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A page to showcase some of the magnificent images available on Wikimedia Commons. Enjoy the wonders of open content, or just relax from editing for a while...


Queen's House, the Tulip Stairs and lantern; the first centrally unsupported helical stairs constructed in England. The stairs are supported by a combination of support by cantilever from the walls and each tread resting on the one below.
Grotto in an iceberg with the Terra Nova in the background. Photographed by Herbert Ponting.
Caspar David Friedrich - Felsenlandschaft im Elbsandsteingebirge.
Caspar David Friedrich - Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer.
Caspar David Friedrich - Das Eismeer.
Caspar David Friedrich - Uttewalder Grund.
European Southern Observatory's Paranal Observatory in Chile, aiming a laser towards the center of the Milky Way.
Eastern View on the Plose.
"Rotating stars and rolling hills" by Thennicke, uploaded as part of the Light on the move photo challenge.
Star trails at the Klöntalersee.
Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky - Morning in a Pine Forest.
August Kessler - Rotwild im Wald.
Walter Moras - Bachlandschaft im Winter.
Jacob van Ruisdael - Forest Scene.
Heinrich Böhmer - Waldsee.

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