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Flirt Pole

Flirt pole (offered by PetFlex).
Flirt pole (offered by PetFlex).

A flirt pole (also called a ‘flirt stick’ or  used for "rag work") is a piece of exercise equipment for dogs that entices a dog to chase a fast moving lure. This equipment is often used to physically condition a dog and improve his or her skills for better performance in certain competitions such as lure-coursing or Schutzhund. It is often simply used get a dog to exert a lot of energy in small space. 



A flirt pole is constructed of a long stick or pole made of alight wood, like bamboo, or a light plastic, like PVC, with a long string or rope attached at one end. Attached to other the end of the rope is a lure such a dog toy, hide, rag, or other item depending on goal of exercise and conditioning. The pole is typically 3 to 5 feet long with the rope about the same length and the construction is similar to a fishing pole.



The owner or trainer holds the pole and through a variety of motions, moves the rope which moves the lure. However the owner or trainer moves the stick, the idea is to move the lure so the dog cannot catch it easily, i.e., "flirt" with the dog.

  • The owner generally stands in one place while working the pole in a way to make the lure at the end of the rope “active” or moving. By standing in one spot and rotating to swing the pole in around a circle, the lure will move around quickly in a wider circle. 
    Exercise with flirt pole where dog runs to chase lure
  • Swinging while dragging the lure along the the ground will create an effect of an animal running or an object escaping. In turn, the dog will run to chase the lure. 
  • By flicking and quickly jerking the pole, the trainer causes the lure to “change directions”.
  • Jerking or swinging the pole higher so the lure is in the air entices the dog to jump while attempting to catch the object. 
  • To prevent the dog from catching the lure too easily, the trainer can move the pole (and lure) faster, snap the pole to change directions, or swinging the lure in the air, just out of the dog’s reach. 

Occasionally the dog will, or must be allowed to, catch the lure. This is a necessary part of the exercise, dog games that never reward the dog for their hard work tends to make them distraught and unbalanced. (For this reason, bomb- and drug-sniffing dogs have been found to become mentally unhinged if they never find bombs or drugs and are occasionally taken on dummy missions where they have successful finds.)[1]

Additionally, once the dog has caught the lure, the trainer can engage in pulling exercises by tugging at the pole and encouraging the dog to pull back (creating a ‘tug-o-war’) in order to keep its prize. 

When the trainer is ready, he or she give the dog a command to release the lure and may continue swinging the pole for the session or end the session.


Flirt pole used to condition dog for running and jumping.

The flirt pole used to condition dog for running and jumping.]]Dog’s have a natural prey drive that compels them chase after and kill prey, typically smaller animals. [2]. In dog training, the prey drive can be used as an advantage because dogs with strong prey drive are also willing to pursue moving objects such as toys, thus encouraging the dog to move or act in a particular way.

The flirt pole promotes physical activity and stimulates mental activity from the dog (running, jumping, watching, planning, changing direction) by stimulating the dog’s prey drive by offering a constantly moving lure. The the long pole and flexible rope make it easy for the trainer to use momentum to make the lure move fast(even faster than the dog can run), change directions quickly or move at variable heights.

The more the trainer can maneuver the pole and rope to make the lure emulate the way a small animal moves (even if the lure is non-animal such as a rag), the more interest the dog keeps in the object.

Even though the basis of the flirt pole is engaging the dog's prey drive, these exercises do not necessarily increasing the drive. In fact, may trainers like to use the flirt pole to give dogs an opportunity to express prey drive in a non-destructive way, and use the flirt pole as a part of the training and socialization[3].



In general, dogs that are inclined to run, jump, and chase enjoy the play time with this type of equipment that allows them to indulge in their natural tendencies.  Flirt poles are often used in specific types of dog training.



Schutzhund is a dog sport, developed in Germany, that tests dog on police tasks such as odor detection, search and rescue, and many others. Flirt pole work is often used in training to teach skills that the dog will need later in protection work, in particular, targeting skills and grip.

  • Targeting skills - making the lure run and dance, she will have to use targeting skills to capture it.[4]
  • Grip - tug on the rope and she will have to hold it tightly or the animal will escape. Trainers also work with flattened plastic bottles as a lure. It’s hard to hold onto and teaches the dog that to get the lure, he’s going to have to bite down hard and hang on to keep the lure.[5]       

Dog Fighting


Even though the sport of dog fighting is illegal, historically several types of equipment have been used to train and condition fighting dogs. A flirt pole[6] was commonly used to train these dogs for cardiovascular and speed workouts and to encourage prey drive.

Lure Coursing


Using a flirt pole with a cloth or rag is common with trainers who train for lure coursing and other activities where high prey drive is desired (and is referred to as “rag work”)”,[7].  The moving of the rag encourages the development of prey drive; catching the rag and the shaking of the rag afterwards build confidence.

Professional Breeding


Professional Breeders – Some trainers and researchers (Pfaffenberger [1], Scott and Fuller[2], and Appleby[3]) maintain that stimulation and socialization should start very early in a puppy’s life, especially dogs that will be working dogs. This creates dogs that have solid temperaments and are well-socialized. Flirt pole skill exercises are often encouraged as a part of that conditioning in order to create acceptable outlets for the prey drive, which, along with bite inhibition training, decreases the likelihood of a puppy using his prey drive in an inappropriate manner[8].

General Use


Dog owners and dog walkers [9] who need to exercise dogs but are unable to walk them (person is unable to walk, walking is may be dangerous for person or dog, etc.), a flirt pole is sometimes used as a solution to exerting the dog's energy in a small space (backyard or in a large room in the house).

Health Effects


Exercises with a flirt pole are used to improve a dog skills (in particular for competitive dogs) and improves canine health (for any healthy dog).

Flirt pole exercises tend to build skills in fast running, quick stops and change of direction, coordination (chasing/catching target), jumping and landing, and balance in general. More specific skills some dogs need include shaking and hanging on to lure, in particular dogs involved in Schutzhund. Active flirt pole work helps to strengthen heart and lung function, improve balance, fine-tune motor skills, and strengthen muscles and joints.  

Any exercise for dogs, including flirt pole exercises, helps release anxious energy (which leads to destructive behaviors) and helps maintain healthy body functions.  



The type of activity that a flirt pole encourages is for healthy dogs in good physical condition. Flirt pole exercises should not be done with very young dogs (under a year) or with dogs that are not in good health such as obese dogs, dogs with joint problems or dogs with heart problems.  

Health risks include muscle and joint injuries, especially if jumping is involved since poor landings result in injury and over-exertion (too much hard running).  In addition, without proper training, getting the lure away from the dog may be challenging.


  1. ^ Exercise My Dog, "Laser Tag Game"
  2. ^ Canine Ergonomics: The Science of Working Dogs, pp. 185, 214
  3. ^ The Breeder's Guide to Raising Superstar Dogs, "The Skills Phase"
  4. ^ The Breeder's Guide to Raising Superstar Dogs, "The Skills Phase"
  5. ^ Trident K9 Warriors: My Tale from the Training Ground to the Battlefield, p. 117
  6. ^ Veterinary Forensics: Animal Cruelty Investigations, p. 246
  7. ^ The Breeder's Guide to Raising Superstar Dogs, "The Skills Phase"
  8. ^ The Breeder's Guide to Raising Superstar Dogs, "The Skills Phase"
  9. ^ The Flirt Pole: Dog Toy or Life Changer?


  1. Laser Tag Game - Exercise My Dog, http://www.exercisemydog.com/dog-game-laser-tag
  2. Canine Ergonomics: The Science of Working Dogs (2009), ed. William. S. Henton, p. 185. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN 1420079921
  3. Trident K9 Warriors: My Tale from the Training Ground to the Battlefield (2013), Michael Ritland & Gary Brozek, p 117. St. Martin Press, New York. ISBN 1250024978
  4. Veterinary Forensics: Animal Cruelty Investigations, Second Edition (2013), ed. Melinda D.Merck, p. 246 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 1118472136
  5. Guide to Raising Superstar Dogs (2008), Jerry Hope, Diamond Publishing, BN ID 2940014941709
  6. The Flirt Pole: Dog Toy or Life Changer?, http://notesfromadogwalker.com/2012/04/24/flirt-pole/
