident by big fisheries and fishermen. Their slow maturity rate, which most of the time means about 10, 15, or even 20 years for the Leatherback, the largest of the species, does not allow the turtles to fully re productively mature to have hatchlings of their own. International legislation has been put into place to attempt to reduce the number of sea turtle deaths but this does not deter the demand for the consumption of turtle eggs around the world, and some are hunted for their shells. In addition to this, turtles face another threat which has been theorized as being linked to human pollution. A growing number of turtles have been found with fibrous tumor-like growths on their skin, mouths, and even internal organs with no clear cause having been found to be the cause of this disease, and in some areas the number of infected turtles reaching over 70%. It is unknown what the effects of the growths will have in the long term for sea turtle populations [7]. Sea turtles play a very important part in marine ecosystems. They maintain the balance of health of sea grasses and reefs, which in turn benefit the likes of shrimp, lobsters, and tunas. They are also the last living members of the sea faring category of marine reptiles that have been in existence on Earth for at least the past 100 million years. Additionally, they are also highly significant to multiple cultures and are also popular touristic animals, which give them lots of value to their conservation [8].
- ^ "Information about Sea Turtles: Leatherback Sea Turtle" Sea Turtle Conservancy
- ^ "Sea Turtle Species" World Wildlife
- ^ "Seaturtles (Cheloniidae) "
- ^ "Sea Turtles- Cheloniidae Over View" Encyclopedia of Life
- ^ "Green Sea Turtle" National Geographic
- ^ "Sea Turtle Threats" See Turtles
- ^ "Fibropapillomatosis" Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
- ^ "Sea Turtle" World Wildlife Fund