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Tony201213 is a user of Wikipedia. Real Name: Diego Antonio Rojas Zambrana

You can consider Diego as a "multi-talented" person. Besides being a user, Diego is a singer, viola player, tenor sax player, poet, writer, and composer. He has many literary projets, including A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London. These literary works usually take place during the years of 2012 and 2013.

Tony & Friends


Tony & Friends is a literary series where Tony, a 17-year-old young student from London, England, and his friends: Mary, John, Leslie, Dan, Nicole, Henry, Christine, Johnny, Mary Anne, Dave, Lauren, Charlie, Lucy, Sean, Lorraine, Richard, Elizabeth, Alexander, and Camille, join him in different adventures around the world. Books from this series are A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London.

A Visit to Morocco


A Visit to Morocco is the first story of the literary series Tony & Friends, where 12 students from London, England, go ,as part of an exchange program, to the renewed city of Casablanca, Morocco, soon after Morocco had found reservoirs of petroleum and carbon for it to have technological and economic boosts, and aslo that it became a republic after years of being a monarchy. Tony, Mary, John, Leslie, Dan, Nicole, Henry, Christine, Johnny, Mary Anne, Dave, and Lauren, are the main characters of this story.

Lotensk: The Lost City


Lotensk: The Lost City is the second book of the literary series Tony & Friends, where the original 12 main characters from A Visit to Morocco are joined by 6 other characters: Charlie, Lucy, Sean, Lorraine, Richard, and Elizabeth, in an adventure where they originally wanted to go to Kiev, Ukraine, in a plane that made connection flights from London to istanbul to Kiev. In the middle of the way from Istanbul to Kiev, a strong, extraordinary side wind affects the plane that leads it to crash in an unknown island with an unknown city that is not on the world map. This city is called Lotensk, a city on which the most advanced and unknown technology abundates the city. Tony, Mary, John, Leslie, Dan, Nicole, Henry, Christine, Johnny, Mary Anne, Dave, Lauren, Charlie, Lucy, Sean, Lorraine, Richard, and Elizabeth, are the main characters of this story.

Japan, Here We Go!


Japan, Here We Go! is the third book of the literary series Tony & Friends, where the original 18 main characters from Lotensk: The Lost City are joined by other 2 characters: Alexander and Camille, in an adventure after finding their way out of Lotensk and into another adventure, now in Japan. This time, Japan is a bigger, more advanced country, and the new group now stays in Japan for an exchange program. Tony, Mary, John, Leslie, Dan, Nicole, Henry, Christine, Johnny, Mary Anne, Dave, Lauren, Charlie, Lucy, Sean, Lorraine, Richard, Elizabeth, Alexander, and Camille, are the main characters of this story.

Back in London


Back in London is the last book of the literary series Tony & Friends, where the original 20 from Japan, Here We Go! are back in London to graduate from school. Tony, Mary, John, Leslie, Dan, Nicole, Henry, Christine, Johnny, Mary Anne, Dave, Lauren, Charlie, Lucy, Sean, Lorraine, Richard, Elizabeth, Alexander, and Camille, are the main characters of this story.

More from "Tony & Friends"


Besides the book series, Tony & Friends also has a journal written by each of the main characters of the whole series about the trips.

List of Characters of "Tony & Friends"


List of main characters of "Tony & Friends"


Tony Cunningham


Anthony Ludwig Cunningham Strossenberg, or Tony Cunningham, is the 1st male protagonist of the series. He makes appearances in the 4 divisions of the series A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London. He makes his first appearance as a 17-year-old student from a High School in London, England (A Visit to Morocco), and makes his last appearance at the end of the series as an 18-year-old student (Back in London).


Tony Cunningham plays an important role in the series. He plays many instruments (such as the viola, tenor sax, bass, cello, and others), knows how to speak 9 languages fluently (including English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, Japanese, Korean, and Russian), is exceptionally gifted, sings, composes songs, and writes poems and novels. He is a very calm and respectful person that never drinks alcohol, never smokes, never tries crazy things alone, and does most of his things moderately safe. He is in love with one of the characters in the book (Mary Anderson), and is the one hat drives everyone around in the books. He sometimes feels lonely and tries to never feel that way.

Mary Anderson


Mary Elizabeth Anderson Bowles, or Mary Anderson, is the 1st female protagonist in the series. She makes appearances in the 4 divisions of the series A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London. She makes her first appearance as a 17-year-old student from a High School in London, England (A Visit to Morocco), and makes her last appearance at the end of the series as an 18-year-old student (Back in London).


Mary Anderson is one of the characters with an important role in the series. She is very talented, as she can speak 3 languages, compose songs fo the guitar, can sing, and also writes poems and loves literature. Whenever she doesn't get things she expects, she gets really mad, however, she's a really good actress and a very organized and clean person. She is in love with one of the characters in the book (Tony Cunningham), and she is the one who drives the girls around in the books. She is really comprehensive with people and understands even the least understandable ones.

John Smith


John Issac Smith Jefferson, or John Smith, is the 2nd male protagonist in the series. He makes appearances in the 4 divisions of the series A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London. He makes his first appearance as a 17-year-old student from a High School in London, England (A Visit to Morocco), and makes his last appearance at the end of the series as an 18-year-old student (Back in London).


John Smith makes great part of the series, as he was one of the ones who started it. He is a really creative and talented person, with an easy will to learn anything at his disposition (really impatient, however). He is completely obsessed with his favorite brass instrument, the trumpet, and he often calls everyone by their name and "Jr." at the end of it for almost no reason at all. He is in love with one of the characters in the book (Leslie Rose), and is usually the one giving ideas most of the time, although there are times where he just stays out of the way. He gets along with everyone.

Leslie Rose


Leslie Margaret Rose Johnson, or Leslie Rose, is the 2nd female protagonist in the series. She makes appearances in the 4 divisions of the series A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London. She makes her first appearance as a 17-year-old student from a High School in London, England (A Visit to Morocco), and makes her last appearance at the end of the series as an 18-year-old student (Back in London).


Leslie Rose has a great and important part in the series. She is a person really into the arts of Animé and Manga, also very strict about her weight, very friendly but sometimes hyperactive, and can eat high amounts of sugar. She is the type of person who likes to read in a language but can't really understand it, like her and the case that she reads in Japanese but doesn't really understand a thing they say. She is in love with one of the characters in the book (John Smith), and is the one that gets people starting in their day. She sometimes gets really depressed and can be considered as "emo".

Dan Thompson


Dan Harold Thompson Turner, or Dan Thompson,is the 3rd male protagonist in the series. He makes appearances in the 4 divisions of the series A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London. He makes his first appearance as a 17-year-old student from a High School in London, England (A Visit to Morocco), and makes his last appearance at the end of the series as an 18-year-old student (Back in London).


Dan Thompson has a very important role in the series, as he can consider himself as "trouble ahead". A person that eats exaggerated amounts of mustard and loves to make fun of people, he likes to usually stay up late and do a bunch of things before he goes to sleep. Even though not much of a responsible person, he is really serious and sometimes boring. He is in love with one of the characters in the book (Nicole Lakeview), and is the one that usually has the most conflicts with love. He used to love Lucy Durham.

Nicole Lakeview


Nicole Marianne Lakeview Rollins, or Nicole Lakeview, is the 3rd female protagonist of the series. She makes appearances in the 4 divisions of the series A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London. She makes her first appearance as a 17-year-old student from a High School in London, England (A Visit to Morocco), and makes her last appearance at the end of the series as an 18-year-old student (Back in London).


Nicole Lakeview has an extremely important role in the story. She is the kind of person who likes to take videos of random stuff, also likes to make friends, and really has some sort of problem of saying too many random things at inappropriate times. Although very forgtful at times, she is considered the "Big Sister" of the book, not really because she's the oldest, but it's really that her matureness and carefulness makes her look as the mother of the group. She is in love with one of the characters in the book (Dan Thompson), and is also in the conflict of love with Dan. She used to take pictures of dogs.

Henry Hudson


Henry Raymond Hudson Strauss, or Henry Hudson, is the 4th male protagonist of the series. He makes appearances in the 4 divisions of the series A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London. He makes his first appearance as a 17-year-old student from a High School in London, England (A Visit to Morocco), and makes his last appearance at the end of the series as an 18-year-old student (Back in London).


Henry Hudson is really important in the context of the series. Considerably a "Ladies' Man", since he started taking care of his appearnance, he likes to check out on girls most of the time and can act silly at times, including when he talks about his love towards bunnies, but in exception of the seriousness of his face when he talks about guns and other fireweapons. You point ou a gun and he can tell you everything, from what it does to where it came from, and even from when did they start using it. He is in love with one of the characters in the book (Christine Anderson), but simply epicly failed at the time he said he loved her. He doesn't know how to deal with love.

Christine Anderson


Christine Danielle Anderson James, or Christine Anderson, is the 4th female protagonist of the series. She makes appearances in the 4 divisions of the series A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London. She makes her first appearance as a 17-year-old student from a High School in London, England (A Visit to Morocco), and makes her last appearance at the end of the series as an 18-year-old student (Back in London).


Christine Anderson has an important role in the story. Her creativity makes her do everything a masterpiece, from her dancing to all her work. She can tell whether a person is honest or not, and she can lose her patience whenever she thinks something is not true. She's in love with one of the characters in the book (Henry Hudson), and likes to get distracted easily. SHe applied the "law of ice" to Henry when he first told her that he loved her.

Johnny Cage


John Paul Cage Emmerson, or Johnny Cage, is the 4th male protagonist of the series. He makes appearances in the 4 divisions of the series A Visit to Morocco, Lotensk: The Lost City, Japan, Here We Go!, and Back in London. He makes his first appearance as a 17-year-old student from a High School in London, England (A Visit to Morocco), and makes his last appearance at the end of the series as an 18-year-old student (Back in London).


Something Else I Want to Add


The first thng that I wanted to do ever since I started to use Wikipedia with another account was to make an article. The onyl thing I have received from Wikipedia was deletion on attempts to do a page. And now, I see that even the Wikipedia users want to delete my user page. i have read and understood the terms and conditions of a user page (of what it's supposed to have, etc.), and I haven't seen anything illegal in my user page. I have always used Wikipedia as a reliable resource and I always wanted to add more to this free encyclopedia, but they're not even letting me edit my user page. As they say "The first step to creating a Wikipedia article is to use your user page as a sandbox" (Well, they don't say it like that). That is the only reason why I sometimes get upset when I sometimes see inappropriate content. I really recommend Wikipedia to use a method of content blocking to make sure young users of Wikipedia do not encounter any content otherwise reffered as "disturbing" and "unpleasant". I really like this page, and i want to improve it as much as i can. But, at this pace, I'm only getting criticized. Even for the unnecessary pleasure of disturbing my peace, they want to delete my user page. So, I hope you consider every word I say and you really think before deleting the page which was supposed to be a plan to a real article. Happy editing everyone! Tony201213 (talk) 09:32, 13 January 2009 (UTC)