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Well hey there guys and gals. I be Jess, the owner of this charming little profile. Well, I'm 15.

Well, my label. I don't really have one of those, sorry people. But if you really have to label me, then label me Goth/Hippie/Emo/Raver, or a combination of the four.. *gehiemoaver*..

I have ADD *Attention Defecit Disorder*, Bi-Polar and I'm really hyper half the time. I like to drink and smoke the occasional joint, notice occasional. I like my ice cream, cookies and chocolate. I love cartoons and manga, ish my life bitch.

I love my hard rock, death metal and hardcore electronica. I love sci-fi, horror and chick flicks.

Likes: Do I really need to say what I like? Fine.

Well, hobby wise, I like collecting rocks and shells and the occasional fossil. I'm also intrested in archeaology (sp?) and Paleontology. I have a cactus called Cacnea... see the Pokemon reference?

Culture wise, I'm intrested in Japanese Culture because the Japanese are just fucking awesome. The Jewish culture also sparks my intrest.

Television wise, I am into the following shows: - Tales From The Crypt - Vampire High - The Chronicle - The Collector - Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo - Ninja Turles: The Next Mutation - Wolfs Rain - Full Metal Alchemist - Midsommer Murders

And, I think that is all I like. I'll add more if I find more. ^^