Hello, I'm Tropicalorchid. I am a college student in Appalachia and I work at a library as a circulation desk clerk. My interests include history, biology, ecology, and art. I like reading about all kinds of things, so you'll probably find me fixing errors in unexpected places.
Check out my contributions if you're nosy.
Virtual garden
Hymenorchis javanica
Hydrangea macrophylla
An old, old, old friend
Sphagnum and pitcher plants
Bulbophyllum medusae
Bleeding hearts
Tiger orchid
Saltwater aquarium
Smooth stingray
Baby zebra shark
Manta ray
Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Japanese spider crab
Aequorea victoria
Small-spotted catshark
Purple sea urchin
Portugese man o' war
Art museum
Cup with dragon handles, China, 12th century
Bible Quilt, Harriet Powers, 1886
Man in a Fur-Lined Coat, Reza Abbasi
View of Toledo, El Greco
Giotto, Uomo di Ilerda
The Annunciation, Andrea della Robbia
Seal with two-horned bull and inscription, Indus Valley
New Year's Eve Foxfires at the Changing Tree, Ōji, Utagawa Hiroshige, 1857