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About me

  • Hello, Wikipedia! I am fairly new to Wikipedia only having been a member since January 2020. You probably won't be able to contact me on Wikipedia since I am not often active on Wikipedia. If you'd really like to reach out to me, you can visit my Wiktionary page.
  • I can recognize basic Wikipedia templates for editing, but mostly, I am not very sure how to use most templates. If you ever have any problems or ideas for my edits, I'd love to hear from you! You can find all my edits here.
  • I currently go to school to study Chinese and Latin. In my spare time, I also study German, Japanese, Korean, and Navajo.
  • I can read Greek, Hangeul, Hiragana, and Katakana, but most of the time, I have no idea what I'm reading means.
  • I can understand a few Kanji.
  • I can understand basic IPA.
  • Please contact me either through my talk page or, again, my Wiktionary page if there is any problem with my edits. I am open to constructive criticism.