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This page is not for you weak-minded earthlings!

Earthling Test




If you read any of these examples, then you are an earthling. To become an alien, please go to: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_become_a_alien After you've read the instructions, go eat yourself.

Mind Flippers!

Let's see if your brains turn to mush when your try flipping these. They are in order from top to bottom on the hardness scale.


Are the square's edges curving inwards?
Are the square's edges curving inwards?

Are the square's edges curving inward?

Please Speck-u-late

Try looking at the dots that appear for more than 3 seconds.
Try looking at the dots that appear for more than 3 seconds.

If you think you accomplished that feat, then click this to claim your prize!
